Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1835: one day

Chapter 1835

"The player has left pedaling for 31 seconds. Please return to pedaling as soon as possible within one minute."

When the announcement disappeared from the air again, the paper crane finally fell into silence.

Hei Zeji's guidance is only a few words in plain terms; probably because he doesn't know what situation Lin Sanjiu is facing, so the content is also some general outlines. But no matter what, Lin Sanjiu could rely on this paper crane at this time.

Any evolutionary ability has its limitations. There is no "absolutely perfect" ability or item in the world-after she told herself secretly, Lin Sanjiu tried her best to calm down, spend a few seconds, and squinted her eyes. After a while, King Henry and his [Picasso].

…The limitations of this ability seem to be in the “scope”.

If [Picasso] can stretch indefinitely, then the evolutionary who is hiding under the surface of King Henry may have ruled the world long ago... But now "King Henry" looks very cautious, and is surrounded by [Picasso]. , How to take advantage of this limitation?

Lin Sanjiu took a deep breath while recalling Hei Zeji's words, and then closed his eyes.

"...When you see a cluster of trees, a sea, and a pool of rocks, you think it's the'environment', a part of nature. Trees, seas, and rocks are all creations of this planet, and people are also creations of this planet. —Why do you feel that you are separated from the environment when you look at yourself?"

…After immersing in the "pure touch" state, the pain all over the body was sharp and fierce for a moment; but then, the pain retreated, and a more basic and firmer feeling floated-that was Lin San Wine's body is telling something all the time. Only when she is in the "pure touch" state, can she hear the sound from her body.

Although Lin Sanjiu closed his eyes at this time, the [Picasso] space on the opposite side had never been so clear.

When you look with your eyes, you may also be affected by [Picasso]'s unique light and shadow techniques; however, the skin, pores, hair...neither lie nor be confused.

Just like touching a sculpture carved with pits and pits, Lin Sanjiu clearly knows which space has sunk, which has risen, and which has been removed... This feeling is like It was so wonderful that she was even a little fascinated, almost forgot that she still had a time limit, and there was an enemy standing opposite.

As the rhythm of her breathing disappeared, the Piandian was plunged into a strange short silence for an instant.

If it hadn't been for raising his hands to maintain the [Picasso] space, King Henry would almost rub his eyes now, for fear that he would be fooled by some illusion.

There was indeed a woman standing opposite, and his retina told him so plainly; however, he didn’t know why, his gaze always slipped past her involuntarily, without stopping at all—as if Lin Sanjiu was not one. The enemy he was facing was a candle, a carpet, and a pillar, without his attention.

Several times, after King Henry's heart stunned, he abruptly turned his gaze back to Lin Sanjiu, only to realize that the other party was still standing in place.

It was so pale that it was almost imperceptible—the corners of Lin Sanjiu's mouth were slightly smiling.

"...When you realize that you are part of the environment, and the environment is also a part of you, you have one more powerful weapon, a weapon that no one can take away from you."

When I first listened to this passage, it was still a bit difficult to understand, but after Lin Sanjiu tried to step forward in the "pure touch" state, she immediately understood the meaning of Hei Zeji.

In this step, the message that Space transmits to her may take dozens of pages to complete: the direction of air flow, the distant warmth of candlelight, a small cluster of dust that has just fallen on the beam...

Everything in the world seems to have flowed through Lin Sanjiu's body at this moment; even herself, turned into a part of this torrent, tumbling and tumbling on the surface of the planet—

Forty to fifty meters ahead, the red carpet stepped on by King Henry’s feet was slightly crooked. The edge of the red carpet did not fit the ground tightly. Instead, it was placed on another blanket. It's a bit taller.

"Are you going to close your eyes and wait to die?"

King Henry suddenly sneered, his tone full of sarcasm, but he trembled slightly at the end of the last word.

He had a faint feeling for a long time, but he couldn't grasp the premonition, and he didn't know what the situation was. If he could stimulate Lin Sanjiu to make a move, he might be able to grab the opponent's feet instead. -"I say you…"

Just after a word, the woman with her eyes closed suddenly moved.

Her movements are neither fast nor slow. Say fast, as if every step is clearly visible; if you speak slowly, it seems that there is no time to blink her eyes. Her movements have been done in one go.

