Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1785: One Leaf Blindfold

This chapter will be ready soon

The palm-sized blue-white paper crane almost seemed to be hidden in the sun when it flew into the blue sky. It wasn't until it fell halfway from the sky in a whirlpool, that the "buzzing" of the wings vibrated into Xiaoyi's ears.

"The paper crane is back!" She exclaimed excitedly. Just as she stretched out a hand, the paper crane stretched out its wings and landed on her wrist like a living thing.

Hai Tianqing's spirits suddenly lifted, stopped, and surrounded them one after another. Hu Changzai couldn't help sighing with emotion, his expression full of fear: "I finally came back. I thought it was out of order. It's been almost two months. This makes me worry about it all the time..."

Xiao Yibai gave him a glance, then leaned against Hai Tianqing, raised her head like a spoiled child and pouted at him: "Brother Hai, I don't know where your friend went, this kind of paper crane. It's always fast, all because of the long distance..."

"Okay, let's go!" The rabbit patted its feet impatiently on the ground.

After two or three months, Lin Sanjiu's cool and steady voice came into the ears of his friends again.

Paper Crane’s recording time was not long, it was only two minutes in total, but few people thought that Lin Sanjiu’s message would not even be used for half of the time——

The message was finished soon. A few people looked at me and I looked at you, but they didn't know what to say for a while.

Hu Chang said a little bit suspiciously at the first: "Away far away, can't you get out? She won't be imprisoned, right."

After listening to the recording, if it were not covered by hair, the rabbit would have been leaping into blue veins: "What kind of imprisonment! Can the imprisonment still spread the word? She didn't even explain where she was, obviously she didn't want us to go! She actually paid it back Tell us to find a way to apply for a visa, and don't care about her-I, bah, who cares about her, is affectionate, I must go to a comfortable new world and don't play with her!"

"Okay, don't you say a few words." Hai Tianqing frowned, pretending not to see the scorching gaze cast by Xiaoyi. "The place where Xiaojiu is, 80% is not safe, or as she said, she can't get out if she can get in, so we don't let us know where she is..."

"Yes," Hu Changzai sighed. "Rabbit, if we know where she is, there is definitely no reason not to go. If we are really stuck there, none of us have a visa. Once we send it out, we don’t know if we can meet again in this life. . Stop making trouble, we still have to think about what to do next."

"What else can I do?" Xiaoyi interrupted suddenly, and she could see that she was the only one of the four who was in a good mood at the moment. She smiled and stretched out her hand to hug Hai Tianqing's arm: "Your friend himself said, let Let's get a visa! Only if the visa is issued, she will be able to find you in the future..."

Hai Tianqing quickly withdrew her arm and stretched her face: "If you move your hands and feet, don't follow us. The question is, where is the visa officer?"

What's more, even if they find the visa officer, Hu Changzai and Rabbit will not show up. Who knows if the puppeteer has announced their names and appearances. If anyone reports a letter to the puppeteer, then But it's troublesome.

Xiao Yi smiled, and suddenly said to Hu Changzai and Rabbit: "You two go into my shell."

Although the two are not connected, the beautiful white room usually moves slowly inch by inch with Xiaoyi's footsteps-as soon as she stops, the house immediately stops not far behind her. .

"Ah? What's the matter?" Although puzzled, Hu Changzai was still very cooperative, picked up the rabbit and entered the house.

Seeing the door closed, Xiaoyi smiled at Hai Tianqing, and whispered, "Brother Hai will reward me in a while." Before the latter asked, she suddenly raised her arms and shouted into the distance: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Mr. Risk! Miss Meihuan!"

One person and one rabbit hiding behind the door of the house almost choked.

Hai Tianqing's eyes widened in surprise--because the distance was still the same dust, yellow sand, and ruined walls, he didn't even see anyone there.

However, after Xiaoyi yelled a few times in a row, two figures actually turned out from behind the half-built dilapidated building that was invisible.

"Who called me?"

A young humpty man who looked very upset, poked his head out from behind the building, responded with a look a little wary.

There is no need to ask at all. With a glance, Hai Tianqing can already conclude that he is not a native from this world. A special symbol was drawn on Ah Xianxian's forehead with thick black ink, which was very abstract, and looked a bit like a bird with its wings spreading out. On one ear, there were a dozen dense golden rings hung, but the other ear was empty and there was nothing.

He grew up with an unhappy face, so when Ah Xianxian's gaze fell on Xiao Yi, even if he recognized that he was an acquaintance, his expression was still gloomy: "It's you, no wonder you found me at a glance. coming."

Probably knowing that Xiaoyi's walking speed was slow, he was impatiently waiting, and walked towards the two of them while talking.

Xiao Yi glanced behind him, but she was taken aback: "...This is? Where is Miss Mei Huan?"

"Talking nonsense, almost didn't make me tired, who knows where I am now." Ah Xianxian's expression remained unchanged, as if he was talking about someone he didn't know, and he didn't seem to intend to introduce the tall man behind him at all. Woman's name. "I said, this'sleeping bag' you gave me, how many people besides you know? If I can be found out whenever I have to rest, I won't be exhausted?"

