Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1815: Ordinary people in the river

Chapter 1815 Ordinary People In The River

Lin Sanjiu moved at the same moment the paper crane rose into the sky.

Unlike when it sent a letter to Silu, it did not hesitate when looking for "Ye De" this time. It flapped its wings and flew forward, throwing a series of shattered and shaking shadows from the incandescent light on the ceiling. .

The reason why paper cranes are one of the least confidential means of communication is that as long as you are skilled enough, you may be able to keep up with it, especially in buildings with ceiling restrictions.

Lin Sanjiu's eyes hovered tightly on the paper crane, and when he stepped forward and ran lightly, his upper body leaned forward slightly, looking almost like a leopard from a distance. Among ordinary people, even world-class sprinters, the way the body functions when running is different from that of the evolutionary Lin Sanjiu; her use of limbs, spine, strength, stride, energy conversion and even airflow around the body , Have far broken through the limitations of the human physiological framework, keeping up with the almost weightless paper cranes glide in the wind, it can be said that there is no problem at all.

What's more, for her, even if the city roads are full of all kinds of facilities, it is the same as if there is no one: if she can jump over, she will jump over; if she can't jump over, she will either kick away. , Either hugged her hands, pulled it up, and threw it far to the wall-less than two minutes after she ran, she left a series of warning and warning sounds in the city road behind her.

"Please note that the separation and purification machine is malfunctioning, please note that the separation and purification machine is malfunctioning..."

Lin Sanjiu closely followed the flapping paper cranes under the ceiling, passing through the sound of the error report, the splashing sparks, and the rolling parts on the floor, and he couldn't help but mutter in his heart. What does the separator purifier do? Why is there such a thing in Fanjia City?

This doubt did not linger in her heart for long; perhaps because she only ran for two minutes, the damage caused was so great that it triggered a certain prevention mechanism. After ten seconds, Lin Sanjiu and Paper Crane were together. Stopped in front of the steel gate.

If she hadn't seen the original appearance of Fanjia City before, she would have thought that the steel gate was originally part of Fanjia City: it followed the shape of the city road, cutting off the entire city road in a seamless manner, just like a wall. There is not even a gap through which light can show through, or even where it opens from. The paper crane slapped against the steel door several times, and finally turned around in front of the door helplessly.

The most surprising thing is that even Lin Sanjiu's fist can only leave a few shallow, short-lived marks on the gate-obviously it is a force that can knock down the city wall. When it hits the gate, But it seemed as if the swimming fish stirred the waves and flashed away again, and the ripples left on the door rippled away leisurely in front of her eyes, but in the blink of an eye, they returned to calm and smooth again.

"Is this material just to guard against me?" She even wanted to laugh a little.

"What should I do now?" Teacher Yi asked.

Lin Sanjiu turned around and took a look at the city roads she came to—it’s no longer appropriate to call them city roads. They look like they have become long ones with all kinds of equipment. Corridors and rooms.

"Forget it, since the paper cranes have found the right direction to fly, it means that Batou De is still somewhere in Fanjia City," she said as she retracted the paper cranes. "His ability is useful to the Shark Element, so his personal safety should be guaranteed...Since you can't follow the paper crane to find it for a while, you won't be afraid of being late for a while."

She came to Fanjia City, originally just to find the Eight-headed Virtue; I didn’t expect Fanjia City to be transformed into this look-it must be inseparable from the shark system-this is really dozing off the pillow and itchy hands and sandbags. , They have to come forward to beat the tentacles of the shark system. Is there a better chance than this?

Just think about it, Lin Sanjiu felt cordial at everything. She didn't know what the separation and purification machine was, nor did she recognize the importance of these precision equipment. Anyway, as long as she walked past them, they would all become pieces and broken wires. Wouldn't it be more friendly to the people.

Like a veteran inspecting cadre, she walked slowly a few steps, walked to a row of huge metal devices against the ceiling, and raised a fist. Just about to smash it down, Lin Sanjiu was startled suddenly, walked quickly to the wall behind it, attached his ears and listened for a while.