Lin Sanjiu's heels turned and kicked, she had already pried a corner of the red carpet under her feet, and flew into the air; her eyes were still closed, her hand gently stretched forward, and she grasped it accurately. On the red carpet, as soon as she took her arms away, a large piece of carpet was torn up by her and threw it behind her.

King Henry didn't notice it at all. The carpet under his feet lost the layer underneath, and immediately fell gently on the ground-"What are you doing?" He roared.

Even with the most sophisticated equipment, I’m afraid it’s impossible to measure how much the human body will fall when the carpet falls a little bit—this kind of subtle to barely change that even the person involved doesn’t notice; but in Lin Sanjiu’s " In the eyes, this is already a key enough to determine success or failure.

Because of a speculation she just made, it has been proved.

"...In the environment, the most easily changed by us is the air." Kurosawaji said in the third and last paragraph of the paper crane: "Every human action, no matter what No matter how small it is, it will change the airflow. Do you think that the growth of growth muscles and strength can only directly hit the enemy? When we hit the air at the right angle and force, sometimes it can produce amazing effects. ."

No one answered King Henry, Lin Sanjiu was like a ghost in the dark night, her body slid down in the air lightly; every movement of her legs bending and squatting looked like a natural fit. , Gently, and heavily, her right bone wing suddenly gathered up and pierced into the air in front of her suddenly.

"Are you suddenly blind-"

King Henry’s ridicule was actually just a thought. Before he could say it, something changed before his eyes; however, all this happened so quickly that he only felt a sudden pain in his left foot, "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" With a sound, my body couldn't help but shake--

This shock was enough-he involuntarily waved his hands that were raised high.

[Picasso] At the moment when it loosened, Lin Sanjiu felt as if he had waited all his life. She kicked her feet, and then her whole body had been integrated into a small thing, and it was ejected under this force, so fast that she couldn't even keep up with her thinking.

…Before, she used her feet to force, her legs to keep up, and then her upper body to lean forward; the sequential action step by step was not only inefficient, but the effect was also greatly reduced. This is why Kurosawa Ji said that her body was blocked. dead.

[Picasso] After being loose for half a second, it condensed again under the command of King Henry; however, half a second was already too much.

"For, for..." King Henry opened his eyes wide, staring at the thick bones that passed through his abdominal cavity. "What..."

His blood-red eyes moved hard to his left foot—it looked like it had been blown up by a small bomb, and the shoes and half of the toes were all broken into **** pieces.

"That," Lin Sanjiu opened his eyes at this time, the amber eyes gleaming in the dim side hall. "...It's the air I shot. If it wasn't for your body that had dropped a few millimeters and exposed out of the [Picasso] space, I wouldn't be able to hit you."

Although I understood every word, Henry's expression had never been so blank.

The high nose, deep eyes, and curly hair belonging to a middle-aged European man gradually disappeared from his face; like the low tide of the sea, it revealed an ordinary dark yellow face underneath.

At the moment of his death, Lin Sanjiu still didn't know his name.

"The player has left pedaling for 52 seconds. Please return to pedaling as soon as possible within a minute."

After exhaling, Lin Sanjiu looked away from the collapsed corpse and stepped on the iron board. Following her movements, the announcement went silent.

After thinking about it, she took out the paper crane and planned to reply to Kurosawaji.

"Thank you, your news came too timely. I just defeated an opponent..." Her message was simple, and she said it in a few words; as soon as she stretched out her hand and let go of the paper crane, her wings suddenly fluttered towards her. Flew out behind him.

…Perhaps because of the slight slack after the battle was won. When Lin Sanjiu suddenly realized that there was still someone standing behind her, she turned her head sloppily, just to match the graceful beauty of Queen Margaret. , But expressionless face.

The muscles all over his body tightened in an instant, and then relaxed in the next second; with a bit of confusion, Lin Sanjiu blankly saw the paper crane falling on Queen Margaret's slender finger.

"I warn you," a lock of blonde hair slipped, and from her red lips like cherry blossoms, Lin Sanjiu's familiar fierce tone was spit out, "...if you dare to talk to others about this, I will definitely do it myself. Kill you."

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