"There is no one else, no more." Xiao Yi smiled hurriedly, "Mr. A, I want to ask you to grant me four visas."

Ah Xianxian gave a sigh of relief and glanced at both of them.

……While Hai Tianqing and his party were a little nervously waiting for the visa officer to respond, Lin Sanjiu was under the sea of ​​10,000 meters. He was startled by a miserable cry when he just thought of the same thing.

It sounded almost like a scream of fright, from Shen Lianqi who hung on the wall: "Ah, ah! Someone, anyone! Help! Help, help me..."

Lin Sanjiu threw down a half-scaly fish in his hand and called out [Abilities Polishing Agent], turned around and shone the silver light on his face, and asked angrily: "What to shout? Have you had a nightmare?"

After being beaten by the light, Shen Lianqi involuntarily squinted his eyes, and after a few seconds, he seemed to have just recognized Lin Sanjiu: "Miss Lin?! Why are you...Where am I..."

He looked down at his body that was tightly bound in circles, and wailed, "Why did you tie me up?"

Lin Sanjiu was not surprised by Shen Lianqi's reaction.

Since sending away the paper cranes, in these two months, she naturally did not let Shen Lianqi get a little bit of mermaid growth liquid. It was fine for the first few weeks. Since the last few days, he has begun to show symptoms of confusion-like something that occupies his brain, because it lacks nourishment, the stamina is insufficient, and occasionally Shen Lianqi will Forget about being a mermaid.

But it was the first time that I woke up from a big dream like today.

"Look at your feet." Lin Sanjiu sat back and continued to scrape fish scales.

The fish scales on Shen Lianqi’s legs have faded a lot at this time, and the gills on his face have gradually closed; but his feet still retain the appearance of fish tails, so as soon as his gaze fell on, he immediately said "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh and asahhhhhhh There was an exclamation: "My feet, my... how could it be like this, eh...?"

His tone slowed down.

Lin Sanjiu glanced at him: "Did you remember?"

Shen Lianqi's face was blue and white, and even his lips were shaking. It was completely different from the optimistic and cheerful appearance some time ago: "I, I... Why am I becoming a mermaid?"

It seemed that the effectiveness of the Mermaid Nutrition Liquid was about to disappear. After a while, he would be able to remember the ins and outs of the matter himself. As soon as Lin Sanjiu untied Shen Lianqi from the wall, he slipped out to the ground. It seemed that he had been tied for too long, and his hands and feet were numb.

"How do you feel now?" She asked a little curiously.

Shen Lianqi looked blank, as if he didn't know what to say because of the memory flashing in his mind, he murmured in response after a long time: "It feels like... watching a movie. I still remember everything... but it's like being It's the same as watching a documentary...Huh, wait?"

His face suddenly turned pale, and he looked like he was about to vomit: "What the **** are those three soaking hairs? Fallen species? Corpse? Ah, I used this hand to grab the arm of the female corpse? "

This is the reaction of a normal person—Lin Sanjiu was satisfied, and suddenly became bad-hearted: "It was more than just grabbing her arm. You still liked her very much at the time. I'm sorry, I separated you two. "

Shen Lianqi looked like he was about to cry-it felt like he had eaten a pile of **** during sleepwalking after a sleepwalking. It was so disgusting that people didn't know what to do.

After a long time, he gradually slowed down, wiped his face vigorously, and solemnly said to Lin Sanjiu: "Miss Lin, you saved my life. I really don't want to repay this kindness. You won’t forget, don’t worry, as long as you say a word in the future, I will definitely be there..."

"It's okay, I didn't spend much time." Lin Sanjiu was embarrassed by him, and he quickly changed the subject: "Hungry? I just went down to catch a fish. Let's eat it together. ."

Shen Lianqi let out a "hey", and as soon as his eyes fell on the fish, his face turned pale again: "Should we just... just eat this?"

"what's happenin?"

"It's also...too, too ugly..."

Saying ugly is just a compliment to this fish. In fact, if it weren’t for Lin Sanjiu’s words, no one would have thought it turned out to be a fish——

"Don't be squeamish," Lin Sanjiu shook the fish in his hand, and the dozen or so long legs under its stomach suddenly swayed. "You have been eating this for two or three months."

Just when the gastric juice rushed to Shen Lianqi's throat, he suddenly realized something, and he was shocked, even the nausea and vomiting were alleviated a lot. "Miss Lin, how long have we been under the sea?"

"This... it's dark, it's really hard to say how long it takes. But at least, it's three months old."

Three months after seeing the paper crane, she calculated it by estimation.

Shen Lianqi looked up and seemed to be counting days, and after a long time, he suddenly said "Ah".

"What's the matter?" Lin Sanjiu felt that he was always shocked since he changed back to a human being. In a way, he was not as likable as when he was a mermaid.

"It's almost time..." Shen Lianqi frowned and looked at her, his face a little pale. "The day I send it should be tomorrow night-Miss Lin, are you coming soon too?"

It took a while for Lin Sanjiu to realize what he was talking about.

(End of this chapter)

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