Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1822: About the ABC of vaccines

Chapter 1822 ABC About Vaccines

Lin Sanjiu also didn't know how long he had been sitting in the interpretation of the changing light and shadow.

Not long after the explanation started, her mind couldn't help but sink in. For a while, she even forgot that Lou Qin was still waiting. It was precisely because she had sneaked into the factory as an ordinary person and walked part of the process in person, the content of the projection explanation became more and more personal to her: it turned out that what she had experienced at the time was only the first one or two steps in the process.

The first step is to "prepare experimental subjects", that is, to gather ordinary people together, perform preliminary processing, record the original physiological data, and then give them a certain enhancement of evolutionary ability and physical fitness, so that they will temporarily appear The characteristics and traits of the evolutionary.

In this step, not only the dead ordinary people will be collected, even the dead evolvers, or the people who have just evolved, will also be used as the object of several supplementary research—being thrown into the factory and dropped before Lin Sanjiu The dead body of the man in the leather jacket on the track was sent to one of the supplementary research rooms.

She was sitting on a chair that Lou Qin did not know when, and she leaned forward.

"All the copies collected from the apocalyptic world have been slightly modified by us. When people enter and leave the copies, the physiological information before and after the participants can be recorded..."

At this time, Lin Sanjiu was once again in the turbulent river, with various copies on both sides, reaching out to grab her in the river—no, it should be said, grabbing the projection of other ordinary people in front of and behind her. This river is not the same as the one she has personally experienced, and the copies are also different; I don't know how much sharks have prepared for the same river.

"...If T (Travel) is used to refer to transmission, a series of'evolution factors' that we have roughly summarized can be represented by A (Advancement), and ordinary people have the A factor family, shared physiological system, and receptor factors. In addition to the factors affected by A, that is, the part that is unique to ordinary people, it is represented by S (Stasis). When we inject factor A into ordinary people, we observe the performance of factor A in ordinary people and evolving people. Approximately, that is to say, we can think that ordinary people and evolvers at this time can replace each other..."

In order to understand better, the explanation should have been simplified. Following the explanation, Lin Sanjiu just wandered past a series of spirochetes that gradually loosened as they progressed. She didn't know if it was an image of DNA, anyway, it was as long as her leg.

"In further experiments, we have confirmed that ordinary people with factor A will be recognized by the copy and respond to each other. In this response process, the factor A in the subject's body becomes activated, and the factor S is produced. The effect cannot be observed. S still exists and is still working, but the key receiver that "hands over" them and makes them effective is preempted by factor A, causing the expression of factor S to be turned off. We call it This key receiver is G (GPLB). Through a series of previous studies, we believe that the expression of factor S is the reason why ordinary people will not be transmitted, but evolutionary ones will be transmitted.

"At this point, we can ask many questions. For example, if we increase the supply of G in the subject's body so that factor S can also take effect at the same time, then the subject will continue to be an evolutionary, or an ordinary person. , Or both? If we inject factor S into the evolver, will the key receiver G be occupied by factor A or factor S?"

Lin Sanjiu seems to be able to hear a distant and excited voice deep in his body—let Factor S work, give it the receiver, no matter what the specific principle is, stop people in the apocalyptic world Wandering, let us stay.

Let them stay.

The more she listened, the hotter and more itchy her palms became; the weight and reality of the word "vaccine" gradually penetrated into her consciousness until then, she touched the slight sweat on her forehead, and couldn't believe that she was awake now. of.

Maybe this is also part of the dream, maybe she is still in the "brain in the tank", just making up a scene and reason for herself to continue to immerse herself in without worrying about going out anymore; which one, Lin San Jiu didn't know, after all, once the thought experiment was recognized, it would forever blur the boundary between reality and reality.

However, if everything she is experiencing now is made by the "brain in the tank", then continue like this.

This is the best way to the best future that Lin Sanjiu can imagine.

It seems that this projected fragment is not just for understanding, but also for making a brief record; Lin Sanjiu corrected his impression-it is not so much a commercial project, it is more like an introduction to a museum.

