Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1855: Reasons for entering the Grand Palace

Chapter 1855: Reasons For Entering The Grand Palace

This chapter will be ready soon! I am amazing!

…No wonder the other person listens differently every time they laugh.

Under the bright white light, the stuff on the opposite side was clearly exposed in Lin Sanjiu's field of vision. At this time, this space is reflected very delicately, and it is a special item [light moss] used by Polva before; throw it against the wall, and this item can quickly be around. It takes root and spreads in the environment, growing like countless tiny light tubes on the walls and the ground.

"Every time [light moss] spilled can be bright for ten minutes," Polva said behind her, her voice trembling slightly, like a tight thread, as if she was trying her best to restrain the urge to vomit. It seems that he can't stand the look of the thing opposite. "But what you gave me is now somehow restored to its original, won't you use it next time?"

Anything that has been simulated once in [Battle Item] cannot be simulated again; and compared to the original product, it has only half the duration of use—that is, Lin Sanjiu only has five minutes to defeat the object in front of him. .

Anyway, what is this... on earth?

Perhaps Polva's analogy of "deconstructionism" is indeed the most appropriate. The thing in front of me seemed to be the result of dismembering countless human beings and then re-pinching them together at will: a huge nail "blinked" at Lin Sanjiu a few times like eyelids, revealing the eyeball under the nail cover; Clumps of hairs of different colors and textures protruded from the deep body and floated vigorously in the air.

I don't know where to look, so that I don't feel nauseated; I don't know where is the head and where is the body. Lost body, chaotic, staggered, a bunch of eyelashes trembling in the skin hole... a mass of flesh.

Only the parts that can make a sound are opened one by one, and some lips and teeth are blended together, half flesh and bone.

"I'm sorry, I was seen by you." I don't even know where the voice came from.

Lin Sanjiu lifted the back of his hand and wiped his mouth, swallowing the acid that poured into his throat and eyes. She still held the [Little Pawn Anesthesia Gun], staring at the other side, and asked behind her without looking back: "Don't you know anything that can treat the puppeteer? Is there a hemostatic agent?"

"I, when I am injured, just take off a layer of" Polva replied guiltily. He seemed to want to say something more, but the thing on the opposite side didn't give him this chance. Suddenly he was short and rolled towards Lin Sanjiu like a ball; it was extremely fast, and the strange smell was already strong in the blink of an eye. Pounced into her nose.

It came just right. [Painting style mutant version, ding] It shines on her raised hands, and she is ready to meet her.

The flesh-colored phantom rolled at high speed, the ground rumbling and shaking constantly, and the sound filled the entire space. Lin Sanjiu's nerves suddenly jumped slightly, and he felt as if he had heard some noise, but it was too late to turn her head. Just as she raised her hand to press on the thing in front of her, a roar suddenly erupted from behind her. .

"Don't touch it!"

When her brain recognized that it was Mu Xin's voice, Lin Sanjiu's hand was almost touching the crumpled skin. She stunned in her heart and stopped the castration abruptly; however, the speed of the flesh-colored phantom did not decrease, and even if she retracted her hand, it still rolled up.

Lin Sanjiu was unavoidable at this time. As long as she avoided, the puppeteer and Polva behind her would be exposed to the flesh-colored phantom.

"Bend over!"

As soon as Mu Xin's voice sounded, Lin Sanjiu conditioned to bend over, only to feel that something swished past her back, which was slamming her head against the bashing meaty stuff. on. The rolling sound stopped abruptly. In her sight, a piece of saggy skin, flowing like fat to her boots, stopped on the edge.

Lin Sanjiu panted and raised his head, just to see a pair of legs—the part above the legs was already sinking into the flesh-colored stuff; only the legs that had long lost their lives remained outside and were covered by the flesh-colored stuff. The movement of the child's constant "gulping" swayed.

The ends of the legs are the feet, and the ends of the feet are ten toenails that have been mottled with burgundy nail polish, drawing a broken red shadow in the air.

"Retreat, hurry!" Mu Xin's voice made Lin Sanjiu agitated.

She picked up the puppeteer's arm, dragged him on the ground and hurriedly backed a few steps, finally saw Mu Xin standing at the junction of light and darkness. It was only half a night, and this long, straightforward young man had already had a green beard stubble on his chin, his complexion pale and ugly.

