Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1779: Popular supplies

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Where is this copy reduced?

Under amazement, a group of evolutionists went around several times in a row, and never noticed any trace of a copy. Weeds, gravel, discarded building materials... are all exactly the same as before, and there is nothing unusual to see.

Although the sheep's hoof man has been holding the copy detector that the Lou brothers and sisters mentioned in his hand, this little thing is always quiet. No matter the sheep's hoof man has restarted it several times, it still does not send out the "when entering the copy". "Didi" came.

"Could it be that we have already entered the dungeon? Maybe it's because the dungeon has changed the same this time, so we can't find it?"

Twenty minutes later, the man with half human skin and half bark finally couldn't help but put forward this seemingly absurd possibility-his tone was still the same, it was so low that it made people breathless. .

"It's not impossible." The sheep hoof man pondered for a while, then waved his hand: "Let's try to see if we can get out of this clearing... If we can't, we will enter the dungeon."

It seems that it can only be done right now-a group of people followed him again and walked in the direction they had come.

It seemed to be expected, but what made everyone faintly surprised was that they actually walked out of the clearing area without any hindrance, and even walked all the way to the side of the square where the fight was just now-everyone was a little bit at a loss. When taking measures, another member of the smiling mermaid who was in charge of the guard poked his head from the intersection and shouted in surprise: "...Why did you come out so soon?"

The Yotei stopped his feet in a daze, completely unsure of what to answer.

Not only him, but the group of evolutionists behind him are also a little dumbfounded-they have said they are here to explore the dungeon, and now they have not even found the dungeon, are there any more rewards for these eighty crystals?

"Did the copy disappear?"

Lin Sanjiu quietly murmured with Teacher Yi, and couldn't help thinking of the reward that was about to be obtained but was flying again-she sighed secretly, looked around the person next to her, and saw the others. They all frowned, looking uninterested.

Only at this moment, her gaze suddenly stopped.

The only one who looked wrong was the weird Saje.

At this time, a group of people led by the sheep hoof are standing on the small road in front of the entrance of the square, walking up this road, after passing the guards, you will see the stronghold of the smiling mermaid in the distance; walking down, it is that piece of book Should be a copy of the open space.

Because the sheep-hoofed people hesitated for a while, everyone stood silently behind him and didn’t move any place; but Sajie rushed to a place a little bit in front of the sheep-hoofed people and stopped, as if a little anxious, and left and right. Looking around, he kept rubbing the ground with his feet.

The sound of "Shusha" kept on, accompanied by the sound of stones scraping over the bricks, was indeed very annoying-the old Indian endured and endured, and finally sighed, "Don't grind." !"

Slowing his tone, he said to the pair of pupils who were looking at him, as if they were so dark that they were spreading apart, "...Did you find something?"

Saje stared at him for a while, then looked at the ground again, without speaking.

The smile that seemed to have been on her face just now disappeared at some point. Without that little bit of embellishment with a lively expression, in her pair of black hole-like eyes, it seemed that Gu Lulu was about to roll out two white eyeballs, and it looked really crippled.

Not knowing whether it was upset or anxious, Sajie rubbed his shoes against the ground again.

When the old Indian made an angry "hum", Lin Sanjiu suddenly felt cold all over.

Maybe others didn't see such tiny details clearly, but she—all saw them.

This stone-brick path was covered with a thick layer of dust. Every time Sajie rubbed his foot, he would bring up a bit of sand when the toe of his shoe was lifted. This was a normal thing.

But the sand she brought up just now completely violated the law of gravity when it fell.

After a small dust left the toe of the shoe, it suddenly disappeared from mid-air as if it had melted. When Lin Sanjiu was about to wonder if he had read it wrong, he saw it for half a second. Afterwards, the ash fell about ten centimeters away, smoothly and naturally as if it should have fallen here.

