Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1756: Conversation with Yejing

The corrugated ball exploded in mid-air.

It seemed that there was only a moment from when Ye De felt his chest loose and was blown away by the explosive airflow, until he actually fell to the ground. The time was so short that he could not see what was happening; it seemed that there were dozens of hours like that. For a long time, when he landed, under the impact of various thoughts in his mind, he had already begun to doubt himself.

Did I do a stupid thing? Ye De got up from the ground, spit out the blood in his mouth, and glanced back.

In the next second, he ran towards the wall like a lifeless man.

... He almost can't even see the clearing.

Just like the severed arm of the middle-aged woman, the limbs that have lost connection with the mutant will not proliferate; from the other half of the arm that is connected to An Ran, it is frantically tearing and spraying layer after layer. A bunch of large arms.

Dense, layer upon layer, surging arms and hands, covered most of the platform in the blink of an eye-as if provoked by the explosion, they are still splashing and spreading endlessly, regardless of speed or quantity. , Far more than when the middle-aged woman's arm was simply cut off.

In Ye De's plan, he should run towards the city wall as soon as he landed, and try his best to leave this platform before the spreading arm hits him-he still doesn't want to die with the mutant.

He is indeed doing that now, but the open space between him and the city wall is being quickly swallowed by the surging mutant human limbs around it, just like a small piece of reef standing in the sea at high tide, it will sink and disappear at any time.

Standing not far in front of the city wall, An Ran laughed out of breath as if he had seen a comedy: "What are you doing? I'm afraid you are not dying fast enough and not having enough ways to die. Much? You struggled for a long time, just for this?"

When Ye De couldn't answer a single word, and could only fight for speed with the mutant body, he took the time to say, "Looking at you like a headless fly, I don't have the heart to let you die, because I I really want to know, what are you doing for this. Your little bomb can only explode more of me, could it be you—"

When he suddenly stopped speaking, Ye De's feet shook at the same time.

Just as the earth suddenly decided not to catch his footsteps, it withdrew slightly, allowing Ye De's next step to step into the air. The dull sound of rumbling awakened from under his feet. When he fell to the ground, he clearly felt that the ground under him was finally untenable, and moved out a piece in the tremor.

His goal was achieved--but unlike the plan, he himself had not had time to escape.

"What, what's going on?" An Ran was startled and reacted: "The soil platform collapsed?"

With just a few words, the whole piece of soil fell completely apart. At that moment, Ye De's vision was completely blurred by the flying dust, the arms thrown into the sky, and the sense of weightlessness; when he fell, he happened to clearly see a scene that collapsed like a waterfall. A large number of arms pouring down on the soil platform-and An Ran who fell together by them.

Yes, the soil platform collapsed, Ye De thought with satisfaction.

The airflow when the corrugated ball exploded in mid-air, at most it just shook the soil platform; what really made it collapse was the endless arms that erupted from An Ran's body - more accurately, the weight of the arms.

It seems that even the mutant himself has forgotten that his mutated limbs also have weight. This platform once collapsed because it couldn't support half of the house. How could it be able to support a mutated limb like a mountain like a sea?

An Ran now has only one arm exploded with a large number of limbs. Even if he hurriedly stretched out the other arm to grab the wall on his head, any part he grabbed could not bear this weight-this is exactly Ye De The reason for deliberately breaking one of his arms: What he fancyed was the uncontrollable body weight of the mutant after the rapid proliferation.

He wanted to make An Ran's proliferated limbs become a weight that the latter could not resist, and fell all the way into the void under the platform and into the haze layer under the void, and finally let the earth under the haze layer swallow him.

Ye De didn't expect that, now he also fell with him.

But maybe this is also good.

An Ran’s shrill screams even pierced through the dull and heavy noise of the collapse of the earth platform; among the earth, rock, dust and air currents, in the weightlessness of falling, Ye De found a large group of turbulent and twisted flesh like a snake mountain below. The limbs are rapidly shrinking and shrinking--the other arm of the mutant is also rapidly stretching upwards, stretching toward the wall that is now farther and farther away from them.

This guy responded very quickly, and knew immediately that he was going to put away the mutant limbs.

In other words, has my heartbeat stopped, Ye De thought. He had never experienced this level of panic in his entire life, but strangely, he had never experienced this kind of tranquility in his entire life.

For example, now, he can feel his hand grab another corrugated ball, his movements are calm and easy to do, as if he is still standing on the ground; Ye De pointed at the arm that hadn't been fully closed below, again Throw it out hard.

"I|Fuck you--" An Ran screamed and cursed, and was quickly drowned out by the explosion.

Ye De seemed to hear himself chuckle—but it could also be an illusion of his rapid decline.

After the explosion, everything returned to the state it was before a second or two: As long as the mutant's limb broke, it would explode involuntarily, and as long as it exploded, An Ran would involuntarily be weighted down. The speed at which he retracts his limbs is far less than the speed at which Ye De throws the corrugated ball. Besides, Ye De did not intend to give him another chance-he kept on, and the corrugated ball fell one after another to the big mountain of snakes. On the arm.

It's just that he has no chance to see the effect of the ripple ball again.

Even if it fell from such a high cliff, it was only a blink of an eye.

