Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1866: Tumbling desire and darkness

Chapter 1866 Rolling Desire and Darkness

This chapter will be ready soon!

I killed her?

Lin Sanjiu lowered his head and glanced at-Luyan lay on her back on the ground. From the front, she couldn't see how tragic the injury behind her was, and she looked calm as if she was asleep. If it is not clear that something has penetrated her throat, I am afraid that even Lin Sanjiu will not be able to spot the red dot that is so subtle that it is almost invisible. Without a personality that has evolved into a complete body, you can't maintain that "fake blood and fake flesh" after death. Seeing the little girl is like foam on the waves, it has gradually become invisible in a few breaths.

Someone killed her, perhaps because he wanted to end this matter sooner, perhaps because he was afraid that what Luyan said would drag him down; after all, there were many personalities who chose to help her before she died.

"Sharles, go ahead at full speed!"

She yelled coldly and looked up at the little boy: " one wants to teleport away from here!"

"What do you want us to do?"

The little boy looks younger than Luyan, short and thin, but his demeanor and tone are as mature as an adult—the look of sniffing when I saw him last time, no doubt It’s all pretending: "Is it because we also acted on you? At that time, our lives were forced and we had to do it. Ask yourself, if your life is held in your hands, you will be so great, and you immediately choose to sacrifice alone?"

He slowed down his tone, and said as if he was persuading and arguing: "She is dead, and you have reported Lu Ze's hatred, so let's just forget it."

The other "Lin Sanjiu" suddenly whimpered in his throat, not knowing what he was thinking of. "She" always drifted away from those personalities, as if unable to blend in; Lin Sanjiu looked at "she" carefully, and did not answer the little boy, but first waved at "she": "... Take off your vest."


"Don't let me repeat."

The other "Lin Sanjiu" looked at a few personalities, and saw that no one objected, and then slowly took off the black racer vest and grasped it blankly in his hand. Even the sports underwear under the "her" vest is exactly the same as Lin Sanjiu's, and people really have to admire Luzer's ability to transform.

"give me."

The vest was gently thrown over, and when it fell into her hand, she could still feel a little body temperature. She looked down and put it on-Bohemia next to her saw it and let out a squirt from her nose.

"...Hey, what do you say?" The little boy felt a little uncomfortable when she saw that she ignored him. Bliss returned to Lu Ze when Lu Yan died, and seemed to never want to pay attention to it anymore; at this time, besides 12, standing beside the little boy, there was only one woman with a long face that she didn't know.

Exodus abruptly accelerated just when the flood was about to hit it, and finally managed to get out of the tentacles of the flood, but the gentle flashing light outside the portholes was never thrown away, and it still followed this ship like a shadow. Spaceship—The light and shadow coming in through the porthole change, making people feel that the entire Exodus is immersed in a sea of ​​brilliant light. In the [Garden of Crossing Paths], it seems that the universe in the dimension where the flood is located is the reality, but the reality she is in is vague, flat and boring.

Lin Sanjiu shook his head, shaking off the feeling a little bit.

The little boy saw her shaking his head, obviously misunderstood. Even if he couldn't see the flood, he might be able to guess that it was not far away; he bit his lip and thought about it, exchanged glances with the two people around him, and shouted, "What are you going to do?"

Before long, she also made up her mind.

"When I have explained the ins and outs of the whole thing, I will let you go whenever I want." Lin Sanjiu approached the door, pulled up the chair, and sat down calmly. She cocked a pair of long legs, just to completely block the door behind her: "...12, you are the personality split after Mather, you should know the most. I want to know all the details, including why this incident is involved. Go to the puppeteer."

A bored look appeared on 12's face.

"It's totally sad to hear, and I can't bring people back to life." He pretended to be considerate of Lin Sanjiu and said-the most uncomfortable thing was that he did not hide this "pretend" at all. To use an analogy, 12 is like a lizard in a human skin, imitating the human response just because he is in the middle of a human being, but even this imitating he does it carelessly.

"As for the puppeteer... Luyan saw that the puppeteer was with you, so on a whim, he came up with an idea to make you a puppet. She is often so whimsical, and it's not the first time. But the puppeteer is like that. I hate you, but never do anything to you, which is really confusing."

Probably few people in the twelve realms would have thought that "mad dogs" actually believed so.

Lin Sanjiu didn't explain, but just snorted: "...speaking from the beginning. Starting from when Luyan woke up."

