Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1818: Are you willing to implement it

Chapter 1818: Are You Willing To Realize It?

This chapter is coming soon!

The rain curtain suddenly blurred her vision. Lin Sanjiu ran out for ten steps in the splashing water. When she felt that she was no longer shaking and gradually regained her strength, she stopped and turned around—the dark red car. The taxi was rustled by the rain, and the headlights of the car ripped through the night.

The rain was so heavy, even though she wiped her eyes repeatedly, she still couldn't see if the figure in the car had moved. In the sound of rain resounding through the world, even the faint wailing just now disappeared-but Lin Sanjiu knew that the other party was not dead.

She gasped and touched the bandage around her neck. If it weren't for the collar in the middle, maybe she wanted to pretend to pass out and couldn't pretend.

Only in the taxi is Lin Guoyun's murder scene. Once she leaves the taxi, Lin Sanjiu's physical strength is restored to the level when she first entered the game, and she can at least protect herself now.

The hair and clothes were drenched in an instant, sticking to the body wet and wet. Lin Sanjiu wiped his face again and saw the beam of the headlights dimmed a few times in the rain—two figures were passing through the light curtain and approaching her. She immediately shouted: "Stop!"

The potato brothers stopped.

Lin Sanjiu weighed it and felt that she might not be able to face two men at the same time; she squinted her eyes and looked at the two vague figures in the rainy night, and her mind rose for a while, and she didn't even know what to say. After a few seconds, he asked, "What's the matter with you?"

"What's the matter?" The younger brother immediately opened his mouth, "We still want to ask you, what's the matter with you! What did you do to hurt him? Where is this place? Why did we come here when we walked?"

Lin Sanjiu snorted: "His name is Lin Guoyun, he is not an evolutionary at all-can't you see that the copy has been converted from London to Hong Kong!"

The brothers were taken aback at the same time and looked at each other.

"When I was hunted down by Jack the Ripper before, why did you not save me?" Lin Sanjiu stared at them coldly, "Why did you move Annie's body into the house?"

"You were hunted? When?"

"Don't you admit it? I patted the window to ask you for help. You were standing in the yard at that time—"

"At that time, Jack the Ripper was by your side?" The younger brother looked surprised: "Where do we know! The house is dark, but you can't see anything except you, and it's raining outside, and your voice is also vaguely... Are you not dead anyway."

Lin Sanjiu was startled, before he had time to speak, only to hear a clear and abrupt splash of water in the rain—she hurriedly raised her head, but couldn't see anything clearly; in the dim rainy night, there were only two bunches. The headlights of the car shot straight into the distance, making the surroundings even more dark.

The brothers apparently heard it too, and stepped aside, looking around. With another sound of "pasha", the eyes of several people suddenly fell behind the beam of light.

A stumbling figure walked around from the other side of the car and walked into the beam.

Half of Lin Guoyun's face was covered with faint blood stains that had been washed away by the rain, turning pink and quickly flowing clean. It seems that Lin Sanjiu burst out with great strength at the moment of life and death. He still has the glass clamp inserted in one of his eyes. The glass clamp crushed part of his eyeballs, and trembled in his eye sockets with his steps; The little Lin Guoyun's face was pierced with blood on the big Lin Guoyun's face.

When he yanked the glass clip out of his eyes, a large piece of eyeball tissue was taken out, and it slid down his face-accompanied by a grieving roar, Lin Guoyun bent down, In the glare of the front of the car, it became a half-dark, trembling figure.

Lin Sanjiu stared at him and waited for a while, but didn't see any movement around her-she had obviously injured the murderer seriously, but the game didn't seem to be over yet.

Does it have to be killed or handed over to the police|inspector?

Lin Sanjiu looked around, looking for something that would fit his hands, but there was nothing around him. Lin Guoyun took her to the mountain. The place where she got off was a road down the mountain. As far as she could see, only the stone wall separating the woods and the sidewalk on the mountain stretched out far away.

She raised her eyes and saw that the co-pilot's door was still ajar, and she suddenly had an idea. After hesitating for half a second, she gritted her teeth and yelled at the brothers: "Look at him!" Then she rushed to the taxi in one step and two steps.

The rope Lin Guoyun used to strangle her just now, she threw it on the seat after she untied it, and she should still be there now—

Just leaning her upper body into the car, Lin Sanjiu felt like a punctured balloon, and her strength quickly escaped from her body; under the dim light outside the car, she fumbled a few times, her fingers on the flannel seat The chair cover was drawn several times, but no rope was found.

Just now, Lin Guoyun didn't hold anything in his hand, and he probably didn't take the rope away—Lin Sanjiu wanted to bend down to find under the seat, but he was worried, and hurriedly raised his head and glanced up. From the windshield, Lin Guoyun could be seen lying prone on the front of the car, and a white edge was cut out by the headlights under her body, as if she had lost consciousness due to injuries and severe pain. The brothers were leaning against him, pointing at him, not knowing what they were talking about.

Lin Sanjiu breathed a sigh of relief, immediately bent down, looked for a circle in the car with mats, and finally touched the rough surface of the hemp rope in the gap between the seats.

When she heard the "cack" of the car door, it was too late.

Lin Sanjiu only had time to twist her body, before she could see who was outside, she was pushed into the car heavily; she reacted very quickly, and immediately kicked out, hitting the person's chest. However, at this time, she was vain. Although she was kicked, she was grabbed by the ankle by the person, pushed along, and then slammed the car door, shutting her into the car completely.

She immediately got up and rushed to the car door, but she was killed by someone outside; she raised her head in the dim light, facing her brother's face through the car window glass. His face was close to the glass, but only the glass on the side of Lin Sanjiu was filled with white mist.

Even though Lin Sanjiu's angry voice in the car was clearly audible through the car door; the irregular face of his younger brother was still plain, without any expression.

Just when Lin Sanjiu turned his head and wanted to get out from the other side quickly, the door of the driver's seat was also opened at this time. A figure bowed his head and sat in, then slammed the door shut.

Lin Sanjiu was shocked and stared at his brother. Now she was caught in the middle, unable to move.

A famous brother killer in history—she remembers a lot...

"Who are you?" She looked at her brother's profile and then at the front of the car. Chen Guoyun's body was still lying there motionless, and it seemed that he was in a coma because of the serious injury.

The elder brother didn't say a word, just stretched out his hands, clenched them into fists and released them, and unclenched fists again. After trying twice, he turned his head and smiled at Lin Sanjiu: "Ah, the strength of the person sitting in the driver's seat has not been weakened."

There was silence in the carriage for half a second, and Lin Sanjiu only felt his heart sink slowly. She said slowly: "...So you know."

"Yeah, after all, we also watched several killers kill people. I think about the murder scene and we probably know that." My brother patted the steering wheel and looked at the figure lying on the front of the car, complimenting him. : "You are not bad! You see how miserable you made him."

"Have you seen several killers...?"

"Ah, we have been here for a long time. Since the first time we gathered four people into the dungeon, we have never walked." My brother smiled, "In our world, such a strange place has appeared. , Naturally I have to come and have a look."

"You-you are gods." Lin Sanjiu said word by word, like falling ice cellar.

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