Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1852: Purchasing is the first step in everything

Chapter 1852 Procurement Is The First Step In Everything

This chapter is very short, so it's very fast

Lin Sanjiu was stunned in the same place for several seconds, and finally digested this fact—

She was actually a bag of potato chips.

This feeling is weird. Even if reason tells her that she now looks like a bag of potato chips, sitting on the first floor of the shelf; however, after moving her body vigorously, Lin Sanjiu did not feel that her stomach was full of potato chips—she I felt that I was just getting heavy body somehow, and I couldn't feel my hands and feet.

While enduring this fact, she forced herself to calm down, thinking desperately about the way out now.

She is probably not the first person to be turned into a potato chip look. Now she has no hands and feet, and naturally can't use her ability; if all the snacks sitting on the shelf were once an evolutionary, then if she falls off the shelf, will she return to its original shape?

Maybe everything is because of this shelf?

Although her body is heavy as if she has no arms and legs, if she is struggling, she can still move...

Lin Sanjiu was determined, and immediately gritted her teeth-if she still had her teeth-dragged her forward desperately; it was just such a simple action, even though she had exhausted all her strength, the distance she moved was so small that there was hardly any the difference.

Feeling exhausted, Lin Sanjiu took a sigh of relief, relieved for a while, and fell forward again forcefully. This time, she could feel that she had finally planted a little bit forward; before she was too happy, she suddenly felt that there seemed to be something hanging around her, and then a shadow followed—

With a "pop", the packet of potato chips next to her fell to the ground.

Lin Sanjiu immediately stared at it closely. She raised her heart high, her eyes didn't dare to blink, and she could even see the production date on the packaging bag clearly-"1993.12.2".

The bag of potato chips collapsed slightly because of a fall. Under Lin Sanjiu's gaze, it slowly bulged back.

But it never showed signs of becoming human.

Just when Lin Sanjiu was a little anxious about trying to jump down again, from the other direction of the shelf, a footstep suddenly came out. The man was not walking fast, and accompanied by an inexplicable noise, he walked steadily step by step-as soon as this sound entered her ears, she let out a long breath.

The puppeteer is here!

Maybe he heard his cry, or maybe he was suspicious after seeing her not showing up for so long; anyway, as long as he came, she would have the hope of being saved.

The footsteps are getting closer and closer, just in the direction of the puffed food shelf. Soon, a shadow came out from the end of the shelf.

Since he couldn't turn his head and look around, Lin Sanjiu could only use his peripheral light to see and stand up his ears to listen; in her peripheral light, the dark figure slowly walked over and finally came to her.

Lin Sanjiu was stunned, and then froze, unable to move or daring to move.

The person in front of him is not a puppeteer.

It really seems to be a person—the other party has a head, a torso, and limbs, and the body is covered with a layer of bright red plastic paper, the texture is the same as a potato chip bag; but the exposed face and skin show The color is yellow, dry and shriveled, but full of bubbles and pores.

It takes a little imagination to see some faint traces of facial features from this lumpy, uneven face. But after looking twice, Lin Sanjiu realized that this face was somehow familiar, somewhat familiar.

She just came up with this thought, and happened to feel its "eyes"—in fact, two crooked, asymmetrical bubbling—glanced in her direction, then lowered her head and looked at the bag of potatoes on the floor. sheet.

"Dropped," it murmured, with a very clear voice: "It fell on the ground, it was stained with ashes, and it couldn't be sold."

Immediately, it stretched out a hand that was also yellow and lumpy, grabbed the bag of potato chips, and picked it up.

"If you can't sell it, I'll eat it myself," the yellow flat human figure exclaimed happily, with a crisp voice and a few clear "quack" sounds. While talking, it pinched the jagged edges of the packaging bag, just like any human who wants to eat potato chips, its hands were wrong, and the packaging bag suddenly made a "squeak" sound like the skin was torn—

Lin Sanjiu almost illusioned that he heard a miserable howl. Just as her heart beat, the sound disappeared again, as if it had never existed.

After a second glance, she saw that the packaging bag was cracked, and she realized that the packaging bag of potato chips was thicker and more flexible than she had imagined. Seeing from the opened part, not only the thickness was exposed. A layer of red meat, mixed with several layers of yellow, yellow, white and white, and even pulled the silk thread by thread, connected to the main body of the bag, it looks like the fascia under the skin has been torn.

The flat man glanced into the bag, went in and grabbed a hand, then fished it out. On its barely one-handed palm, lay flat pieces of crimson crimson, like air-dried internal organs. It took one of the red slices connected to several thick blood vessels and stuffed it into a hole in his face.

"Spicy," The flat man didn't chew much, but half of his face was quickly dyed red, "I like this Mexican spicy."

Lin Sanjiu, who was still pouring forward desperately just now, exhausted all his energy at this time and leaned back. She was afraid that she would fall down accidentally, "stained with ashes", and be eaten by this flat person again.

The bag of potato chips produced in 1993 was quickly eaten.

The flat man threw the empty bag away, and instead of leaving, he seemed to have aroused his appetite. Its two asymmetrical voids slowly swept across the shelf, and said clearly: "cucumber, mustard, tomato...huh?"

It stopped in front of Lin Sanjiu, "Scallion chicken flavor? This flavor should be delicious."

At this moment, Lin Sanjiu's mind quickly turned countless thoughts—but almost none of her abilities could be used, and all the special items were placed in the card library; the only one that could still make her What you fight is consciousness.

This yellow and flat person slowly raised a hand in a crisp click.

Lin Sanjiu stared at that hand, and when it was about to hit him, he slammed his consciousness into a torrent and knocked out the crunchy hand with a slap; it was almost tight. The next second that followed, she suddenly felt that her body was grabbed by someone, and once again she was pulled straight into the shelf.

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