12 With a sigh of boredom, he suddenly turned his head and asked the little boy: "I said, how long is there anyway?"

These words were thoughtless, but immediately made the little boy furious: "Shut up! Do you have no points for doing things?"

What's going on?

Lin Sanjiu was startled, his gaze rolled over the two of them. At this moment, the sound of the spacecraft’s engine suddenly went out; without the power of the engine, the spacecraft slowed down abruptly. It just glided forward slowly following its inertia, and the gentle and gorgeous light outside the porthole was in a few breaths. The time was bright and rose a lot—she jumped up from her chair in a start, and just about to open her mouth to ask Shales, the system rang first: "The first flight stopped five minutes after restarting the voyage. ,completed."

Lin Sanjiu glanced at the other "Lin Sanjiu", and suddenly understood. Before she could deal with these personalities, she screamed: "Restart, go ahead at full speed!"

"What's the matter?" Bohemia couldn't help but pale.

Fortunately, Exodus's performance is so agile and superior that many aircraft can hardly reach it. As soon as her voice fell, the buzzing of the engine rang again. Even after a sudden stop and a sudden start several times back and forth, when the engine ignited again, Exodus's speed was still stable and smooth, and it regained its previous speed effortlessly-but after such a stop, it was already severely affected. The flood caught up.

Lin Sanjiu did not answer Bohemia. Her gaze crossed the personality and cast straight out of the porthole; the control room was at the height of the ring-like spaceship, and she could just see the arc-shaped stern of Exodus at this time. Part.

…The flood has engulfed that part of the circle.

The snow-white hull is rippling with the shadows of color and light in the beautiful and changeable soft light-the great flood constantly washes, licks, and wraps that part of the hull, as if to use it to grab the entire ship Same. Exodus resumed its navigation extremely fast, but it missed the opportunity to completely get rid of the flood; at this time, the spacecraft and the flood remained at the same forward speed, so the engulfed part was always the same, and it could not be reduced without expanding. .

But if Exodus stopped again, they would be completely submerged without a doubt.

According to what Shales just said, "the first flight stopped", there must be a second time if there is a first time.

"Sharais, void all the orders I gave you before!"

Her gaze was firmly nailed to the several personalities in front of her, and she couldn't help getting angry when she thought that their plan was almost successful.

After thinking about it carefully, I knew that the matter was actually very simple: when they were still in the copy, another "Lin Sanjiu" quietly stayed outside and ordered Sarah to stop the spaceship. It's just that when "she" gave the order, she must have added such a sentence-"Five minutes after each restart of the voyage, we must stop again."

In this way, when Lin Sanjiu came out of the dungeon and found that the spaceship had been stopped, he would only think that she would restart the spaceship immediately. In fact, she did that; it wasn't until five minutes after restarting the voyage that Exodus stopped again according to the previous fake Lin Sanjiu's orders, and the real Lin Sanjiu would realize that he still had a hand hidden here.

Regardless of whether this is Luyan's plan, now the characters are no longer available, they can only either cooperate or counterattack-but after seeing Lin Sanjiu's combat power, the latter is unlikely; With a glance at those personalities, you can notice that none of them has developed a bit of fighting spirit and fighting spirit.

"Are all the previous orders?" Shales asked.

"Yes, all!"

"Yes. The medical room lockup order is an ‘absolute order’. Other than that, the rest of the instructions are now invalid. Please reset it as soon as possible." Shales said calmly.

"Look at them, don't let them act rashly." Lin Sanjiu told Bohemia and approached the console. She needs to call up the voyage log and find out where Exodus was hiding in the blue yellow spring last time as the new voyage target.

Bohemia looked at the group of people in front of her, and puffed up; just when she was about to take a step, the little boy seized the opportunity, and his figure disappeared from the spot with a sudden flash. In the next second, Lu Ze's body moved immediately-before Lin Sanjiu had time to turn his head, he rushed out toward the door like an arrow from the string. Perhaps because the back road was cut off, the little boy who dominated the body apparently put all his chips on this move, and his speed was astonishingly fast under his urgency; he threw the chair away, and Bohemia was blocked like this. , Failed to stop him, seeing that the other two personalities also turned into phantoms, as if they were sucked away, and disappeared one after another as Lu Ze left.

"Come on!"

Lin Sanjiu yelled, dragged Bohemia, and rushed out the door following him. As she ran, she hadn't forgotten to give Shales an order: "...From now on, don't accept the new order to stop the ship!"

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