Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1772: This is not the law of invincibility, but the law of invincibility

Thank you everyone for caring about me, this chapter will be over soon

When there is a vacancy in Luzer's personality, all human beings encountered by [empty position] will be forcibly pulled into his body and become one of the personalities. After becoming a personality, once he is expelled by Luyan, he can only die without the ability to resist.

In this way, Luyan’s pride is not unreasonable: unlike the traditional battle line, the abilities she developed cooperate with each other to form a closed loop of power. In theory, she has the ability and conditions to place any human being. Under their absolute control.

Okto was right, God is really unfair to people.

At this time, Luyan seemed to have overcome a difficulty in the game. A small face was white and red, and it was full of pure joy of escaping from death.

"It's incredible, right?"

She let go of her hand and turned over, not in a hurry to get out of the water. Instead, she sat openly in the green water of a lake, her eyes shining, and she looked more like a contented child than ever.

"I also know, but my ability is like this... I am favored by God. Does your expression have begun to feel wrong? This ability is especially cruel to you real people, because your real body will be dispelled. To become a fake flesh and blood, to become a complete body is far more difficult than our personality that was originally a personality."

Lin Sanjiu couldn't say a word at this time, as if he had forgotten how to speak out—Bliss hurriedly got up, grabbed her arm, and his face turned paler than her.

"Miss love," Luyan glanced at her, and snorted disapprovingly: "Do you know what I don't like the most about you? No matter what you do, do it, don’t hesitate afterwards. Yu, regret it all. You just didn't want to die, so you stopped her. What's wrong? You helped me by the way. Although you didn't mean it, but at least I was not angry with you. You should be lucky."

"You obviously said one minute!"

Bliss was unexpectedly angry, and a slight blush appeared on her snowy cheeks: "When I stopped her, your [empty position] should not be ready!"

"You two are really stupid," Luyan giggled--not a mockery, it was the laugh of an innocent little girl who was proud of her cleverness: "Why do you just start at one minute as I said? Counting time? Actually, I started preparing as soon as I entered the dungeon. I only waited for an opportunity to ensure my own safety, and then I could activate my abilities."

She glanced at Lin Sanjiu again and saw that the latter was still in shock, and she stood up from the water.

"All go back," Lu Yan raised the voice and instructed the other characters, "We have a new companion today, remember to welcome her inside in a while."

Only Bliss didn't move.

She neither looked at Lin Sanjiu nor Luyan, but lowered her head slightly, and tightly held the fingertips of Lin Sanjiu's arm, which had turned white because of the force. She was trembling lightly all over, making her more like a red cloud of smoke-Luyan didn't urge her, glanced at her, and turned his gaze back to Lin Sanjiu.

"Well, don't you want to go in and see, what is the black world we have been trapped in for a long time?"

The joy of Luyan's face slowly faded, and it became without a trace of expression again, like a sculpted plaster mask: "...Our personality cannot see each other, nor the outside world, and we don’t know what we are based on. Those who survive, don’t know why they are alive, and can only hopelessly float in the darkness. You will soon be able to see the dark room Feng Qiqi described to you. But there is one difference... how does it feel there? No. The smell of trees, the coolness of water, and the wind that I can smell now... I can't feel anything in it, it's like a person is buried alive but can't die, or the consciousness is trapped in a vegetable body."

The little girl couldn't help but shivered slightly: "I--even if I kill you, it doesn't matter, but I think I want to send you in... I feel guilty." She sighed lowly. She didn't feel guilty when she killed others, but at this moment she was pregnant for the first time: "I won't let you live in it for too long. No one deserves to be exiled in that darkness..."

Lin Sanjiu slowly raised his head.

She was in an unprecedented shock at this time, and even her anger seemed to fade for a while, and there was only a blank in her mind. Just now, Luyan's words were only heard intermittently. After she ran out of consciousness, she never had a chance to recover, so Teacher Yi was naturally gone; otherwise, she could still ask Teacher Yi what state she was in now——

Why didn't she become a personality?

Yes, no matter how proud Luyan is, no matter how happy, no matter how much he thinks she is already in his palm, Lin Sanjiu can clearly feel the fact that she has not become one of the personality at all.

Of course, she really didn’t know what it was like to be a personality; but after Luyan shouted out his position to wait for the words, for a moment, Lin Sanjiu tried to enter Lu Ze’s body - she planned to go in again later Pounced out, grabbed Luyan nearby, and killed her with a single blow before she expelled herself.

But she was unsuccessful.

Is it because you have just become a personality and you are not flexible yet?