Because in the following commentary, a series of failures of the shark system were introduced; they took the questions raised before as a guide and did a lot of experiments and explorations, but all of them were useless. For a long time, it was like a fly hitting the glass, seeing the bright light just ahead, but couldn't rush through it. Even Lin Sanjiu felt anxious and anxious watching it.

When her heart hung higher and higher, and couldn't wait to know the answer, this projection record ended in one sentence-"So far, the above directions have been proven wrong."

"The following content should be put into today's progress."

Lou Qin interrupted when Lin Sanjiu was startled. She looked at the empty wall in the room as if it were her precious child. "The reason why we were able to achieve such a critical breakthrough...because of the countless supplementary studies we have done in a state of desperate medical treatment, one of them happened to come up with unexpected results."

"What's the result?"

"We found that the process of changing from an ordinary person to an evolutionary is actually a process in which a factor A gradually eats the receiver G, consumes it cleanly, and then the human body transformed by the factor A no longer produces it. With the evolution The physiological changes of the subject are intensified, and the original factor S will gradually disappear. The receiver in the explanation just now is occupied by factor A, which is the beginning of this process... It's just that the factor A in our subjects was not produced by them. , So before the receiver disappears, factor A disappears first, so after they regain their status as ordinary people, everything is business as usual."

By the way, that old lady.

Lin Sanjiu observed Lou Qin's expression. Of course Lou Qin knew that the old woman was the cause of "Factor A", and she must also know the conflict between the old woman and herself... But now she looked calm and natural, and Lin Sanjiu could not see anything.

What is the relationship between her and the master of the old woman?

Lou Qin turned his head and smiled and said, "In other words, you don’t have a receiver G at all in your body now. Even if you inject factor S into your body, your body cannot use S. Of course, you cannot degenerate because of it. In the world, there are many ways to make an evolutionary degenerate, but that is not our goal. We hope to add a'non-transport' on the basis of preserving everything, right?"

Lin Sanjiu nodded—otherwise, she would just stay in the modern world.

"But in the doomsday, it is not uncommon for people to degenerate temporarily. Therefore, based on this point, we continued to go deeper and found that when receiver G and ordinary human factor S appear in an evolutionary body at the same time, if it satisfies other factors. Under certain conditions, the evolutionary will degenerate temporarily. But generally speaking, unless there is a fundamental and structural physiological change, the receiver G will be gradually consumed and absorbed by the evolutionary’s body until it is finally cleaned up...this At that time, the evolutionary's ability will naturally recover."

Lin Sanjiu frowned and thought about it, and immediately grasped the point. "But... the ordinary human factor S is still there?"

"Yes." Lou Qin said softly, "That is to say, the'vaccine' requires two injections. For the first time, we injected the edited ordinary human factor S, which plays a harmless and useless role at this time, similar to Parasitic bacteria will continue to exist in the human body; for the second time, we planted a container of G in the evolutionary body with an injection, and used this container to protect G from being consumed and absorbed by the human body. In this way, the receiver G can evolve The body exists for a long time. When encountering teleportation or entering the dungeon, the container is touched and releases G, which is combined with the ordinary human factor S... Simply put, when an evolver is teleported, his body The'vaccine' will be activated, so that he will wash away all abilities at the moment of teleportation and become an ordinary person for a short time."

When the "G" in the container was used up, Lin Sanjiu thought to himself that he would have to make up for it-but compared with the teleportation, this is really not worth mentioning.

When Lou Qin said this, he couldn't help but laugh again.

"You witnessed that scene with your own eyes. We established five experimental groups and tried to include people in various situations... After receiving the vaccine, all five groups passed the customs smoothly, and none of them was caught by the dungeon. That is to say. , They probably won’t be sent away by the flood. Of course, we still have many questions to ask, such as after a teleportation, will they be filled up immediately next time? Or will they return to disorder? The important thing is that we need to use teleportation to really experiment once before we can conclude whether it is really successful. Now it just so happens that there is a great flood walking towards the clouds."

When I wrote this kind of technical setting of "I know that there is no real life, but I still want to make it reasonable", I actually wrote it quite vigorously... I don't know if you will like it. The principle of this vaccine is actually borrowed from the signal transmission in neuroscience. If I have money and leisure in the future, I really want to study this subject.

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