Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1847: This is called attachment

Chapter 1847

At the beginning of the sales meeting, the grass and gravel roads were filled with hurried footsteps, and the air was filled with low conversations and faint tension... However, after ten minutes or so, everyone seemed to have become a group of sheep without shepherds. The sheep, who was at a loss, gradually slowed down, not knowing what to do next.

Because the prompts are very simple, by this time everyone has walked through the six stalls, and almost everyone is aware of the same problem like Lin Sanjiu.

“The textbooks in Booth No. 1 need to be replaced with the underwear on Booth No. 6, the underwear on Booth No. 6 needs to be replaced with the wall clock of Booth No. 4, and the wall clock at Booth No. 4 needs to be replaced with the car GPS on Booth No. 3. The on-board GPS on the booth needs to be exchanged for "February Snow" on the fifth booth..."

The middle-aged woman in the pink dress has a pretty good memory. Surrounded by several evolutionists, she counted her fingers and sorted out the stalls and items one by one: "The "February Snow" in Booth No. 5 needs to be used. The shoes at Booth No. 2 were changed, but the shoes at Booth No. 2 have already been bought!"

"Isn't this a closed loop? The only opening is the pair of shoes..." said the tall man in his forties and fifty years.

"Only when you get those shoes, can you change them one by one?" The long-haired girl frowned and said, "But even so, I can only change out one thing in the end..."

The more people talked about the problem, the more they could not discuss it for a while; the wife simply asked the stallholder No. 2 loudly: "Hey, at what price are your shoes sold?"

"A special item," the owner of the No. 2 stall replied with a smile, "The preciousness must also be between 6-8. It is something that will feel painful when you give up."

"I'm confused," the thin boy sighed. "There are only three winning items, but the prompt points to six different things. And only the person who bought the shoes can exchange them out... What is this? What's the matter? What shall we do?"

Lin Sanjiu has pondered this question several times; it's a pity that he has left his consciousness in the "dream of one hundred thousand world transfer", and only a little "car money" is left, so that it is no longer possible to want a mimicry gift package.

"Yeah, didn't it mean that there were three winning items?" The husband of the couple said with some anxiety: "Of the six things, three must be the wrong answer. But it still doesn't solve the problem of shoes..."

"Who took the shoes?" The forty or fifty-year-old man was finally anxious. "Who took it, stand up! Otherwise, you will be found out when you change things!"

Although this copy does not encourage the use of force, it does not prohibit the use of force; the person who took the shoes will naturally not stand up in full view and become the target of the public.

At least they had a good chance...Lin Sanjiu thought.

If the person wants to change things, he must first start with "February Snow" in Booth 5. At this time, Bohemia is still standing next to Booth No. 5, holding his arms loyally, like a bone guard. Dog, very vigilant-when the inconspicuous man walked towards Booth No. 5, she immediately turned around and grabbed "February Snow" into her hands first.

"Are you finally going to start changing things?" Bohemia asked, looking at him diagonally.

Always keeping one eye to see Lin Sanjiu in Bohemia, she reacted immediately; when Bohemia's words fell, she hurriedly walked to the side of Booth No. 5-as soon as she saw her move Now, several other evolutionaries also gathered from a distance, standing a few steps away, everyone's eyes were fixed on the man.

Someone asked in a low voice, "What's the matter? Why are they all around him? He has shoes on his hands?"

"No, I'll just... I'll take a look." The man lowered his eyes, as if he did not dare to look at people because he had done something wrong, and glanced at Booth 5 from a distance.

"If you have shoes, hand them over and we can think of a solution together. If you don't have shoes, stand farther away," the forty or fifty-year-old man shouted in a deep voice, "so as to avoid misunderstandings for a while, it's not good to get started. ."

Whether the shoes are in his hands or not, he wanders in front of Booth 5 like this, which is too eye-catching.

This thought seemed to float in Lin Sanjiu's and the man's hearts at the same time; he naturally would not believe in excuses such as "find a way together", and there was no time to say anything. He waved his hand and backed away—before he turned and left, he finally He glanced at Booth No. 5 again, frowned slightly, as if looking for something but couldn't find it.

Is there anything wrong at booth 5?

The owner of booth No. 5 was urging Bohemia to either pay or put down the book quickly; Lin Sanjiu's eyes circled on the table, but he saw nothing: neck pillow, briefcase, stationery set, Half a bottle of perfume... and after the "February Snow" was put back in place, everything is the same as when the stall owner said the reminder.

Thinking of the reminder, the voice of the No. 5 booth owner naturally rang from his mind: "Which month has 28 days?"

Lin Sanjiu was so excited that she realized that she had made a mistake—if it wasn't for many people next to her, she almost slapped herself on the forehead.

The rules are known early in the morning, so how can they ignore the present?

