Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1813: Shark's fault

Chapter 1813: Shark's Fault

Lin Sanjiu was sitting on a high roof, looking at the aircraft below which was parked slantingly between the two energy piles.

She sat down at dusk, when the energy piles cast long, oblique shadows on the ground, as if their shadows also wanted to run away from home and see the world. Now, the shadow has long since melted into the darkness and disappeared; in the dark night, there are only small green lights on the energy pile, occasionally attracting a few sporadic passers-by to take care of their business.

Some people choose to extract solar energy, some choose to extract strong air from fine particles, and some people may not love food, or they may not be able to afford food at all, so they extract pure calories. Among the various kinds of energy provided by the energy pile, the energy calories that support the operation of the human body are one of the cheapest types.

The man who bought the calories, arched his back, hugged his arms, hung his worn-out clothes empty, and kicked an empty can on the ground before he left.

He must have never experienced it before, nor has he heard of meat eating heaven and earth, Lin Sanjiu thought.

The cheapest and lowest-level means of survival of the Twelve Realms, if it were placed in the meat-eating world, she didn't know how much she would suffer less; but she would not enter Harry Farm for energy and get acquainted with Si Lu.

The high-altitude world in the middle of the night, the wind is cold and dew, and the chill is piercing. She tightened her coat tightly and continued to stare at the silent aircraft in silence.

She has been waiting here for at least four or five hours.

Not long after night fell, Lin Sanjiu stood up, walked to the other side of the roof, and glanced at the strange lights that belonged to the twelve realms in the distance. When she came back, she happened to see a figure approaching the aircraft-people have had such times, right? Because I was so eager to see something, when something similar appeared, even though I had already understood that it was not my goal intellectually, my heart still thumped.

At that time, Lin Sanjiu almost shouted "Si Lu".

But it was just a stranger who looked around the aircraft and left with a sound.

Her fingers hit the "Beacon Wolf Smoke" communicator, and her nails knocked slightly and roundly; she seemed to have heard Xie Feng's voice again in a moment of ecstasy.

"Don't think about it," when Xie Feng walked out of the leasing business with her, she couldn't hold her back and asked again and again. Finally, she was so nagging that she couldn't stand it, and finally was squeezed out by Lin Sanjiu: "I am thousands of miles away. Going back is not to commit suicide. Just take this sentence as a reminder to you."

She seemed to really refuse to talk more with Lin Sanjiu on this issue, glanced at the small white box, and hurriedly asked before Lin Sanjiu opened his mouth: "Aren't you throwing it away? I said it all,' "Fenghuo Langyan" may be one of the projects invested by the Shark Department."

If this is the case, then the connection between the Eight Heads and them may have been under the supervision of the Shark System... Although Lin Sanjiu didn’t know why the Sharks clearly mastered the position of the Eight Heads, but he never did anything to him, but there is one thing. She knows it well—it's probably too late to throw away the little white box now.

What's more, the signaling device planted under her skin failed, and the communicator given by the gift pack was broken. Even if the "Blao Huo Fu Yan" is unsafe, she can't throw it away, otherwise she will not be able to interact with Batou De and Yu. Yuan got in touch again.

As for Si Lu...Since they may have been secretly monitored now, it is naturally no longer important to keep secret, the most important thing is to ensure that each other is safe.

After Xie Feng left, she immediately opened the little white box.

However, no matter who he tried to contact, Lin Sanjiu's response was nothing but silence, as if the previous reunion with Si Lu, the acquaintance with Batoude, and the conversation with Yu Yuan were all her hallucinations.

She even took out the paper crane with the worst confidentiality: it flapped its wings and flew up and turned twice in the air, as if looking for the direction Si Lu was in, and then fell back into her hand.

…No, Lin Sanjiu thought, no. It is also possible that he is trapped in the secondary space, or in the copy.

It was after putting away the paper cranes, that she suddenly felt that the walk in the clouds at night was too cold, even if she put on her coat, she couldn't stop the shivering cold on her skin, as if she was about to drill into the flesh. She returned to the place where Silu parked the aircraft; Silu couldn't contact herself, so she should have returned to the only place that both of them knew.

The more Lin Sanjiu waited, the colder it became, and the more he waited, the fewer people he saw, but Si Lu never came.

So a cautious and astute person, with good skills and a lot of belongings, who can harm him?

She buried her face in her hands, slowly exhaled a hot and long breath in her palms, and then stood up from the roof.

"Are you determined?" Teacher Yi immediately felt her heart and asked.

Made up my mind.

Lin Sanjiu jumped down from the roof, as if stepping onto the night breeze. She opened her long legs and glided forward on the wind. In a few blinks, she had left the aircraft far behind and could no longer see it; she had seen the business in this residential area on the way here. Where is the core belt, I found the direction and rushed out at maximum speed.

I am afraid that when Xie Feng reminded her, he didn't think that it would cause such a consequence, right?

The Shark Department has been monitoring the calls between Batoude and them, perhaps in order not to startle the snake and wait for the opportunity, so it has not done anything. However, when Xie Feng reminded Lin Sanjiu at the leasing company, the Shark Department now knew that the "Beacon and Wolf Smoke" had been exposed, and immediately cut off the contact between the three of them-was it to break them separately, or who had already broken them?

"The Shark made a big mistake."

After searching for nearly ten minutes in the commercial core zone, Lin Sanjiu found a round cabin type aircraft with the word "TAXI" on its head—when she jumped into this rental aircraft, she really wished it could be too. Just send it from the shark system.

She murmured to Teacher Yi in her heart: "I used to be cautious and concealed my disguise. I wanted to get as much information as possible in the dark. I didn’t want to face confrontation. It was because I had scruples and I was afraid that the movement would be too great. It may affect people around me.

"Who do I need to worry about now? Who is left by my side? Without the eight-headed virtue, I can't even contact Yu Yuan. The time for careful temptation has passed, and I will rush out of the smog. Stop Exodus on the head of Fanjia City and announce my position to the whole wandering clouds. I will do my best to break and break every shark tentacles I can touch, no matter who is behind it. , It's time to get out of me."

In fact, I often list the outline, but to be honest, I never write exactly the same thing as the outline. When the deviation is the highest, it has reached 100%-the content of the outline is useless at all. This time it’s not bad, the deviation is only 20% at most, the place where the deviation is, it’s the place of Karvin.

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