Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1797: Empty City and Hope

Chapter 1797: Empty City and Hope

The text will be ready soon

Even if there were 10,000 abilities, it was too late at this time-as soon as the woman's voice fell, Lin Sanjiu felt a force of force and immediately pressed the iron tool against her arteries, and the coolness suddenly penetrated deep into the skin. .

A sharp pain just came into my mind, [Consciousness Protection] suddenly stretched out on her neck, just barely blocking the sharp angle of the piece of iron—her little consciousness can only protect her neck. A small place.

"Fortunately, this thing is not profitable, she grinds it by herself," Teacher Yi said with fear, "...Let's pray that she won't change a place to stabbing it, your consciousness is not enough to fight guerrillas all over the body."

As soon as her words rang, Lin Sanjiu whispered secretly, which was bad.

The woman also immediately noticed that there was a force pushing the iron out; she said in a suspicious "Huh?", she listened at this moment, and then exhaled: "...It turns out that you still have this kind of protection. "

With mind reading, these thoughts of Lin Sanjiu couldn't be more clear to her; the woman took the iron tool away and put her hand on her temple.

and many more!

"There is no time, they are coming over soon," the woman heard it, but was not moved at all, and raised her hand slightly.

The group of fallen species in the distance, after a buzzing conversation, seemed to have lost interest in the new member at this time; the head of the temple seemed to be turning his head in this direction.

Even if the fallen species stopped this woman, then wait for their fate—

Lin Sanjiu didn't dare to think of anything for a while, and could only repeat a thought in her mind desperately; perhaps her thoughts were too strong, when the woman's hand suddenly pierced her temple, she was finally out of her skin. Stopped.

"Teleport?" She sneered, her voice suddenly filled with anger. "Oh, I can't tell you clearly-as long as you are handed over to the mother goddess once, you will continue to be pregnant and give birth! Even if these guys don't baptize us before teleportation, we will live to death!"

She was so excited that there was a break in the sound, and the high syllables suddenly penetrated the air and passed into the ears of the fallen species in front-a fallen species whose face was hollowed out, revealing clusters of tapeworm-like things in the head. Turning his head, he immediately squeezed out a pointed sentence: "What are you doing!"

Even if the other party didn't say a word, Lin Sanjiu still felt the woman's determination to rise in an instant, and a gust of wind rushed down quickly—

"She wants to kill!" Several fallen species immediately shouted, their voices were high and low, and they rushed over; Lin Sanjiu's heart stopped for almost a second, and then only the teacher Yi yelled: "...I Now I stopped her for a while, but what should I do next?"

Before Lin Sanjiu could react, another woman's exclamation rang out immediately—a silly, silent pregnant woman just now seemed to be frightened by the fallen species that suddenly rushed over, and yelled ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. While she was about to get up and run; her feet were not wrapped in iron chains, but the foot bones were chopped to open flowers and exposed from the flesh. At this time, she was struggling and she was suddenly dropped by her heavy belly. Going down, fell heavily beside the two of them.

Lin Sanjiu felt the light on her temples. The woman seemed to curse something, and then turned and crawled over. Then, in the sudden rise of the Fallen Species not far away, she felt her face suddenly hot—

The splattered blood wetted half of her face and dropped the tip of her nose and chin tickly.

The newly dead woman twitched a few times, like a fish out of the water; her legs seemed to be hit by an electric current, and she fell in front of Lin Sanjiu tremblingly, separating her a little from the woman.

"She killed someone!"

The first one yelled, and the speed under his feet suddenly increased—it was the degenerate species that was born like an anemone and was covered with granulation. As it approached, it seemed as if all its fleshy whiskers were all opened and rolled up; Lin Sanjiu Feeling that the woman next to her was also startled, she immediately called her a few times in a hurry.

"What are you doing! I don't have time!"

She yelled, and then barely calmed down. Before the fallen species rushed in front of her, she turned and pounced on another pregnant woman who was closest to her; this time, the iron seemed to be blunt and pierced. The voice of flesh and blood sounded several times in a row, but the cry of pain of the pregnant woman became louder and louder.

Seeing a group of fallen species are getting closer and closer, Lin Sanjiu quickly flashed an idea from his mind, secretly hoping that the woman would hear in time—

Fortunately, even if it takes ten minutes to explain the idea, it is only a momentary thing in the thought; only hearing the sound of piercing flesh and blood, there was a sudden stop, the woman dragged the huge belly, and it was difficult again. The ground half-pounced and crawled back.

"Is what you said true?"

it is true! Don't you know how to read minds!

Lin Sanjiu was so anxious that the veins appeared.

"Okay," the woman hurriedly responded—she had only had time to respond, and she pressed directly on Lin Sanjiu and Lin Sanjiu—at this time the fallen species had already rushed in. The stench on his body was also clearly audible.

Because one was caught and the other was thrown down, Lin Sanjiu and the gift package lay close to each other; when the woman poured on them, they immediately blocked the two together. When the two were in pain, the depraved species, who was a palace chief, strode up at this moment, murmured something in his mouth, and reached out and grabbed the woman.

"Do not touch me!"

The woman screamed, struggling, and kicked her leg twice; Lin Sanjiu couldn't think of how intense her pain would be in such a move—it's just that when she felt something in her hand, she was really affected. She breathed a sigh of relief when she drew it out, and then raised another heart.

"Hold on to her!"

In front of a dozen or so fallen species, the woman had absolutely no power to fight back—she knew her own disadvantages, so she could only desperately overthrow a statue around her. If there were small ones, she would grab them and throw them at the fallen species; but those The Fallen Species barely blinked, and after avoiding the rumbling idol, rushed up and grabbed the iron chain between the woman's feet and dragged her out abruptly.

She suddenly exploded with a painful cry as if to tear her throat, and a degenerate species slammed her in the stomach, immediately cutting off her voice.

"When you give birth to this child, I will be baptized right away," the palace hissed and angrily screamed, and his arm like a dead branch slammed: "It seems that these women still can't stay! Bring the two who came here and baptize them immediately!"

After saying this, it turned its head and found that the place where the person lay just now was empty.

In its angry scream, Lin Sanjiu did not dare to breathe, and together with the gift bag, he lay under the [primary environment color] imitated by [combat items], secretly hoping that these fallen species would not immediately lift the idol up. .

…Because under the effect of [primary environmental color], the two of them now look like two statues of mother goddesses.

(Yesterday, I added a chapter of heavy taste, and I immediately received He Shibi from Danmengwu Huaying and Taoli Baige. Your name is too far from your taste, haha! Thank you Squirrel Egg, Luanyu, Alice, Sleepy Eat Life Hanging, Bridge Stealer, Begonia Yunjiao and other rewards, monthly tickets for Xinzhi, Yali, Super Meng Giant Bird, Wanyu, Left-handed Encounter Love, etc.!)

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