Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1849: In hindsight, there seemed to be a thousand

Chapter 1849 Looking back afterwards, it seems that there are a thousand hints

This chapter will be ready soon, it's a long time

Why is it actually a planet?

This problem is almost unsolvable at this time.

…After half an hour has passed, Lin Sanjiu was the first to sit up from the ground.

Her limbs were still trembling slightly because of the loss of strength; the loud noise when the mountains were whistling and the sky fell just now, and her ears were still buzzing rumblingly, even after a long time, she did not recover.

A few dozen steps away from her, there was a sinkhole that was invisible and unexplorable; the ground was torn off a thick piece, revealing the silent darkness underneath. The only trace left in the town is the underground pipe that has broken in the soil and has not been swept away.

Cars, streets, and sheltered houses all disappeared from this land—no, it should be said that even the land itself disappeared.

The Great Witch was **** with a bone whip, and Lin Sanjiu's group dragged their exhausted body and hurriedly left the place.

In fact, they don’t know where they should go. In fact, no matter which direction they are going, it’s the same for them; a few people picked a direction opposite to the crack and walked aimlessly for several days. At last he stopped in a small city.

There seems to be no concept of a country in this world. Even if they cross this continent, they will meet one town after another.

This small city on the edge of the continent, it only takes 20 minutes to walk from the east end to the west end, but it also seems to have experienced an unknown bloody-all the entrances and exits of the city are covered by layers of barbed wire like thorns. It was sealed; when several people cut off the barbed wire and walked into the street, they discovered that there were bones, stumps, and dry blood everywhere.

"Someone locked up these lunatics," after walking a few streets, Ji Shanqing came to a conclusion: " looks like the people here have been eaten up."

The gift package is not at all concerned about the survival of humans other than Lin Sanjiu; when he said this, his feet naturally kicked off a dead body that was blocking the road—it was chewed so that only a few shredded legs were hung. Bone, when the local knocked out a series of echoes on the floor tiles.

"Let's just rest here," After walking along the road for too long, Qingjiu Liu looked painful like a fish out of the water. "Gudong" sat down on the side of the road and refused to move." To be honest, with every step I take, I think the idea of ​​breaking up with you gets stronger."

"It would be great if we could stay here safely until the transmission day," Ji Shanqing also echoed, "...Anyway, we don't have to meet people anymore."

Even the sea water was rolled upside down and sucked into the dimensional cracks, so Silu and Citu who went by sea might have been killed long ago.

Every time he thinks about this, Lin Sanjiu feels that he has been punched in the stomach.

"Well, we really have to take a break, too." She sighed and said solemnly.

Along the way, they hadn’t even met a mentally ill patient, which seemed to be safe; but Lin Sanjiu was still worried. After inspecting the small town, a group of talented people settled in the city hall—cleaned the bones. A few mattresses were dragged out from the residential houses and placed side by side in a corridor behind the hall, even if they had completed the "camping".

The water source in the small city comes from a reservoir outside the city. The corrupted corpses soaked in it are almost all rotten into pulp. It has long been a slimy pool of dirty liquid; perhaps it is because of mental patients who have been raising for a period of time. The clean water and food in the city have long been used up-a few people walked around the city a few times, and the biggest gain was an undamaged smoking hotel.

Relying on the clear water in the Lin Sanjiu card library and the few remaining [Military Compressed Heat], a few people finally had a peaceful life—if it weren’t for the "Visa Agents" in [eBay], there would never be any If you reply to the message, this period of time can even be considered carefree.

"Still not," After another disappointment, Lin Sanjiu converted the red plastic letters in his hand into a card and put it away, finally sighing. She recently left a few more messages to the "visa agent" like a reminder, but it was always like a stone sinking into the ocean, and there was no response.

"I haven't replied for so long, will that person have been sucked away by the dimensional crack?" Teacher Yi replied in her mind.

Lin Sanjiu's brow furrowed tightly, and he didn't say a word for a while. It's not that she hadn't thought about this possibility-but if that were the case, things would be troublesome.

Where else can she go to find a visa next?

After a few seconds, Lin Sanjiu finally suppressed the thought, turned the subject and asked, "How's the matter of Consciousness Starry Sky? Can I go now?"

As soon as he mentioned this, Teacher Yi suddenly stretched his tone and sighed very humanely.

"Didn’t I say that you didn’t advance [Consciousness Mechanics Hall] to that point. Even if I wake up, you still can’t enter the Consciousness Starry Sky—" she said here, and it seemed that there was a surge. It seemed to be irritable: "Oh, this is actually the conclusion I analyzed based on the news you told me. If you hadn't said it, I wouldn't know that there is still consciousness starry sky."

