Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1845: Simple and straightforward old thing sales meeting

Chapter 1845 A Simple And Straightforward Old Object Sales Meeting

This chapter will soon be over. I said that I will be refreshed in July (although I will see a doctor next week, I will have to cut my hair, and I will have to go out several times, but I will still update it to make up for it)

As soon as the two eyes fell on the goose beak, even though they were far away and couldn't see clearly, they couldn't help but get excited.

"Hurry up and ask it to be brought over," Lin Sanjiu said anxiously, but the words were vaguely dragged and mixed together. But as soon as these words were spoken, she immediately realized that the big goose could not go inside, otherwise they would all be here once they touched those arms.

"It said it was a folded piece of paper." The puppeteer listened and said.

"Paper?" Lin Sanjiu asked immediately: "What's on it?"

"There are words."

"Then you let it read it!" Lin Sanjiu was so anxious that she almost passed away—even if she had enough consciousness, she couldn't stand the constant consumption like this; after a while, let alone mimic Ji Shanqing, I'm afraid she would use consciousness It's not enough to move your body.

The puppeteer asked slowly, "Which goose have you seen to read?"

"It—I—" Lin Sanjiu dumbly said, "Then how does it know that Coke Zero is out of stock?"

"Listen to a voice over the counter."

Can't read, what kind of special item is it? Lin Sanjiu swallowed the words that had reached his mouth again, and only held back his anger and said, "Then I will go over."

Moving forward among the piles of puffed food like mountains, it was more difficult than she thought; it was like returning to the sea of ​​balls that she had played when she was a child, she had almost nowhere to do it, let alone the moment. It was like a paralysis, dragging a dead body forward-just a short distance, and ate a large piece of her consciousness.

When Lin Sanjiu finally fell in front of the big goose, the big goose let the paper fall off with a mouth, and immediately pecked her several times. It didn’t hurt to peck on the bag anyway, she didn’t hide, just spread the note quickly; as soon as she recognized the two big English words on her head, she almost thought she had read it wrong—she was so excited. Not even a word was said clearly for the first time, just a sharp whine.

"Puppeteer," she finally sorted out the words and sentences, and even changed the tone of her voice, "this, this is a shopping list!"

Just looking down, Lin Sanjiu couldn't help sighing again.

This copy won't let them pass easily...There are not many things on the list, there are only four items listed, but none of them can be understood. It’s not that she doesn’t know those English words, but that every item is so confusing—

1. Lactose intolerance (really troublesome)

Two, teach that kid Ralo a lesson!

Three, don’t buy beer, Brown has gained a lot recently

Fourth, adolescents are all walking hormones

"What kind of stuff is it a cryptic reminder?" After reading these four items, Lin Sanjiu sighed, seeing that nothing else was written on the paper. "It seems that if you don't solve the puzzle, you won't I know what to buy. I hope there will be additional information in the next broadcast."

She finished her words, but her ears remained silent, and there was no more voice from the puppeteer.

In the dead silence, only the thousands of densely packed arms on the shelves were still rolling silently; Lin Sanjiu realized that since she just found the shopping list, she has never heard the puppeteer say anything; she Finally some scalp numb, he asked softly: "Hey, what do you think? Why don't you speak?"

The only answer to her was silence.

Lin Sanjiu slowly cooled his heart. She tried to turn her sluggish gaze away, just to meet the big goose next to her. I don't know when, the big goose lost its flexibility and no longer bit her. It just stood blankly, patted its wings occasionally, and stopped moving again.

…The puppeteer is probably no longer good.

When this thought broke into Lin Sanjiu's mind, she suddenly panicked-she was the only one left in this store.

No one will discuss and analyze the situation with her, and this big goose will not go to find news at her request; in this terrifyingly large, dark and deserted shop, all she has left is constant consumption and passing away. Consciousness, and gradually paralyze the dead body.

When she realized that she was getting more and more panicked and more and more unable to calm down, she immediately turned off [Consciousness Mimicry]—Lin Sanjiu's character returned to her body, and she took a long breath. , How much stabilized the mind.

The gift pack is good, but it's too easy to be frightened.

Lin Sanjiu slowed down, knowing that she didn't have much time, and immediately started mimicking again; this time, she forced herself to focus on the current predicament, and finally panicked again.

The current known facts are that she was caught when she passed the potato chip shelf, and if she wanted to leave, she had to "find the correct potato chip"-although this one may have been deleted, anyway , The correct answer must be on this shelf; in other words, it should be a pack of puffed food.

So, is it because Mrs. Cleveland’s shopping list has this item, so you have to find out; or do you have to do it again as long as you pass through a shelf? In other words, is the shopping list the criterion for choosing the correct answer?

If the puppeteer is still awake, at least let him try to go outside and see what happens; but now he has completely turned into a bag of potato chips, even if Lin Sanjiu is now wrapping him up with his consciousness. Throw it, I'm afraid it won't be held anymore.

Lin Sanjiu looked at the motionless big goose, feeling anxious and at a loss, but of course the big goose couldn't reveal any information.

She and the puppeteer entered the store at the same time. Although I don't know why the stronger one was damaged first, I think about it and know that she has not much time left. In the next little bit of time, she can only execute one action plan. Should she find the answer according to the shopping list, or search for other information to make a judgment?

Once she chose the wrong path, she never had a chance to look back.

As time passed bit by bit, the dead silence in the aisle seemed to have taken on weight, becoming heavier and darker. The expansive snack packaging bags are like pairs of tarnished eyes, staring blankly at the dim ceiling and the hundreds of pale arms that are constantly scratching on the shelves.

In this silence, the sudden faint noise seemed almost harsh-a bag of potato chips with green and green onion and chicken flavor, like it was pushed by some invisible force, and plunged into it. A pile of potato chips in the hill.

After Lin Sanjiu made up his mind, the first thing she did was to pick out the puppeteer and throw it at the feet of Big Goose.

Next, it depends on whether she made the right bet this time.

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