She allowed Bliss to support herself, and only tried a few more silently; it stands to reason that this should be one of the instincts of being a personality and self-learning, but she never felt any difference. She is still her, still exactly the same as a few minutes ago...

But whether she was exactly the same as a few years ago, she didn't dare to think deeply.

Luyan made it very clear that as long as there is a vacancy in the personality, then all human beings touched by the ability will become a personality. Lin Sanjiu was indeed touched by her ability, and it was impossible for this little girl to make a mistake in the "vacancy"-there was only one logical explanation left.

... When did she start to be "human" anymore?

Didn't she have eliminated the section of the genome that Nuwa planted long ago?

Lin Sanjiu gently removed Bliss's cold fingers and slowly stood up from the water. Now Luyan was not afraid of her at all, and let her walk in front of her. Perhaps thinking of the dark world she didn't want to recall, the little girl's face was numb, but she kept kicking the water with her feet, as if to remind herself that she still had the sense of touch.

"I... I just became a personality like this?" Lin Sanjiu asked softly.

"Yes," Luyan didn't look at her, and his eyes fell on the hut of the pedal boat rental spot.

"In the beginning I thought about killing you, and thought about turning you into a puppet. Well, there is no difference between the two... But I didn't expect you to become one of the personality. If you would rather die, I can't Satisfy you... After my plan is completely completed, I will release you."

"What's your plan?" Lin Sanjiu stopped. "The reason you killed Marcel, I know. But why did you kill Luzer? Why did you kill me? You couldn't tell before, can you tell me now?"


Luyan suddenly turned around and pulled herself out of the conversation without anyone else; she climbed onto the shore, approached the black hole window in the hut, and looked inside for a few moments--the dungeon horn suddenly sounded a little bit The bewildered voice is probably because I have never seen something like this: "What are you doing?"

"I've been very curious since just now, I blamed her for dragging me. I haven't seen the thing responsible for running the dungeon... Well, you are not a human or an animal," Lu Yan said as he leaned in, the upper body almost disappeared In that window-she seemed to be groping inside: "Come out, let me have a look, what are you? I really want to know."

She has just turned a person into a personality, everything is still hanging in the air, anything can happen; but Luyan's top priority now seems to be a good look at the dungeon host.

The dungeon creature seemed to be forced by her to be helpless, and there was a rapid panting sound from the horn; Seeing that it had not come out, Luyan suddenly retracted, turning his head and shouting at Lin Sanjiu: "Hey, come here. Blast this room away!"

Lin Sanjiu calmed his face and stepped closer to her back.

"...Boom? Aren't you afraid of consequences?"

"Don't be afraid," Luyan's fingers quickly tapped on the window edge and glanced at her: "Even if there are any consequences, the puppet outside won't just watch us die. Let me see it!"

"Then tell me, why kill Luzer?"

Luyan sighed helplessly.

"I want to go to the'Super Sensual World of Pippi Shrimp', but he wants to go to the '50s black and white old movies.'

Lin Sanjiu almost thought he had heard it wrong.

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"...The world you want to go to is different?" She felt a little funny, "because of this?"

"You don't understand at all! I just want to go to that world!"

Luyan turned his head abruptly and shouted in a sharp voice: "I said, all the things that you take for granted and take care of, wind, soil, water, blue sky... are all me-when the human personality is in his body, he doesn't realize it at all. When I arrived, I didn’t become the perfect body in one day, and even my feelings were hazy and weakened by several layers! No matter how hard I tried to experience, the sweetness I tasted is lighter than you, and the colors I see are also better than you. Fuzzy--how can you people who were born with everything understand how I felt when I first touched animal fur?"

Her anger exploded, her eyes were shining and the corners of her mouth were smiling, her eyes were dry and blood-red.

"I just want to get rid of other people's control over me, I just want to be a person who can dominate myself, I just want what you have since birth! Is this too much? Why are you stopping me? I remember The parents, friends, and school here are as real as your memory, but they never existed. What about me? What am I? What is the point of my living like this? ... You are not asking what my plan is, To tell you, it’s very simple. It’s to live as a real person forever without any worries, go where I want to go, and no longer have to be forced to follow others and do things according to what they say. You know that you need to become a complete body How difficult is it? It's almost a lifetime without external help. Why do I have to be controlled by others for a lifetime? Even if I can only live as a human for one day, it is better than this false and meaningless appearance!"

At the end, she almost choked up: "I, I have never asked to be a personality. Is this fair to me? Isn't it Luzer who brought me to this world, but didn't let me feel the world? I just want freedom—"

Lin Sanjiu closed his eyes.

"...Luzer never asked for a split personality."

When she spit out these words softly, [the mutant version of the painting style dinged] was already attached to Luyan's body.

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