Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1790: Carving insects Xiaojilin Sanjiu

Did you make it? It should be successful, right?

More than a dozen murmurs of "I will follow my instructions to do something" gradually dissipated in the sky above the warehouse—[Concept Collision] was over.

Lin Sanjiu's hands were soaked with cold sweat, and his eyes stared at the lips of the old woman who was slowly closing in the distance. His heart seemed to be floating in the air, unable to fall for a long while.

She has used it for the first time since she obtained the temporary evolution ability, and she will use it at such a terrible time.

"What you have to do is after you leave the factory..."

The old women stood in a row at the entrance of the warehouse; far away, the one in the middle spoke.

Lin Sanjiu, who was trying to realize the result of his ability, was stunned, and his ears stood up-what the factory wants these ordinary people to do, even if only one of the answers can be known.

"As long as you are still alive, you must continue—" Unexpectedly, when it came to the point, the old woman's voice was suddenly choked.

What has been?

Do you have to do that until you die?

Although Lin Sanjiu was in anxious state, the old lady who was "in charge" of Lin Sanjiu's mouth was half-open, her eyes were dull, and her whole body suddenly stopped moving a single strand of hair.

So many conscious human figures seemed to have been pressed the pause button, and stood in place; after a while, there was still only a dead silence in the warehouse, and a rustle sounded under everyone's anxiety.

"What's wrong with them..." Audacious whispered.

"I, I don't care," someone suddenly whispered, "I want to go!"

The owner of the sound was standing on the edge of the warehouse, very close to the entrance to the secondary space. Lin Sanjiu raised his head, just in time to see a figure running out of his legs—the man rushed past a frozen old woman in a panic. It was about to crash into the single-person observation station; at this moment, the old woman suddenly rolled her eyes to the right.

Even Lin Sanjiu didn't see what happened, the figure suddenly rose into the air.

Like a pebble hit by a slingshot, after a short breath, the man shot through the air and pounced in the opposite direction; with a wet sound, he was on the other wall of the warehouse. The upper beach splashed into a flower of flesh and blood.

Amidst the screams and exclamations, the old woman standing in the center regained her vitality—if a conscious human form could be called “live”—she rolled her eyes around and said hoarsely: To shut up."

Even if her voice was not loud, some ordinary people who were panicked immediately yelled and conveyed the meaning for her: "Don't make a noise! ​​If you make noise, maybe they will have to do it again!"

Amidst the chaotic cries that ordinary people could hardly suppress, but were still desperately suppressing, the dozen old women turned a deaf ear, standing still, turning their heads, looking back and forth at each other.

Lin Sanjiu was a joke, and suddenly realized: They knew that the abilities of an old woman had been changed.

She was stuck in the middle of the old woman's words, and for the first time she activated [Michelangelo] of her choice.

Maybe the bad luck ran out, and she finally had some good luck; this ability to look at people's dishes actually gave her a decent dish, and let her be on that old woman's [concept collision] , Added a conditional restriction—that is, "Only when I see a **** unicorn", Lin Sanjiu, and ordinary people on the same line as her, will follow instructions to do something.

She felt particularly relieved when she thought of this restriction.

"It feels a bit wrong," every old woman murmured to himself, the gray head turned around and looked around, obviously looking for the old woman who had been touched by someone. "Why it seems like ability... is covered by a cover. Which one is it?"

Wait—this is not the old woman talking.

That is the master behind the old woman, speaking through their mouths.

After all, the old woman transformed from her consciousness is not a real person. Even if she can perform [Concept Collision] like a human, she can never perceive the subtle subtleties of evolutionary abilities—someone who can say "is covered in a condom" is absolutely It is the master of ability himself.

"It's weird..." Teacher Yi murmured, "The old lady in the world of meat and food, because you received the card, failed to send your image message back, so this time the new old lady didn't recognize you when she saw you. . I thought that they are all like AI, they can act as independent individuals, acting on their own judgments according to the situation...what's going on now?"

Lin San's mouth was pursed with cold sweat on his back after drinking.

It seems that the old woman has two "modes", one is an AI-like autonomous operation mode, which is like the one encountered in Nunshitiandi and Fanjiacheng; the other can become the master's clone and become the "carrier" of his spirit. …

However, this is unbelievable: how can a person divide the spirit into more than a dozen parts and manipulate more than a dozen clones at the same time? How did he do that?

This is probably a method that even the Great Miko has never heard of.

