Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1799: Ferryman

Chapter 1799

This chapter will be ready soon!

This sentence immediately stabbed the hornet's nest-Lou Ye suddenly jumped to the edge of the elevator, his back pressed against the wall, and his immature face was full of surprise: "Didn't you say it?"

Lou Qin's movements are exactly the same as his brother, and I don't know whether it is genetic or acquired through training: "Nonsense, do I have to ask that sentence if I said it!"

It was probably the first time that the siblings had encountered this kind of thing. They looked a little flustered, and looked at the gray brain subconsciously-it was not that she suspected that she could talk suddenly, but that she could basically see everything in her current state. But after Lin Sanjiu slowly floated up and down in the elevator space for a while, he spelled out two words that appealed to people: "No one".

The elevator was quiet for a second, Lou Ye yelled first.

"...The voice just now seems to be a woman!"

"Ah yes, I think so too... why can't we see? Is it outside the elevator?"

If he still had a hand, Lin Sanjiu really wanted to slap one of them on the back of their heads. When the Fallen Seed could be seen on the train, they were awe-inspiring; but after the "invisible" accident, both of them seemed to have forgotten what they should be doing now—

It's just that this is not the time to think about this.

Lin Sanjiu gathered his consciousness in front of his brain and rushed towards the elevator button area-a row of digital lights below 20 was hit by her, and they all turned on. Lin Sanjiu breathed a sigh of relief. After regaining part of her consciousness, her strength became stronger, so she didn't dare to exert all her strength; and fortunately, fortunately, that kind of thing that didn't light up did not happen.

Could it be said that the effect of the almanac has passed?

Only then did the siblings react-no matter what they were talking about just now, since the thing wants them to go to the 26th floor, they'd better not go. Lou Ye scratched his scalp, seeming to feel that he was a little lost just now. He coughed and praised restrainedly: "...Well, you did a good job just now, but to be honest, I'm not afraid."

I really want to sigh really, Lin Sanjiu, who has no physical body, meditated.

Even though they are a little unstable due to lack of experience, the two children still have the basic qualities of an evolutionary-when the elevator dinged and stopped on the 15th floor without any wind and waves, Lou Ye had already called before the elevator door was opened. After a sheet of paper came out, Lou Qin also muttered something lowly, and his two gloved hands lighted up immediately.

[Hehe we are the GD Bureau]

The name of this institution is very unfamiliar. People in the Red Nautilus world have never heard of it, and don't know which space it comes from. However, it seems to be very powerful, causing hundreds of millions of grievances of unknown origin.

When starting Part 1, the hostile target will be defaulted to be a book—or any other genre of text. When the hostile target wants to move the part below the neck, this ability will interfere, making it difficult to implement its actions, and it is simply a cheating weapon in armed combat. It's just that the interference and the problems caused are completely random. It is recommended to start using the almanac paper that had good luck before to increase your fortune.

The second part is specifically for non-human creatures, from the gods and buddhas to the flies are all within the attack range-but the power will vary with the object. This part of the ability can be attached to a part of the body, causing a direct blow to non-human creatures.

However, it should be noted that if a certain non-human creature has the clear idea of ​​the year boundary, the two parts of this ability will be invalidated.

…The Lou brothers and sisters had just made preparations, and the elevator doors opened slowly.

As soon as the door opened, the red "15" on the wall peeled off and faded. There was a yellow urine bulb hanging in the corridor outside, and the smell of food and oil that had been immersed for many years made the corridor exude a heavy and unclean atmosphere unique to an old house.

However, none of the Yinling-type degenerate species has been seen.

"Brother, let's go out?" Although Lou Qin asked such a sentence, her feet had already walked out of the elevator-before she stepped out, she looked back nervously in the elevator.

The elevator without passengers looks like an iron box in every direction. There is nothing wrong with it.

Unexpectedly, they got out of the elevator smoothly.

The two brothers and sisters with gray brains, stepping on "Pattern" footsteps, walked in the empty corridor, with the doors of houses on both sides closed tightly. They didn't have a clear purpose in the first place, and even came to this world just for experience; therefore, they didn't worry, and carefully and carefully checked every corner.

Although she has no eyes, her consciousness projected a panoramic picture in Lin Sanjiu's mind, allowing her to see the surrounding environment clearly-even more comprehensively than with the naked eye. Because of the particularity of consciousness, not only does the area that it perceives is exposed in detail, it can also vaguely convey a feeling in places that are invisible to the naked eye: like when you are standing in a corner, Obviously you can't see the other side; but sometimes you can subtlely perceive a person standing on the other side.

…Lin Sanjiu felt it right now.

A minute before the Lou brothers and sisters were about to turn around the corner of the corridor without knowing it, the gray brain suddenly sank, and a whirling forward thrust suddenly tripped the two brothers and sisters at the same time-the balance of the evolutionary. With superb ability, they quickly stabilized their bodies; the pace finally stopped.

"Why are you messing with us?" Lou Qin asked angrily, seeming to think of the blow on the nose again.

"Someone," Lin Sanjiu hurriedly wrote two big characters.

The brothers and sisters were shocked, looked at each other, and cast their gazes to the corner.

However, it was quiet there, and there was no breath.

After a few seconds, Lou Qin came up with an idea. She took out a small mirror from the pocket of her tutu skirt, held the very end of the handle, and carefully stretched it out from behind the wall on this side.

There is only another deep corridor in the mirror.

"What? It's scary." Lou Ye breathed out immediately. Before Lin Sanjiu could write, he raised her foot and walked carelessly. She didn't have a mouth and couldn't even stop him.

For a second after his figure disappeared from the corner, there was no abnormal sound—

Lou Qin was just about to follow, but her gray brain slammed against her calf bone. The pain caused her to stop and hugged her calf.

"What the **** are you doing? I'm really angry—" She narrowed her eyebrows, and just turned around to say such a sentence. Suddenly, seeing the gray brain tumbling back and forth in the air desperately, she pulled out a slender bar and pointed it behind her.

Lou Qin immediately turned his head and found a piece of black protruding from the edge of the wall.

This piece of black slowly moved out from behind the corner. It turned out to be a piece of hair at the Tianling Cover—the reason why I knew this was because Lou Ye’s face turned over horizontally, twisted 90° with his neck, slowly The ground came out.

The body remained on the other side of the wall.

Just when Lou Qin's eyes widened and a scream was about to blur out, he suddenly smiled on his face that looked like it was hanging in the air—that was the standard, huge smile that Lin Sanjiu had seen several times. Lou Ye said with a dumb voice, "Come here."

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