In the next second after waking up, her [Consciousness Scan] has been spread out with a change of mind; all the objects hidden outside the corner of the field of vision due to the distance and angle are all clearly presented at this moment. In her mind.

Ms. Dungeon Biology seemed to feel her gaze formed by her consciousness. Whenever Lin Sanjiu "looked" at a stall, the stall owner would lift his head from under the tent and smile at where she was.

The prompts on No. 1, No. 2 and No. 5 were all asked by her in the first batch. They were “Some of us know, some don’t, but if there are questions and answers, we will know” and “I will drive you. Go ahead, what am I" and "Which month has 28 days".

Followed by the reminder of Booth No. 6, "Although it is accompanied by people, people may sometimes be unaware of it and familiar with it." Except for the new package of underwear, there is nothing else on the table that fits the prompt description.

Among the remaining booths, the reminder of booth No. 3 is "I tell you to come and go, what am I"; and among the items on the table, there is a car GPS device.

The reminder of Booth No. 4 was, "As you move forward, I will grow up." Everyone agreed that the answer must be a wall clock.

Looking around, Lin Sanjiu's [Consciousness Scan] suddenly turned back to Booth 3.

…found it.

"Bohemia," she screamed in a deep voice, "just stay here and don't move. The person who has changed his shoes must come, and he can only come to booth 5 to change things."

"Isn't I watching this," Bohemia murmured, "What are you going to do?"

"It's no way for everyone to stand stiff like this. Let's check again and inquire, maybe there will be new clues." Lin Sanjiu explained to the faces that turned towards her, and calmly walked towards the third booth. .

When she stood in front of the booth, she could feel that someone from behind followed two steps and stopped; some stretched their necks to see what she was going to do; others seemed to think she was right, and hurried to other At the booth, the search process was repeated again—and the man who refused to say anything came straight to the third booth. If it weren’t for fear of making others alert, I’m afraid he will look like him. I can't wait to run over in strides.

Lin Sanjiu was unaware of him; she stretched out her hand and picked up the work diary with "2022" printed on the table.

"Very new," Ms. Dungeon Biology seemed to be a little confused, "The new year has just passed one month, and I only used it to write a month's work schedule. I didn't expect to use it anymore. ."

Is it because the end is here?

After opening it, Lin Sanjiu was half relieved—this kind of diary book printed in advance according to the year really printed every month and every day on the inner page; it seemed that she had guessed right.

Her "What's the price?" and the man's hurried sentence "You got it wrong" sounded almost at the same time.

Lin Sanjiu motioned to the stall owner No. 3 to wait, turned his head to look at the man who had just approached the stall, and smiled slightly. "How did I make a mistake?"

"The answer to the prompt of this booth should be a GPS..." The more the man said, the lower his voice, "If you don't believe me, ask the owner..."

"Up to now, do you still think that you alone have found the problem?" Lin Sanjiu lowered his voice and asked.

The man was startled and stopped talking.

"You and I know it all," she said in a very low volume in order not to attract the attention of others: "We all overlooked a blind spot."

Ms. Dungeon Biology mentioned it at the beginning, and the prompts on every two booths pointed to the same object. This point shows two things: one, there are three booths where no winning items that meet the prompts can be found; two, the things found must meet two prompts at the same time.

"With this logical reasoning, now every booth can find something that meets the prompt, and that thing only meets one prompt, it means that everything we have found so far is not a real winning item."

The question of "which month has 28 days" is also extremely misleading. The question is neither "Which months have 28 days" nor "Which months have only 28 days", so it can have two answers: the standard answer is naturally "Every month has 28 days", but it says "February "Or other months are not wrong-because February does have 28 days.

In this way, when people see that there is only one copy of "February Snow" on the table that can match the prompt, they naturally have no doubt about it.

"However, if the correct answer is'There are 28 days in a month', then there is nothing in Booth 5 that can match the prompt." Lin Sanjiu explained softly, turning a few pages. Work log in hand. "It's just such a coincidence. The work diary on Booth No. 3 is not only related to 12 months, but it can indeed'instruct to come and go'... The real winning item is naturally this diary."

The man really didn't know how to conceal his thoughts, even though he didn't say anything, he had already sold his thoughts before his face changed. Lin Sanjiu looked around and saw that no one was paying attention to them for a while, and said in a low voice: "I can give you this item, and I can even help you collect the price for it. And my request, you have long ago Got it."

As long as you open your mouth to answer a question, you can get such a big benefit right away. Should this person agree now?

A face of the man was about to be crooked in the process of competing with him.

"I...I don't know the answer to your question."

This chapter is really too difficult to write. I don’t know why. I rewrite the middle paragraph four times and the end twice... What I eat is grass, and what I squeezed out is Doomsday Paradise.

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