Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1963: It's time to test Lin San Restaurant's status

Chapter 1963 The Time to Test Lin San Restaurant

Needless to say, this copy is a trap carefully designed by Fanhe, and she must have already prepared a way to deal with Lin Sanjiu.

If both sides must command their own abilities to fight against items like chess, then Lin Sanjiu is now at a great disadvantage: many of her abilities and items were exposed during the last fight. The Brahma has made peace; and the original strength of the Brahma is like a deep water to her.

"How should we fight specifically?" Lin Sanjiu decided to delay as much as possible for a while, not only to better grasp the situation, but also to take advantage of this time to think about strategies. She pointed to the speakers in the venue and asked: "What do the numbers on its head mean?"

On the slightly bright speaker head, there was an extra line of fine print-"S1, E4, P4" than before.

"The'pawns', or'pawns' who want to join the battle, also have rules that need to be followed," the female employee explained. "You can't just rush to the opponent's camp in one go. It's unfair, isn't it? I'm here now. Let’s show you the rules in a battle."

She pointed to the loudspeaker and said: "The procurement battle is based on a turn-based approach. In each round, the customer on the action side can take three actions, namely landing/returning/turning, forward/equipment/backward, and attack/defense.

"Now is the round of Lin Sanjiu's customers. In this round, you have selected an ability and let it land on the shelf, so you can't let another ability land, nor can you turn the speaker, or let it land on the shelf. The other abilities are back on the shelf. Because your first action is over."

Lin Sanjiu nodded, indicating that he understood.

"Next, you can make the speaker take two actions. For example, if you want to make the "speaking method" go forward-then S1 represents its speed, that is, it can go one step at a time. It can only walk in a straight line, either forward or backward. If you want it to go to the left, then you have to wait for the next round and use the first action to make it turn left so that it can go to the left. In other words, each' Chess pieces' can only move forward and retreat in one direction."

After speaking, the calf-high speaker slid forward silently and stopped on the next floor tile.

"In other words, if you can walk two squares at a time, S2 will be displayed on your head?" Lin Sanjiu asked, "Each ability is different?"

"That's it. Now let's suppose that Van and the customer put a'chess piece' here." The female employee waved her hand, and a large mug with the same calf height emerged from the floor tile opposite the speaker.

There is also a line of small characters "S2, E2, P2" floating on the head of the mug.

"E4 means that the effective range of the ability to speak with the law is four tiles, and E is the first letter of'Effectiveness'." The female employee said, "Because this is your round, only you can take action, so Now your speakers are ready to attack the mug."

"How is four yuan calculated? Which four yuan?" Lin Sanjiu looked at it and frowned.

"From the straight line distance of the'chess' facing the direction, count four tiles forward, which is its effective range. Note that it must be the four tiles facing the direction. If the enemy is on your left, then You have to turn around and face the enemy's chess piece head-on." The female employee compared and said, "Now it has an enemy's chess piece on the previous square, then I can take the third place at this moment. This kind of action is called'attack.' The method of attack depends on your abilities or the item itself."

As she yelled "Anything I saw will be caught by me", the same sentence rang out from the speaker at the same time, and then the mug trembled and there was no movement.

"Has the capture succeeded?" Lin Sanjiu looked around.

"Your'pawn' is P4, P stands for Power, and the P value of the opponent's mug is only 2, so as long as Van and the customer did not allow the mug to be'defended' in the last round, you can catch the mug 100%. "

The female employee continued to explain: "If you attack the defensive'pawn', the catch success rate is random. Or your P value is smaller than the opponent, and there is a certain chance of failure when attacking the opponent... For the convenience of demonstration, we assume you The capture was successful."

Following her voice, the mug instantly turned into a small spot of light, and it went straight into Lin Sanjiu's shelf and stopped on one of the floors.

"It would be great if the war really went smoothly," Teacher Yi sighed.

…When the war really starts, Teacher Yi will disappear from his mind and become a light spot on the shelf, right?

"Now that the mug is yours, you can use it in the next round. The more you capture, the greater the advantage, so there is a Matthew effect." The female employee asked with a smile. , "The above are rules for chess pieces, but for you, you are not bound by these rules."

Lin Sanjiu was taken aback, and asked, "You mean...we can also get off the court?"

"Yes," the female employee said, "In the next round, after you let the mug fall to the ground, you can choose not to let it go forward, but instead equip it on your body. At this time, you have used up two actions, right? Then? You can even run all the way to the camp of Van and the customer, find a target, and use the third action, which is to use the mug to attack... This is all allowed."

"Can I bring a certain ability or item into the opponent's position?" Lin Sanjiu digested this message and said, "I just played a role of transportation?"

"Your action time is only ten seconds. Within ten seconds, wherever you go," the female employee said, "Once ten seconds are over, you must stop and choose to attack or defend."

This is undoubtedly putting himself in a very risky situation. Lin Sanjiu nodded and asked, "In addition to being able to walk a few more steps, what are the benefits of doing this?"

"The benefits are great. The'chess' you send out can only attack the opponent's things that leave the shelf. If the opponent doesn't have a'chess' on the ground and empty, then even if your'chess' enters the opponent's camp, it doesn't make sense, but instead does. It may be caught by the opponent himself-as long as she is equipped with something powerful enough."

As soon as the female employee waved her hand, the chess pieces used in the demonstration just disappeared.

"But you personally are different. When you stand in your camp, only the opponent can catch you. The'pawns' sent by the opponent will not work; and after you equip things, you can set out to attack the field. You can enter the opponent’s camp and use the attack opportunity to take away an item on the opponent’s shelf. You can also directly attack the opponent himself."

The female employee smiled and said: "Of course, because all your combat power has been stripped off and put on the shelf, the success of your attack also depends on the P value of what you are equipped with. The higher the P value, the greater your success rate whether you are defending or attacking. Remember, you can only equip one piece at a time."

"If I leave the camp and stop on the battlefield, can the opponent's'chess' attack me?" Lin Sanjiu asked.

The female employee nodded.

"If I have something equipped on my body, then the result will be based on the principle between the pieces... What if I don't have something equipped?"

"Then you will be caught 100% by the other party."

In other words... Is this a copy that will test whose "pieces" are more powerful?

After the veterinarian checked my two cats, the first sentence he came out and said to me was, "You two cats are going to lose weight, ah, their stomachs are very fat, especially the black cat. I can’t even lick my ass"—it’s really the first sentence. I didn’t even have a prologue. I repeatedly emphasized how fat my cat is for two full minutes. There was a girl with two dogs next to him, one person and two dogs. Are constantly looking at me...

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