He really got stuck inside.

"Do you know it?" Lin Sanjiu asked, panting. Polva also hurried over, like a bunny jumping.

"I've been the target for several times," Mu Xin stared at the thing that had just melted a pair of female legs into it, and didn't even look at her. It may not be an illusion, but the thing seems to have grown a little bit more imperceptibly. "Before I saw you from that small window, I was almost bumped into by something like this, and I managed to escape."

"What is this?" Bai Fatty asked anxiously. [Light Moss] The light spreads evenly in a section of the passage, but it does not shine far; if they step back a few steps, they will return to darkness again.

Mu Xin was taken aback, followed the sound for half a circle, only then saw the fat white man who now has only calf length.

"It's the big fish," he suppressed his surprise, and hurriedly explained: "At least that's what I call them. These big fishes swim in the aisles. Once they roll up like just now, they can be just a little closer to the side. Dissolve the corpses, creatures, and monsters you meet into your body."

"Then how did you escape?"

"This thing has to stop every time it merges so that I have a chance to run." Mu Xin said, looking down at the puppeteer, and frowned slightly.

Lin Sanjiu suddenly understood: Mu Xin must have picked up a corpse from nowhere and threw it over, which stopped the "big fish" for her and saved her life. But things are different now, they can't run away anymore—

She just thought of this when the "big fish" not far away suddenly twisted and stood up. The spotty burgundy nails were trapped in the wrinkled fleshy skin like a sack, and one piece even grew on a person's face. The man's face was pulled flat, and he dragged his face in the direction of Lin Sanjiu with difficulty, and tore his mouth dry at them.

Lin Sanjiu's nerves jumped, and almost missed a beat of his heart. She can cut off the brain's instructions, but the other people can't-before she can think about it, when she leaps forward, she has pulled a bath towel between her hands and covered the face. Its heavy gasp blew the bath towel slightly. When the bath towel and Lin Sanjiu landed together, the "Dying Breath" was barely controlled, and only fluttered out in a small space around her.

Even if it is not inhaled into the nasal cavity, it is enough to be sprayed on the skin by that gasp.

However, how many times have passed through the juncture of life and death, no one can not fear the feeling when stepping on the edge of the cliff and looking down at the abyss of death. This is the deepest fear of all life, knowing that your cells are about to decay and dry up, knowing that you will no longer be able to open your eyes and breathe, and can only sink slowly into the ground like a rotten leaf.

The darkness enveloped Lin Sanjiu's eyes.

Fortunately, this illusion of dying only lasted a few seconds; because she used her consciousness to temporarily cut off the brain's control of the body, her body did not really fall into a state of death because of this illusion. When she opened her eyes trembling, she found herself lying in the corner of the wall, having been left behind by the "big fish".

Presumably thinking that she was bound to die, the huge flesh-colored shadow was rolling towards Mu Xin and his party at high speed. I don't know why, but Mu Xin didn't run, they still squatted far away in the dark place where light and shadow meet, making it difficult to see what they were doing.

Although the fear that erupted when he was dying settled in his veins like toxins, Lin Sanjiu still struggled desperately and waved his hand; Hegel's hooked tow rope jumped into the air like a spiritual snake. Without suspense, he stuck on the "big fish".

Unexpectedly, another scream erupted from the body of "Big Fish"; as soon as the hook pierced in, Lin Sanjiu immediately turned over and jumped up, pressing his feet on the ground, and stubbornly grabbed the forward momentum of the huge Roshan. After she stumbled and staggered, she finally stopped the "big fish" and turned her head to one side, only to find that Mu Xin and the others still hadn't moved. "Big Fish" was too close to them.

Are they looking for death?

Lin Sanjiu's heart was filled with an unknown fire. Just as he was about to roar, he suddenly heard a low cough. She couldn't be more familiar with the sound quality, it was as cold as a dead branch with a layer of frost in the winter, and it was cold.

She stared blankly at the direction of the sound, although her sight was blocked by the "big fish", she couldn't see anything.

"As long as I meet you, there must be nothing good."

The puppeteer said softly.

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