The more Lin Sanjiu thinks about it, the more shocked she feels; you know, she even feels messy and overwhelmed by manipulating dozens of consciousness ropes at the same time—not to mention the consciousness ropes driven by spirit, even if there are more than a dozen consciousness ropes. Real rope is easy to get messed up.

Not far away, the old woman who was almost facing Lin Sanjiu suddenly opened her mouth and said, "It's this."

…I found the problematic clone of consciousness so quickly.

[Michelangelo]’s abilities are powerful and rare, so its limitations are also large: in a short time, Lin Sanjiu can’t be used on the old ladies again. Now that the master has found the old woman who is having the problem, if she just asks her to step aside, get another old woman, and release [Concept Collision] to them again, wouldn't she be in vain?

At that time, how should she get out?

Although realizing that it was the old woman who had the problem, the owner hiding behind her seemed to be unsure of what was wrong. He pondered for a while before finally speaking hoarsely.

"Not only is the hands and feet fast, the vision is accurate, and the timing is also good... It seems that the evolutionary in the alarm, just mix here."

This sentence was vomited from more than a dozen old women's mouths at the same time.

Lin Sanjiu's heart sank.

"How about it, do you come out by yourself, or do you want me to look for them one by one?" The old women puffed up their cheeks and smiled. "It's useless for me to evolve. If you are willing to come out and take back your little tricks... Maybe there is still a way to survive."

When they realized that they were caught between the confrontation of the evolutionary, the ordinary people in the warehouse became more and more disturbed. In the thick blood, fear and doubt almost turned into substance.

"Wait," Teacher Yi suddenly recalled, "The old lady wants you to take back the method... This shows that the master behind her is really not omnipotent!"

Lin Sanjiu realized at the same time.

If changing an old woman can release a [concept collision] to them again, I am afraid that the master of the ability will not waste time on the evolver at all — so what about the evolvers, if they are the same as ordinary people, they must always do something to do it. Until death, what is the threat to the factory and the old women?

"I understand...When I was in the past, every time [Concept Collision] was activated, the last effect would be cancelled. For example, I used the consequences of long hair instead of the consequences of being beaten on the gift bag."

Lin Sanjiu's thoughts became clearer and clearer, and he said to Teacher Yi: "But if the effect of the last time hasn't been activated, or it can't be activated at all, is it... [Concept collision] It's stuck on some of us." Because the last one was not completed, so I can’t move on to the next one? The old woman can kill an ordinary person, but she can’t lose so much in one go!"

"Don't come out?"

The old woman who was touched by Lin Sanjiu said slowly. "If you don’t come out, I still have a way to find you... You must have discovered that you are one of my target objects responsible for releasing my abilities, so I want to prevent me from activating my abilities on you. If you look for the target you just locked, you can be found."

When she said this, she lifted her chin and motioned to the man closest to her: "Come here."

The man was so frightened that he could barely stand upright; it was just that his fear was unnecessary, because the old woman just raised a hand and swept it in front of him a few times, and said: "Um, It’s not stand over there."

It seemed that the disguise provided by [Facial Hair] was not too bad, at least the old woman wouldn't glance at it from a distance, and she could see that Lin Sanjiu was an evolutionary. But if she was allowed to check one by one, Lin Sanjiu would not be able to escape sooner or later—she swept around, gritted her teeth, and walked a few steps forward.

With her move, she immediately attracted the eyes of the old woman.

"what are you doing?"

"Don't, don't kill me! I seem to know...who is the evolutionary." Lin Sanjiu tried to pretend to be very upset and said: "I saw him just now, a small man. I find him, please. Let me go…"

While talking, she squeezed out from the crowd, looked around as if looking for someone, and approached the old woman step by step.

The closer she gets, the more likely she is to be exposed-that is to say, the opportunity for her to make a move is probably only a short moment.

"Where?" the old woman asked impatiently. The other ten or so old women didn't move either, they just watched this part of the storeroom with their arms.

Fortunately, I haven't found it yet; between the two, there is only five or six meters away.

As long as the other party didn't have a guard against her, she still had a chance.

"Strange, I saw him just now," Lin Sanjiu said, taking another step in the direction of the old woman. She retracted her gaze, turned her head to the old woman, stared at her back and took a deep breath.

When a dozen old women turned their heads to the rear at once, Lin Sanjiu suddenly rushed out at the old woman in front.

Since the other party is a human figure formed by consciousness, then the seed power of Brahma should be able to **** her in, right?

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