Lin Sanjiu couldn't help being taken aback immediately: "What? You don't know?"

"How would I know!" Teacher Yi replied almost confidently: "I am the guiding teacher set up in the [Mechanics of Consciousness Hall]. To which level your ability has been upgraded, I will tell you what level of content— I am not a bodhisattva who leads monkeys to learn from the scriptures.

Lin Sanjiu widened his eyes, and there was nothing to say for a while—the only thing that was floating in the air was the faint voice coming in from the hall outside.

After thinking about it, she hurriedly asked: "Then what should I do?"

Teacher Yi sighed again—if she had a real body, Lin Sanjiu’s brain would have been blown out of her ears and eyes.

"Didn't I tell you, I have to do it step by step now. If what Nuwa is telling is the truth, then after your ability is upgraded to the top, you will naturally be able to become aware of the starry sky."

"When will I have to wait," Lin Sanjiu was unwilling, "I haven't entered middle school yet-you can't think of a way? Didn't Nuwa send me in ahead of time?"

Teacher Yi murmured in her mind. Although Lin Sanjiu didn't hear it clearly, she felt that it was like "Then you find Nuwa".

"...Listen to me," after a pause, Teacher Yi finally started speaking a little tired. "If [Consciousness Mechanics Hall] is an application, I am a user interface. You use me to learn new abilities, upgrade new versions, switch different functions... But as a user interface, I cannot cheat for you. Yes—even if I am such a smart artificial AI—because the program is not set up like this."

Lin Sanjiu finally understood this analogy.

"However," Teacher Yi said, " don't need to be discouraged. In the past few years, the reason why your [Mechanics of Consciousness Hall] was so slow was because you were constantly having troubles. Locked up, you lost your physical body for a while-finally saved your body, Nuwa is attacking and obstructing you again. This time her consciousness is gone, you can rest assured, the next period of time, you The speed of advancement will definitely be greatly accelerated."

After Lin Sanjiu listened, there was still no clear expression on his face.

"I don't know that the great witch can't wait for that day," after a long while, she rubbed her face. "...I took her chance to survive, and always owed her my life."

Speaking of this, she stood up-just now the two of the gift packs pushed the big witch out of the hall, as if a child was going to walk a dog, saying that they wanted her to go outside to "basking in the sun"; at the moment they have been out for a while. Lin Sanjiu was worried, and walked out following the sound of conversation outside.

At this moment, the sky was just right outside, and the afternoon sun was like melted gold, flowing in every inch of air. The blue sky was so clear that there was no cloud, and he looked out at a glance—Lin Sanjiu opened his mouth wide.

She finally understood why Li Bao and Qingjiu Liu were suddenly enthusiastic about taking the great witch to bask in the sun.

"What you felt just now was a bit interesting, indicating that you are still very talented." Qingjiuliu was holding a cigarette, and did not notice Lin Sanjiu standing in the hall; he frowned at the moment, his expression was serious. Ji Shanqing said: "...but I am not a Stanislavsky school. It sounds wonderful to be truly integrated into the role, but in fact it puts a lot of restrictions on an actor...Of course, for For you..."

Lin Sanjiu walked a few steps forward blankly, his eyes rolled a few times.

"I am more inclined to Brecht's acting genre. You must be higher than your own role, and show the core of this role selectively and strengthened to others—"

Under the bewildering guidance of Chase at Kiyokuliu, the gift bag nodded as if he understood; then he coughed and turned his head to face the immovable Datong who was sitting in a new wheelchair. The witch, her face sank.

"You don't have a mother, but suppose she is the woman who made you and abandoned you..."

On the small face of the gift bag, an unspeakable look gradually emerged-as if it were a broken child, and pretended to be strong in front of others.

"Yes, great, now you imagine, she suddenly tells you that she is also unspeakable..."

Lin Sanjiu finally couldn't help it when she heard this-she strode into the yard and cried out dumbfoundedly: "What are you doing!"

With this sound of her, the two of them jumped and turned around at the same time; it was obvious that they were too serious just now and were immersed in the acting class without even hearing her footsteps.

"Sister!" Li Bao raised his face and smiled with a neat tooth: "He is teaching me how to act."

"Why are you learning this?" Lin Sanjiu looked at the big witch/performance prop behind them—the latter was tied with a rural woman-style turban on her head, covering her blonde hair, looking really... simple and unpretentious.

