Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1820: Shark's goal

Chapter 1820 Shark's Goal

This chapter is coming soon!

While they were waiting on the roadside, Lin Sanjiu complained that "how long did the puppet master go there and never come back?" After she actually followed the puppets on the road, she found that the puppet master took too little time.

There is no other reason, it's all because this stretch of road is surprisingly long.

Following the two dolls, two people and one cat crossed the city, walked out of the city, trekking on the intercity highway, and gradually walked between the mountains and the wilderness... When the sunset is about to sink to the horizon, the two in front The puppet is still walking tirelessly.

Where did that man go?

The cat doctor has long been hanging softly on Bohemia's shoulders, like a fur scarf with four legs-the cat's stamina is not good, and it becomes tired after walking for a while, and he can't recover for a long time.

"I thought about it,"

When the stars floated up from the purple-blue night sky, Bohemia couldn't help it anymore, and fell apart with a sound of "gudong", like a Lego doll that had been kicked. She sat half-prone on the sandy ground covered with weeds, her face pale with exhaustion: "...I will live here from now on, you go, goodbye."

"Then I will live with you." Doctor Cat agreed immediately.

To be honest, we can't blame her for not being able to walk-since entering this peaceful and tranquil world, the two have not had a peaceful day. Last time I slept full, I don’t know how long ago it was, let alone a good meal and wash my face.

Not to mention Bohemia, Lin Sanjiu couldn't help herself; the injury made her feel dizzy and weak, and her calf was constantly spinning. In any case, both of them are in urgent need of recuperation at this time.


Looking up, the two dolls in front didn't care who left the team at all, and they were still walking one step at a time in the dark. Although they had traveled for a long time, they hadn't even changed their pace.

The living people walked behind the dead, they must be tired and peeling; Lin Sanjiu thought for a while, gritted his teeth: "We are not going anymore. Let's rest for one night and continue tomorrow."

Anyway, the puppeteer is not sick or disaster, and he doesn't need help. What does it matter if he goes to him sooner or later?

Bohemia was startled, but hesitated: "But, the doll still..."

"You wait."

As soon as Lin Sanjiu's voice fell, he turned around and chased after the dolls-after only such a short while, the two figures disappeared vaguely among the trees. She took out the little remaining physical strength, rushed behind the dolls in one breath, and the stirred wind blew their hair and clothing corners.

Before the corner of their clothes fell, she kicked one of the doll's knees.

The man probably didn't receive the instruction to "beware of behind", and immediately fell straight forward, making a human-sounding muffled sound—it seemed to hit his nose bone. Lin Sanjiu didn't know if they could be carded, and she didn't want to be noticed by the puppeteer; she stepped on the back of the fallen doll, rounded her arms, and lifted the other doll on her back. Fell to the ground.

Even if they were not ordered to regard her as an enemy, when they were thrown to the ground so severely, both puppets were stimulated to react in self-defense; the one under their feet was so stepped that they couldn't move, but their limbs moved backwards flexibly. Turning over, it looked like a huge blooming anemone and grabbed it towards Lin Sanjiu's calf and back.

"Can't you all be honest!"

She panted and avoided the snake-like limbs, and flung a whip on the back of the doll's head. [Teaching students according to their aptitude] immediately appeared a few rows of small characters from the air—perhaps because the doll is better than a living person." "Read", this time even the suggested attack measures are clearly written. Lin Sanjiu only had time to take a glance, and found that another doll was getting up again, as if to continue to move forward; she quickly vomited forward with a small amount of consciousness, and dragged his ankle. Pulled him back.

The two dolls were supposed to be brought down by hand, but her current state is too bad—when Lin Sanjiu finally managed to subdue the dolls and tie them to the rope like a grasshopper, she His vision is too tired to be clear. With her heavy breathing, her mind jumped, as if she could close her eyes and faint at any time.

When she dragged the two dolls back with great effort, the night fell, and the ground with sparse weeds sank into pitch black. Only the bonfire that Bohemia started on the spot burned the night as if there was life; Doctor Cat was lying lazily next to the fire, and his fur was dyed orange.

