Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1803:

Chapter 1803

Oh my god, this chapter got me crazy

This trip actually took more than two months, even Lin Sanjiu didn't expect it.

Bai Xiaoke, who was left in place by her, waited for three people. All of them had green eyes. They had long been hungry and looked like monkey spirits. When there was a plastic bag of food left, the three began to plan to eat: But even if one bite of bread a day, the food reserves were exhausted more than half a month ago.

Because they could not get to the ground, the three of them took great effort to set up a lot of wooden stakes beside a rhizome that had been dug up nearby; they changed places every day and lifted the green meat melon to the sky like a kite, just to find Lin San. Signs of wine coming back.

"Sister Lin, if you don't come back, we are planning to eat that surname Qian." The green meat melon finally suffocated, and said with a hiccup. "Later, I didn't eat it, mainly because he lost too much weight..."

Qian Zhengguan darkened his face, and moved to another stake while chewing the noodles-he was indeed thin with a face with big eyes and round eyes.

A joke made by Luguagua immediately evoked the minds of several others-Yingxue Haruzhi knew that he had always been close to 517, and together with the twin sisters called Luguagua aside, and started talking in a low voice.

Lin Sanjiu sighed when he saw this, his eyes turned to the other side.

Xue Qu and Bai Xiaoke met again after a second life and death, but they did not see harmony at all. They quarreled endlessly amid Xue Qu's sneers from time to time; the rabbit has recently gained a hobby, and as soon as he sat down firmly, he immediately didn’t know what to do. Where did I find a bottle of beer and pour it into the palm of [the girl blowing bubbles], forming a small pool of wine, and bury my face in it to drink.

"Hey, we have to work harder to find the visa officer." Lin Sanjiu leaned over and watched it lick the beer for a while, and said with a wry smile. "Although I got a visa for some reasons, none of you have yet... Now everyone is almost absorbed by the apple tree, and I don't know where there is a visa officer."

Her voice was not too loud or too small, and as soon as she spoke, she immediately attracted everyone's attention, and even the group of Spring Yingxue who were talking in a low voice not far away were silent.

"How can there be a visa officer alive in such a world?" Bai Xiaoke couldn't help sighing, "We have been here for two months, and we haven't even seen a living person."

Qian Zhengguan listened silly, and a little bit of face spurted out of his mouth accidentally.

"Who gave your visa?" Rabbit asked immediately, "Is that person still there?"

Lin Sanjiu shook his head. When she thought of Nuwa, she remembered the experience of imitating her in the geocentric space, and she couldn't help but remember that she had to take some time to visit the [Mechanics of Consciousness Hall] and listen to what the teacher did not finish last time.

"Then there is no way." Xue Qu followed with a sad expression, thought for a while, and said comfortingly: "Otherwise, you can leave first with your visa. As for us... we can still be in that other center. Meet the world?"

"Uh... Um..." Qianzhengguan ate a bit too much noodles just now, and then he swallowed cleanly, and hurriedly said: "I said..."

The rabbit didn't hear his faint voice at all, and waved his hand proudly: "Yes! You'll write down the meeting place in a while! How can the big man be in his midst?"

"This sentence seems to be used wrong..." Bai Xiaoke pointed out immediately.

"The first time I didn't have a visa, I was a little afraid..."

"I don't know when is the next meeting."

In the buzzing conversation of the people, Qianzhengguan realized that no one heard what he said, and finally raised his voice all of a sudden, shocking everyone: "I said! Didn't you find anything!"

Eight pairs of confused eyes were greeted.

"Oh, it's really anxious to be stupid like this..." Qian Zhengguan scratched his scalp, "I said, don't you think of anything from my name at all?"

Everyone was silent for a few seconds, seeming to be dealing with the meaning of his words, and then I don't know who was the first "Huh?!"

"...Qianzhengguan, on behalf of the visa officer?"

"You really are a visa officer? Is this your real name?"

"This combination of ability and name is too casual!"

Everyone immediately exploded, and their brains rushed up. You and I marveled at each other for most of the day-Qianzhengguan suddenly became the moon favored by the stars, and I was not very used to it, so I cowardly responded a few times, looking for An Xin unconsciously leaned against Lin Sanjiu.

"This is really nowhere to be found through the iron shoes, but the man is in the dimly lit place." The rabbit sighed, shaking his head.

This time even Bai Xiaoke felt that the poem was used without error.

After finally waiting for everyone to calm down, Lin Sanjiu asked hurriedly: "...isn't your ability [Great Shift of Universe]? How come you are a visa officer?"

If she remembers correctly, it seems that the rabbit mentioned that visa officers generally do not have other abilities-so they need to rely on visas in exchange for the greatest degree of asylum.

"Ah... Generally speaking, the visa officer does not have a second skill... I think it's probably because of my special name? I've been called this name since I was born." Qian Zhengguan himself also has an iconic face. Confused: "In short, my main combat skill is [Great Shift of Universe], but there is also a subsidiary visa officer ability."

Everyone had their mouths open and their faces were all inconceivable.

It was the rabbit's head that reacted and jumped up: "Then what are you doing in a daze? Why don't you look at Xiaojiu's visa destination, and then give us one!"

Lin Sanjiu also hurriedly took out the visa that read "Destination: Agricultural Farm", and carefully handed it to Qianzhengguan.

The latter "oh oh" twice, carefully read the visa with a very unreliable expression, and slowly uttered "Huh...?"

Lin Sanjiu almost forgot that this person would be the most appetizing, and was very anxious: "What's wrong?"

"Well, there are two things." Qianzhengguan stretched out two fingers, and his speech speed was so slow that people wanted to hit him a few times to see if he could type more words. "The first one... This is an'unregistered visa'."

"What do you mean?"

"It is said that when the visa officer's ability is upgraded to a certain level, this kind of bearer visa can be issued... Well, that is to say, you don't have to use it, anyone can use it."

I don't know why, everyone felt that when he said this, his eyes seemed to shine.

"...Okay, this one is for you. It just happens that your own visa, you can't use it." Lin Sanjiu settled it with a wave of his hand: "What else is there?"

"Uh, this..." Qianzhengguan hesitated immediately.


"Oh, well...probably because of dual abilities, my visa officer skills are, uh, a bit low-level."

Everyone stared at him.

"What a low-level method?" Lin Sanjiu asked with anger.

"I... can only issue seven visas." Qianzhengguan slammed, and then hurriedly asked, "Is this visa still mine?"

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