Ye De was in a daze, feeling that someone suddenly grabbed his arm, propped him up, and let him sit down. This force was firm and gentle, as if he was afraid that a heavy grasp would leave a bruise on him-he turned his head and saw that he saw the familiar, bright eyes again.

"Ye Jing," he heard himself yell.

He is already a big adult, but with just such a cry, he cried with grievances.

"Sit down," Ye Jing treated him as if he was still treating him at the age of four. He put his hand under his armpit and let him sit on the soft quilt. She looked at Ye De's face carefully for a while, gently stroked her hair behind his head, then sat back, smiling and asked, "How old are you this year?"

"Thirty-four." He also swallowed his grievances like a child.

Ye De didn't understand why he could only sit leaning on the quilt. He hoped to crawl over and climb back into Ye Jing’s arm again, even if he heard her complain that "the child is hot to death", he could slowly fall asleep-but Ye Jing sat half a meter away from him, always Separated, so that he can not touch her.

Hajing nodded. "It's all grown-ups. It's been so many years... So, did you survive?"

His voice seemed to be blocked by this question.

After so many years, Ye De never dared to think about what happened after that day-he squatted beside Ye Jing's chair and asked her softly if she still wanted to evolve.

He wanted to go back to the afternoon before taking out the haze water, leaning on her lap, and quietly accompany her in the sun for a while. He thought that for various reasons, the many afternoons that he had not been able to accompany her in the sun would never be possible again.

"I'm sorry..." he whispered, "I regret it. But I don't regret it either. If time goes back, I can do it again, I will still collect the haze water, I will still give it to you and ask you what you want I don’t want to evolve. I just hope to give your life back to you."

"I know," Ye Jing still looked at him as before, smiled and said, "I know all about it. I'm very happy."

She paused, tilted her head, and time filled her skin again when she was looking for the next sentence. "I never thought that I would spend my life in this way, nor did I think that I would be rewarded in this form...I am very satisfied."

"No... this is my fault." Ye De said again. He stretched out his hand to her, but Ye Jing remained motionless, seemingly not intending to hold his hand. "I don't know... I don't know that I was infected a long time ago during the collection process."

Ye Jing still looked at him very softly.

"If I can do it again, I will definitely go far,"

Ye De thought he would want to cry, but maybe because everything came to an end, he finally reunited with Ye Jing again, there was nothing to cry. He just murmured, recalling: "I have imagined many times in my mind. After giving you the haze water, I will leave Fanjia City immediately. Unless you evolve successfully, I will never come back. Come, you will never know that I am infected...

"Actually, there is nothing terrible about me being infected. I was an ordinary person. I have no potential and can't stand the smog. Therefore, I will not evolve, nor will I become a degenerate species, but I will usually get sick and die. That's it. There are so many people dying in one day, and one more of me is nothing." He looked at his finger and said, "How did you discover that I was sick in the first place? I didn't even realize...I I thought it was just that I was too tired from work."

"I raised you a little bit," Ye Jing said with a smile, "Why can't I see it?"

"But I'm not afraid," he said arguably, "My wish is to let you evolve and let you really live for yourself. My life is yours, and I am willing to use it to do something for you. ."

"Neither did I expect that in the end I not only did nothing for you," he smiled bitterly and continued: "And in the life you gave me, you gave me your potential value. All this is just ... just to keep me such an ordinary child alive."

Like many years ago, Ye Jing rolled his eyes when he heard something he didn't like.

"I don't even know what you have done, how many difficulties you have gone through, where you have found new doomsday factors, and finally handed over your potential to me." When Ye De spoke, he hoped to hold her. Hands, but Ye Jing didn't move. "I can only lie on the bed and let you run around and work hard until you come to save... If I knew then, the price of saving me was your potential value, and the price of losing your potential value was, ..."

"That's all from the past." Ye Jing interrupted him and said softly, "What about now? Do you have any satisfaction or regret now?"

Ye De thought about it carefully.

"I saved Anna," he suddenly raised up a bit of childlike pride and said: "She is safe. You must be very happy to know."

Ye Jing smiled. "I am very happy."

"When I think of the middle-aged people I saw in the city, they may have drank with you; the old people I saw may have given you food before... The most important thing is that when the children you raised grow up, With a child, any young man I see may start from you, because you are alive and breathe..." Ye De looked at her and said, "I clearly know that they are not related to you. Relationship, but very strange, it feels as if you are still there, your life continues as they continue. I tried my best to protect them, I did my best.

"As for regret...I'm sorry to Lin Sanjiu. I clearly promised her that I would send her a missing person message afterwards, but I seemed to be breaking my promise. The people she couldn't find seemed very important to her... This is My regret."

"Really?" Ye Jing tilted his head slightly and asked, "Are you really going to break your promise soon?"

Ye De didn't quite understand what she meant, but looked at her blankly.

"Think about it again." Ye Jing pointed at his hands and said, "You, you have always been stubbornly stubborn. Think of a way to get out at the last minute."

I don't know when it started, his hands became red and white, with blue veins bulging, and he seemed to be working hard.

"No," Ye De was startled, raised his head and said, "You—I want to stay—"

"When you really arrive, I will wait for you here," Ye Jing said with a smile, "I promise, I won't go far."

This chapter ended up being longer than I expected...

(End of this chapter)

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