At first glance, I saw two dolls **** by Wuhuada, one person and one cat were startled, and sat up leaping.

"This is your solution?" Bohemia looked at the two subordinates of Master Puppet Master in amazement as they were tied into this virtue. For a while, it seemed that he was not sure whether he should just run away. "...they all night. If you can't get anywhere, the puppet master doesn't know that something is wrong!"

"Do you have a better way?" Lin Sanjiu, tired and empty, gave her an angry glance, and sat down by the fire. The temperature at night dropped sharply. The sweat was soaked in the ice just now, and the cool breeze leaked into her bones; at this time, the feeling of warmth on her face immediately made her relax a lot both physically and mentally.

"Why their feet..." Doctor Cat asked hesitantly.

This is a good way that Lin Sanjiu came up with after careful consideration.

"You have a good question." Even her prudent personality couldn't help being pleased by someone asking: "Look, the puppeteer gave them an order to walk to where he is, right? If I treat them If they are **** to prevent them from leaving, then these puppets may resist and break free. Anyway, they may desperately have to complete the puppeteer's orders."


"I tried several binding methods, and finally figured out this." Lin Sanjiu doesn't mind if they boast about themselves at the moment, but Bohemia and Doctor Cat's mouths seem to be sealed. Yes, squeezed tightly, and won’t let a trace of the wind show—"Look, in this way, they can follow the puppeteer’s orders and be left in place. Isn’t it the best of both worlds? And the puppet The teacher was also fooled. Of course, it took me a lot of thought to let them know that they can'walk' like this."

Under the light of the jumping fire, the two dolls lay on their backs on the ground, with their hands pulled to their heads; a total of four arms, converging and staggering above the heads, are tightly tied together by ropes, and each other's arms are just tied to each other. On his body-in this way, no one can sit up on the ground. Their two legs are still free, and they are standing upright at the night sky, stepping in midair. In the dimness that occasionally flashed when the fire fell, the combined dolls looked like a huge, weird, dying bug, kicking the bug's legs constantly while struggling.

Bohemia turned her head with a pale face.

Lin Sanjiu didn't think the shadows of the puppets were ugly at all-it was after all her hard work. After she took out a bag of vacuum beef, a pot, a few carrots, a few potatoes and a bag of bread, the other person and the cat quickly calmed down: Anyway, if the puppeteer is going to get angry, there will be Lin Sanjiu ahead. Don't worry; it's better to empty the pot first than worrying.

Bake the bread to simmering heat until the crispy crust is honey-colored; with the knife, it turns over the soft and steaming strips of white bread. Potatoes and carrots were simmered soft and rotten, and melted into the bright red beef broth. As soon as the bread was dipped in, it was full of the thick broth-take a bite quickly, add a piece of beef, and when the soup is suddenly in your mouth When the inside burst open, it was like heaven opened the door on the tongue.

After taking a bite, Bohemia closed his eyes and fell to the ground with a thud.

"It's delicious," she declared vaguely with beef in her mouth, "I'm dead!"

Cats are generally very afraid of being hot, and Hu Miaomiao is no exception; he can't help turning around a bowl of broth, smelling his beard trembling, and hasn't taken his mouth for a long time, so Lin Sanjiu had to take his broth to his mouth. While stirring and blowing the soup cool-because cats can't blow their breath-it's really a species that has to be served everywhere.

When Doctor Cat started to lick the soup a little bit, Bohemia had already emptied two bowls. She didn't feel that she had eaten too much, and she stretched out the bowl again; the red flames flickered and jumped on her face, shining a bright and satisfying look on her face.

"For the sake of you making such a delicious dinner," her mouth was full, but she didn't delay speaking: "I've decided."

"What's the decision?"

"After I'm full, I take a nap, and then we go to the starry sky."

Lin Sanjiu couldn't help but startled. "tonight?"

"Yeah," Bohemia said of course, and took another bite of the bread. "You think, Master Puppet Master asked us to go there, there must be something, right? After seeing him, I'm afraid I will go again. The Consciousness Starry Sky is not so of course it’s better to do this quickly before seeing him. In other words, the time left for us is almost tonight."

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