Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1783: Multi-handed reporter Lin Sanjiu

When the river rushes her out of the dungeon area and rushes into the next process of the factory, she should trigger the "evolutionary alarm" just like last time, right?

It's time too.

Lin San's drinking water was average, so he simply gave up struggling to swim, letting the waves wrap himself up and down, spinning up and down, rushing all the way, his vision was sometimes dim and sometimes bright, but he couldn't see anything-after a long few minutes, She only felt that the river seemed to be getting shallower and weaker and weaker, and finally pushed by the waves and washed up on a flat ground.

She lifted her head out of breath, wiped the water off her face, and looked around.

This is a man-made river beach. The waves of water slowly washing the flat ground had long since lost the momentum of the rush; the river ended abruptly.

The cement-paved flat ground leaned out from Hanoi and stretched out in front of my eyes. Obviously there is still a blue sky behind him, but there is another factory roof over the concrete floor, with rows of incandescent lamps lit up high; the two are connected silently and in harmony, and even Lin Sanjiu can't tell where the roof is from. Replaced the sky.

She is not the only person who looks up at the sky; from time to time, the river will once again wash a few ordinary people onto the concrete floor, and almost everyone will look up and look back and forth after breathing and calming down-far away. People in groups of three or five, perhaps because they came first, are already surprised, or stand or sit on the ground, looking at the newcomers.

"This...what is this place?" a young woman in front asked several people sitting by the river.

"We don't know either."

"I was just washed up by the water."

"Go ask the people inside."

The answer she got was almost the same.

Lin Sanjiu looked around while walking deeper.

The concrete floor is square, except for the river behind it, the other three sides are tall stucco walls, which together with the roof form an airtight room.

There are no doors, no windows, except for turning around and jumping into the river—presumably it will be washed up again by the river—in this room like a giant warehouse, people have nowhere to go.

The strange thing is that the deeper the "warehouse", the denser the people, as if they are all gathered together, waiting for something, even a layer of anxiety and urgency is faintly floating in the air. When she walked to the end of the warehouse, the fragments of the conversation caught her attention.

"Wait, how long will it take to open, I don't know..."

Lin Sanjiu looked back at the sound, walked up a few steps, and asked the talking old man: "Open what? What are you waiting for to open?"

The old man was taken aback, seeming to be taken aback by her aura, and stammered: "Wall, wall..."

Lin Sanjiu frowned and glanced at the high wall on the left side of his finger. The stucco texture is flat and smooth, and it is hard to see where it can be opened. "How do you know it will open?"

"I'm not sure, I also heard people say that that wall will open... Maybe it is the message left by the person who was rushed in before." The old man calmed down and asked, "You, why don't you seem Too the same..."

Ordinary people who were temporarily given the ability to evolve are now confused when facing the evolver. Lin Sanjiu didn't explain, he hurriedly thanked him, turned his head and walked to the left wall-the people gathered in the depths of the warehouse seemed to have heard the same news, but no one was sure whether it was true or not.

"Are you also the winner of the dungeon?" said the young man whose face was half-hidden by light brown long bangs, "I just asked, people in this place are all, and the losers don't know where to go. So ah , Behind this wall should be an exit to the winner..."

"I've been waiting for half an hour," the slightly fat middle-aged woman replied when asked how long she had waited: "This is nothing, I heard that some people have waited for two days... You ask who is it? ?I do not know then."

"No, no," the little fat man was a little anxious when he heard Lin Sanjiu's meaning: "Not to mention whether you can break the concrete wall. I don't know what the situation is. You are too reckless, just in case the warehouse. Give us poison, aren't we done?"

The people in the warehouse are all from Fanjia City, and they are the winners of the dungeon. There is less competition with each other. The atmosphere is much more lively and friendly than in the dungeon. Talking with strangers is also smooth-information, guesses, rumors... Unhindered conditions circulated back and forth in the warehouse, and it was difficult for Lin Sanjiu to judge whether it was credible.

It seems that there is no other way except to wait and see.

So far, the factory hasn't even sounded the Evolver alarm, and instead called her a little surprised-or is the alarm sounded elsewhere and can't be heard in the warehouse?

"The copy you got away before," Lin Sanjiu continued to ask the little fat man, "What's the content?"

Everyone likes others to ask about their achievements and victories. The four or five people she asked just now are like this, and the little fat man is no exception.

"It's a copy of the court. Everyone has been assigned to the roles of lawyers, prosecutors, suspects, and juries." He said happily, "Everyone has their own goals. I am the suspect's defense lawyer. I I have to find excuses for his crime as much as possible...Fortunately, I have seen a lot of things from the end of the day, and I understand it well, otherwise I will not be able to win."

He wiped his nose and smiled and said, "I was not born before the end of the day. It's a pity. I feel that I have a talent for being a lawyer. Ah? What? Rewards... There is no special reward, just in court. The'eloquence points' accumulated in the slogan can be retained."

Lin Sanjiu nodded slowly.

Everyone she asked in the treasury came from the same type of copy; one of them also won in the "war for the right to speak", obviously it was her last group of people—consideration By the time she had spent nearly a day in the battle for the right to speak, the people in the warehouse had been waiting for at least that long.

Could there be copies of the same kind on the entire river?

"No," she asked the next person to talk to, a man with slightly divergent eyes, and replied: "Although I am from the city of Fanjia, I am good at water. I was recruited to build an'water paradise in the sky'. , Is a pleasure facility for rich evolvers, where I learned to swim...Speaking far, I mainly want to say that as soon as I was rushed out of the dungeon, I immediately swam upstream. At that time, I It happened to see that the copy from the other side of the river seemed to have ended, and a group of people fell one after another..."

He paused, looked around, and said, “They don’t look like they can swim. After falling into the river, I followed them. Then I lost my target and was rushed here. I went ashore to find. But I found that the group of people were not here at all, and none of them were there."

That is to say... the section of the river after the dungeon played a role of "classification", separating the winners and losers of other dungeons, and the dungeon winners similar to the "war for the right to speak".

Lin Sanjiu thanked him, and walked away while pondering. The hum of the crowd's conversation under the high ceiling mixed and echoed into a pot of porridge that couldn't hear the details; she walked to the left wall and looked up at it.

Maybe it was just a whim, maybe it was just an intuitive impulse-she didn't know why she subconsciously activated [Flat World] at the moment she put her hand on the wall.

The next second, the warehouse was still there, but the left wall disappeared.

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