…Yes, it is indeed a human voice.

It seems that there is more than one person talking in a buzzing voice; probably because there are several walls, and the content is vaguely inaudible.

Is it a shark?

She fumbled and wandered around for so long, and now she finally caught the sharks in Fanjia City?

Lin Sanjiu was energetic, and he even regretted that he was reckless just now, hoping that the equipment overturned along the way did not make them alert and startled. She judged the source of the sound, and looked around—how could she find it?

From the sky, the exterior of Fanjia City is still exactly the same as before; even though the interior has completely changed the world, it is still attached to the shape and structure of the past. In other words, the way she used to climb out of the skylight and cross the city road should be equally effective now, as long as she can find where to climb out...

Lin Sanjiu's gaze stopped on the ventilation hole in the ceiling.

After half a minute, there was only one vent as big as a human head, but she was smashed into a big hole in the ceiling with her fist. Lin Sanjiu climbed on the ceiling and took a careful look and found that "upstairs" was another city road. This was relieved, and when she shrank, she lifted herself up gently-she was still a little bit at the same time. Worried, if this city road is half-empty, it will definitely be enclosed by the secondary space.

She continued to walk along the new city road for a while, so she repeated the technique several times, sometimes she got out of the window, sometimes she tore the pipe and crawled in, but after five or six minutes, the voices she had just heard came more and more. The clearer it became; the background sound of the conversation was the hum of a certain movement when it was running, and it sounded a bit like the sound of her tracks when she fell into the factory.

When Lin Sanjiu finally touched the edge of the city road with people, she quietly swept away from behind the wall, and suddenly found that her subconscious association was correct: the buzzing sound was really coming from the track.

It's just different from the simple crawler in the factory. Lin Sanjiu didn't even recognize its function when he first saw it: on several layers of crawlers sit a series of stainless steel sealing discs, standing one after another in the disc. The completely enclosed metal tube, as the crawler runs, the metal tube continuously appeared from her left hand, and then disappeared to her right hand step by step.

...What is this stuff?

"The first batch has been injected," a voice suddenly rang from the city road, pulling her attention away. "The second batch is also on the way... Yes, please prepare Group A at the factory. Xiaoshi, you can make a record."

Isn't the factory on the spaceship?

Thinking of Lin Sanjiu, he slowly stretched out his head from the corner of the city road.

A few people who were all wrapped in biochemical suits and could not even tell whether gender had evolved or not, they turned their backs to her, except for the "little stone" who pressed a record board and snapped it. Outside, they all looked up at the front row of screens. The closed metal tube that Lin Sanjiu saw just now appeared on one of the screens; when her gaze fell on the old woman’s face, even if she knew that the other party was only on the screen, she was still a little surprised. Jumped.

"When you hear me snap your fingers," the old woman said dryly to the back of a group of heads on the screen, "you will gain temporary evolutionary ability."

This is the step she has experienced first-hand—no, it's not right.

Lin Sanjiu narrowed his eyes and carefully examined the image on the screen. She saw the old woman alone in the "beehive" cell, but on the screen, the old woman was standing in a big gray room, facing a group of ordinary people. The biggest difference is that ordinary people in the gray room don't seem to have the ability to choose the step.

On the screen, the old woman snapped her fingers.

One wall of the gray room suddenly cracked, and it slowly split into two doors, exposing the rushing river behind the door, and various tall copies standing between the two banks.

She is too familiar with this river.

Lin Sanjiu could even see that their group of ordinary people sat in the Yuanqi boat where the wooden gate was opened; but now the wooden gate is gone, and the ordinary people in the room are not sitting in the Yuanqi boat anymore. , As soon as the wall of the room opened, they were immediately pushed into the water by invisible forces, and pushed to the surface of the river to search for prey copies.

People struggling in the water and exclaiming, this time, not even one disappeared in the copy.

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