If it were not for Lin Sanjiu who had always been suspicious of Sa Jie, if he followed her closely, I am afraid that he would not have noticed such a slight strangeness at all-even until now, the other people around her are still at a loss. Unconsciously, he was still discussing about the eighty big crystals.

As soon as he raised his head, Lin Sanjiu happened to meet those black eyes, as if he was about to contaminate his white eyes.

"...Do you know what's wrong?" She calmed her mind and asked in a deep voice.

The same sentence was asked by the old Indian just now; Sage laughed suddenly, said nothing, but stopped.

"I don't think she's normal," the old Indian clicked on his temple, with a tone of resentment of the same enemy: "I guess I can't ask anything."

Sajie grinned again, but didn't respond. Instead, he turned his head and smiled at the sheep-hoofed man: "Go and ask the guard to see if he notices anything unusual, how about it?"

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As she said, she gestured towards the uphill intersection—but she was acting weird: her arm refused to straighten out, curled up like a chicken wing, and only stretched out a finger to point to where the guard was. direction. Lin Sanjiu immediately realized that she didn't want her arm to stretch out the area where the sand just fell.

Seeing the sheep hoof nodded, one hoof was about to step out - Lin Sanjiu was immediately anxious, yelled indiscriminately, reached out and grabbed his robe; accompanied by a warning sign slammed on the ground. The Yoho was half of his hat pulled down, revealing a delicate and confused face.

"What, what?" He seemed uncomfortable to be looked at directly, his fair skin quickly turned red, and he immediately pulled his robe up: "Don't drag my clothes casually!"

Obviously he didn't notice anything just now.

Lin Sanjiu glanced at Sa Jie who was smiling, and there was a fire in her heart—when she was about to question her in front of everyone, she swept her eyes, but she whispered with the people around her. There was a cold air.

The yellow warning sign that slipped from her shoulder hit the ground with one end, just falling out of the edge where the sand just disappeared-I saw the yellow sign suddenly melted from the air, and after half a second, it appeared in about half of the time. Meters away; between the sign and the iron rod, there was a distance inexplicably—just a blink of an eye, and when you look at it, the warning sign is still connected to the iron rod. "Home" is just an illusion of everyone.

"What, what's going on?" The sheep-hoof man asked in a daze, and then turned his eyes to Lin Sanjiu; after a two-second pause, he turned his head and stared at Sa Jie again--it also looks like What came to mind.

"Miss Saje, I think you should also tell what you know?"

Lin Sanjiu asked coldly.

As soon as she said this, the group immediately stepped forward two steps without saying a word, and surrounded the group of Sadie who was looking around.

"Oh, all of you are so serious about what you are doing." Sajie looked at the crowd, then looked behind him, then scratched his hair and said, "...I didn't expect that there was a legend I had heard before. It might be true."

She sticks out her tongue, the tip of her tongue is pale and not bloody: "Okay, okay, I'll just tell you, yes."

"I ask you, what is the copy?" Saje smiled.

The air was silent for a second, and the young man with the most normal appearance and wearing a tunic suit was the first to open his mouth and replied: "...As far as we know, it is probably an unformed doomsday world. ; I don’t know for what reason, there are usually several stuck in the formed apocalyptic world."

"Right," as if the answer had already been revealed, Sajie waved his hand: "Don't you understand very well. A small fetus, watching his brother thrive and grow into a tall and strong Young people, how can they be reconciled."

"Although not reconciled, most of the'fetuses' still can't do anything-but the one we found just happened to be a little different. I think it is imitating itself as a'brother', occupying a little bit. Brother's territory..."

Regardless of everyone’s expressions as if they were electrocuted, she grinned and said, “It’s also our luck that this growth copy that walked in has just awakened; if it starts to replace the Red Nautilus world, I But I really don’t know what will happen to the people affected by it..."

"Hey? Why are you looking at me like this? Since there are growth-type people, of course, there are also growth-type apocalyptic worlds."

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