Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1833: Introduction to Karma Museum

Chapter 1833 Introduction to Karma Museum

This chapter will be ready soon

On the seventh day of the game, after the game in the morning, the venue fell into a strange atmosphere.

Lin Sanjiu raised his hand and wiped the blood on his face, his eyes swept over the heads of the panicked crowd—something major seemed to happen outside, everyone was looking at the light curtain on his wrist; there were constantly panicking people. Jump up and hurried towards the exit. No one looked at the female mutants who had just won in the center of the arena anymore. The whispers reverberated into a vague hum in the huge venue, and occasionally some coughing and crying, faintly revealing the accident breath.

Teams of soldiers rushed into the venue, everyone dressed up in radiation protection suits, constantly shouting loudly to keep the group in order, not to run and trample. The advertisement on the big screen has been broadcast for quite a while, and the host hasn't showed up and said a word for a long time, and back and forth only "Ficard Photograph, leave your beautiful moments" echoing.

Even the fact that the female players did not enter the capsule was not noticed for a while.

"What...what's wrong?" Li Tao approached Lin Sanjiu, who was smelling blood all over, and asked a little dazedly.

Lin Sanjiu smiled slightly, a boulder in his heart finally fell.

Although [Nostradamus Card] has a very small doomsday coverage area, at most the size of a human head, radiation is different from temperature, and it diffuses. So far, Lin Sanjiu has released a total of 26 Greek radiation—considering that after the second-level combat power is recovered, it will definitely go through some cleaning, so she has been a little worried about whether the radiation spread is enough.

But looking like this, the two soldiers who went out that night carrying the skinny security guard's body are probably dead by this time.

As early as that night, Lin Sanjiu had deliberately infused 10 of his hands into his ankle while moving the skinny security corpse. As expected, those two soldiers could only be regarded as ordinary soldiers. , One raised his head and the other raised his feet, and moved the skinny security guard's body out.

His wound was in his throat, but after absorbing all the radiation, his ankle became bruised and swollen, and he made Lin Sanjiu worry about it—fortunately, no one seemed to notice this little abnormality.

The residents of the Garden of Eden have always lived under the protection of a glass dome, which has cut off most of the radiation for them-and the rest is enough to resist by eating gummies. Their physiques are ordinary people, and they have no luck when directly facing radiation. Once the concentration of radiation exceeds 3 xi, the number of sudden illnesses and deaths will begin to rise sharply.

Although I didn't think about it when I did it at the time, after thinking about it carefully, what Lin Sanjiu felt most surprised was that once radiation began to appear inside the glass dome, it would be difficult for the radiation to dissipate again-the glass used to protect the residents of the Garden of Eden Top, it has become a gas chamber that traps them.

"Radiation sickness." Since entering the Chinese New Year fighting arena, Lin Sanjiu's voice is still so brisk for the first time. She looked back at the dozen or so women behind her, and smiled at Li Tao in a low voice: " are tired of this too, right?"

Li Tao blinked her big eyes like black grapes, her eyes gleaming with incomprehensible water.

"Tonight, we can try it out."

Li Tao was shocked. Just about to speak, the advertisement on the big screen went black with a "pop", and then Aliba's voice rang out with a bit of anguish: "Due to an emergency, the Chinese New Year Fighting Tournament is temporarily Stop! All spectators are requested to leave the venue in order, and the guards will quickly detain the mutants back!"

Lin Sanjiu laughed and asked Li Tao: "Don't fall asleep at night."

Li Tao still looked shocked, she didn't know if she should take these words seriously—she nodded hurriedly, turned around to follow in the footsteps of Lin Sanjiu, and listened to her as she walked back toward the girls. After taking a few shots and attracting their attention, they said loudly: "Everyone has a good rest in the afternoon, I still need everyone's hard work!"

Although her voice was so clear that it could be heard by the guards off the court, she said it vaguely-a soldier with a gun, probably a newcomer, saw the female mutants follow her one by one. I entered the capsule, and then heaved a sigh of relief: "Damn, this number 97 is really a bit..."

"It won't be long." An old soldier snorted. After confirming that the capsule's door was closed, he waved his hand to the distance, and the capsule slid in the direction it came. "You don't know that those chiefs are going crazy right now? How can they care about these mutants... It is estimated that it will not take long for them to be killed."

The veteran was right, Aliba was indeed changing his mind at this time.

There is no other reason. A large number of military and police officials headed by the committee have been attacked and annihilated too severely. Since it was discovered that the first person to die from radiation was a guard soldier, the government administrative officials have launched the attack. All the public opinion available to his staff attacked the military and police department’s corpse meals and neglected their duties, even letting radiation leak and polluting the Garden of Eden. In addition to the three consecutive Chinese New Year fighting games, the female mutant won unscathed, and all of a sudden, "military|police incompetent" scolded everywhere.

Fortunately, the theft of the vault has not been revealed yet-after two phone calls with his superiors, Aliba quickly issued a series of instructions: the media controlled by the party issued a condemnation and accused the Eden Laboratory of careless operation. In order to show the toughness of the military and police, all female mutants will be beheaded and executed in the early morning of the next day, and the whole process will be broadcast live.

"Never let the sponsorship of the Chinese New Year Fighting Game fall into the hands of the tech gang," Aliba sighed heavily, "At any rate, let them commit the crime of radiation sickness!"

The adjutant who was covered in radiation protection suits hurriedly nodded, and was about to leave when he was suddenly stopped by Aliba behind him: "By the way, at night, be careful, and send more people to the venue to watch me. Now, if you let those female mutants get into trouble again, you don’t have to do it—especially staring at No. 97 for me!”

He has always been a very cautious person.

After Aliba's instructions, after the evening, a group of heavily armed soldiers stationed in the competition venue.

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