Of course, the great witch wearing JimmyChoo would probably not be happy if the starry sky is known.

Qingjiu Liu spit out a sip of cigarette, lazily: "...Tell you, I learned how to perform, it's so useful."

"What's the use?"

"Sister, do you think," the gift bag replied plausibly, "good acting skills, it means that people will believe everything I say-then, won't we be much safer?"

Is it that simple?

Lin Sanjiu curled his eyebrows and looked at the two of them. After a few seconds, he said "oh", "...probably?"

"To be honest, I'm just too lazy to act," Qingjiuliu said, with a look, as if he had done a great favor to others by not acting: "Otherwise, with the IQ of the two of you, I can deceive you. Go round and round."

The gift package suddenly became a little unhappy: "Doesn't it include me?"

Qingjiu Liu didn't answer him, but just continued: "So, I think you should take an acting class well with you."

Lin Sanjiu didn't make a sound-she stared at the two at this time, her eyes suddenly widened and her face paled.

"Your surprised expression is a bit ostentatious," Kiyakuru commented, "Inner--"

Before he could finish his sentence, he was suddenly slapped on the arm by the gift bag; Qingjiu stayed surprised and turned his head too busy.

The great witch sitting behind them still had her eyes closed, but her figure slowly faded, as if she was about to melt into the air.

"She's going to teleport?" With a low growl, she rushed out of Lin Sanjiu's chest; she rushed up quickly and grabbed the sleeve of the great witch. But she also knew that this was just to no avail. Seeing that the color of her body became lighter and lighter, she was so anxious for a while that her chest was on fire—

The Great Witch was the first to teleport, which means that she sent a person to another world alone!

"Put her on the suspect's suit!" Qingjiuliu suddenly yelled, and immediately Lin Sanjiu reacted abruptly-she hurriedly wiped the maiden's shoulder, and the [Suspect Suit] appeared immediately. ; As soon as she was next to the body of the great witch, she immediately turned into a black coat and quickly wrapped her shoulders.

Before the black completely covered the great witch, Lin Sanjiu suddenly felt that his hands were empty—and looking down, the sleeve she had just grasped had disappeared from the palm of her palm.

The great witch seemed to have evaporated, completely without a trace.

Only the wheelchair slipped forward slightly from the spot due to inertia.

The three of them calmed down, looking at the place where the Great Witch had been sitting just now, and no one said anything for a while.

After a long while, Lin Sanjiu squatted on the ground and pressed her temple—the thing she least wanted to happen had happened. Next, she must quickly find a visa to go to the world of the Great Miko...

"Eh, I said," Qingjiu Liu's voice suddenly broke the silence.

Lin Sanjiu let out an "um" without raising his head.

"I seem to be sending it too..."

As if stabbed by a needle, Lin Sanjiu and Li Bao jumped up-as soon as she looked up and saw it clearly, her eyes were almost black.

At this time, Kikuliu raised a hand, observing his fading fingertips with an indescribable look. The gold-like sunlight fell meltedly, shining on him, and then coming out like crystals, reflecting colorful light in the air. He looked like a shining foam on the beach, which was about to disappear in a blink of an eye—


Lin Sanjiu was a violent spirit, and her skin was numb for a while; she was partly thankful and partly surprised that she hadn't thought of it before. At this time, she didn't dare to delay for half a second. She immediately called out a card and stuffed it in. While staying in the hand for a long time, the cardization was released.

That was the gift package that she gave her when she had a "bubble visa"; because it lasted too short a time, she had no hope at all. At that time, she just took a glance and put it away. Soon I forgot about it.

Its existence may not be too long, but it is still developed by Ji Shanqing, which is enough.

Before and after the ability upgrade, the types of visas issued by Ji Shanqing remained unchanged; what she held in her hand was exactly a visa to go to the world of low-level "sandwich biscuits".

"Remember," Lin Sanjiu put another piece of [My Hand Through Your Black Hair] into the hand of the figure that was almost invisible, and shouted: "Even if you have to be confused by color People, also want to save the life of the great witch! See you in the twelve realms in the center!"

(Thank you Mr. Zhou Jing, LuanYu, Han Qiao, Haitang Yunjiao, Hua Xiamian, Lily Ginger, etc., for your monthly tickets, such as Devil Yangyang, Danzhu Yesi, Ding Xi, scarlettlu, etc.! I have not looked back at the revisions, I Let me remind you, [Golden Finger] I want to change this ability, and change it to a higher ability with similar functions, but don’t be surprised to see it suddenly change its appearance in the future...)

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