Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1783: Microphone

This chapter is very short, so it's fast

...When I was alive, my skin was so warm, so elastic, and always glowing with the color of honey, but now it has only been an hour, and it has shown a pale and stiff dead air, which makes people just take a look. It will feel cold to the tentacles.

In his wide-open eyes, the light amber pupils were motionless, solidified, and exuding death sluggishness.

Without the warm life as fuel, the limbs stiffened quickly, and the lips were blue; some hair that originally touched the shoulders grew in the Garden of Eden, and now it was spread messily on the ground, covering half of the face—the neck. White bandages, black racer vest, field pants, slightly dirty boots...

The face belonging to Lin Sanjiu showed a lifeless reflection on the door glass.

Even though there has always been a tradition of "every time she arrives in a new world, she will receive a corpse by chance", probably Lin Sanjiu never expected that what she received in this world was her own corpse.

Things have to start twenty-three hours ago.

Not long after she woke up from the darkness, she realized where she had come.

"Karitsuki Station...?"

Lin Sanjiu stunned slightly. Judging from the name, she had no idea what kind of world it was like.

Why is this name so strange? And it seems familiar, as if I have heard it somewhere before.

"Anyway, as long as you experience it, you will know."

So far, Lin Sanjiu can be considered as having experienced many battles; she has experienced no matter how strange and weird things are, so she doesn't panic in her heart, just a little curious about the coming world.

...It didn't feel any strange, it seemed that after a natural eye opening, the ground under her feet suddenly shook, almost throwing her out. She hurriedly grasped and stabilized her balance. At this time, the floating large iron-gray vision quickly became clear; when she looked left and right, she found that she was standing on a steadily descending escalator, and beside her The iron gray is just the wall next to the handrail.

The elevator steps descended one by one, and slowly gathered up close to the flat ground. Lin Sanjiu walked off the elevator blankly amid the slight buzzing sound of the motor.

It is neither deserted nor ruined like the Extreme Warm Hell, nor does it have the incredible sense of technology in the Garden of Eden-this space looks ordinary and unsurprising: the floor covered with large tiles looks a little yellow, it seems to be used After a long time; beside the trash can with plastic bags, a drink cup dropped; standing in front of the dark tunnel, you can see the subway map when you look up...

What Lin Sanjiu didn't expect was that "Jugetsu Station" was really just a station-perhaps it should be said that the place where she was was really a station.

If it weren't for everyone, walking in such a space would even make her feel like she was back to the days when she was at work in the past.

The surroundings are extremely quiet. The light "crack" made by the dim fluorescent lamp occasionally flickered, and it was clearly transmitted into Lin Sanjiu's ears-it seemed that someone had erased the crowd, noise...everything in this world with an eraser.

Only the empty subway platform is still working as before.

The kicking footsteps echoed in the empty platform, sometimes making Lin Sanjiu illusion that there were others behind him; the cold wind blowing from the tunnel caused layers of goose bumps on her exposed skin. , Seeing this, the world should be in winter.

Even with the physical fitness of the evolutionary, she couldn't help but sneezes several times in a row.

"I'll find a winter coat after I go out..." Lin Sanjiu wiped his arm vigorously, planning to find an exit to leave the subway station.

But it didn't go well.

She went around for several times and couldn't find it. She even climbed up the escalator in the opposite direction. However, the upper floor was just a platform for the train from the other direction, but there was no exit to the ground anymore-until twenty minutes later, Lin Sanjiu finally realized with hindsight: This platform is closed.

"It seems that it's not just a certain station in the doomsday world..." Lin Sanjiu took the escalator back to the place where he first arrived, and suddenly noticed something that he hadn't found just now. He couldn't help but feel a little silly: "...What kind of apocalyptic world is this here? How come there are still vending machines?"

A vending machine with rusty corners was standing quietly in the corner in a dead silence. The white lights in the machine shone on various snacks and drinks, making them pale.

When approaching, you can hear the fuselage making a slight turning sound, and there is some warmth.

Lin Sanjiu had no money, and did not plan to pay at this time; because the connected items would be cardized together, she cut the cable and directly converted the entire vending machine into a card.

There is a lot of food in it, which can last for at least a week. It seems that this world is not difficult to survive——


Before she could breathe a sigh of relief, she immediately became a little confused.

The [Vending Machine] in my hand is so different from other cards — it looks like an old photo that was accidentally overexposed. The large patterns on the card are faded, soaked in a pale, even the text I blurted away vaguely, and at a glance, those who didn't know probably thought it had a history of several decades.

【Vending Machine】

The items in Kisaragi Station World contain many snacks and drinks, most of which are not healthy. However, the food inside may not be needed.

There was only such a short explanation on the card, and there was no mention of why this happened.

It's just that the phrase "maybe it's not necessary", I don't know how to make Lin Sanjiu feel a little bit brooding.

"Forget it, don't care about it, you can eat it." She thought about it, and put away the card. "Now it's better to find a place to blow up the wall and make a hole."

Since there was no exit from the station, Lin Sanjiu decided to build one by herself—but she had just taken a step out and only heard a huge "rumbling" sound, accompanied by two dazzling white lights, in a fast pace. It rushed into the eardrum from far to near, and the ground was shaking slightly.

Lin Sanjiu was caught off guard, her hair was shaken by the blowing wind; she tucked her hair together, revealing a face that had lost a lot of blood because of surprise.

...A train has just entered the platform and slowed down.

The incandescent lamps in the carriages were very bright, illuminating the dreaded green chairs clearly; just the same, every carriage was empty and there was no one person.

As soon as the train stopped, dozens of car doors opened at the same time; it was just that on the empty platform, there was only one passenger like Lin Sanjiu.

She didn't realize a problem until she got on the train in a daze.

"Huh... just before the train entered the station, there seemed to be no sound?"

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