Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 2050: The road to the end?

Chapter 2050 The road to the end?

The meaning of 50 o'clock was heavily pressed into the air, making everyone quiet for a while.

"No no no,"

Tasker shook his head, his feet were already retreating, and he whispered, "Anyway, I'm not going to buy a road with special items..."

"But the sign only says to ask for chips, not for items," Jia Jiatian squatted on the ground, looked at the tag, and murmured, "After handing in the chips, what will happen to the corresponding items?"

"Maybe there are other doors?" Pina asked as if looking for a life-saver.

Apart from Lin Sanjiu, who was watching from the sidelines, the most calm person was undoubtedly Pan Cui. She thought for a while, then walked up quietly, reached out her hand and carefully flipped over the tags on the door one by one—Pan Cui lowered her head and swept away the gasping sound of the other people, she was relieved, and said with a smile: "Sure enough, it's the same as the chips... there is text on the back."

When it was too late to praise her, everyone immediately gathered around; one by one, everyone read the text on the back of the sign without taking off the sign. For a time, everyone looked at me, I looked at you, and couldn't help but A little stunned.

"The road to the end?"

The road behind this gate may be one of the roads leading to the final casino.

The road behind this gate is not easy to walk, and you can enter after betting at least 50 points.

The road behind this gate is 3 kilometers long. After reaching the end of the road safely and meeting the conditions, the winner is the winner. After lingering on the road for more than 24 hours, it is judged to be a loser. After losing the bet items, the gambler will be sent back to the rooftop of the starting point.

The road odds behind this gate are 1 to 4, and the winner can get back his bet chips at the end of this section of the road, plus three 50-point chips paid for this section of the road (calculated as a bet of 50 points).

Matters needing attention: 1. Only one person is allowed to enter the road behind this gate every 15 minutes;

2. When betting, the chips can be changed, but not on credit;

3. The chips won by the gamblers and the chips for change shall be exchanged for corresponding items at the terminal casino;

4. If the betting chips are lost, the corresponding items will be confiscated on the spot;

5. In principle, gamblers are allowed to borrow and gamble, but for specific rules and feasibility, you need to refer to the text description of each section of the road;

6. After 24 hours after the gambler loses all the gambling books, if he still fails to reach the end point, he will be left by the copy (we are short of people, and we are currently recruiting).

Lin Sanjiu cast her gaze from the rooftop and fell into the undulating high-rise buildings under the sky; she heard Tasker murmured to break the silence: "Could it be that the casino is this whole... city?"

"It looks like this," Pina said with a frown, "the description is too short, and I still have a lot of questions..."

"Me too," Kajatian interjected, "and most importantly, where does the casino end?"

"You may have misunderstood," Pan Cui said coldly, attracting everyone's attention. "It doesn't say the end of the casino, but the end of the casino."

Evolvers who can live in the Twelve Realms may have their own shortcomings, but they are generally not too stupid. Everyone heard the words and paused, and their faces couldn't help but look bitter - "Casino End" The difference between the two and the "terminal casino", if you think about it, it is actually obvious: one means that the dungeon is over and you can go out;

"No matter what the destination is, we still have to know which direction we need to go." Lin Sanjiu said in a deep voice, "This gate is obviously just one of the roads. If we look for other ways, we may be able to see it. for more supplementary information."

Pan Cui looked at her as if she admired her very much, and nodded.

However, everyone had already searched the rooftop once, and only found such a door; even if they were more careful the second time, they still did not find another door from the rooftop.

"Do you really have to bet 50 points to get in?"

When Lin Sanjiu passed the door far away, he heard the conversation between Tasker and Jia Jiatian—they both seemed to think that this was the only way to leave the rooftop, and gave up searching several minutes ago, staring at the sign at the door, But he didn't make up his mind to go in.

"The odds of 4 to 1, whether in horse betting or football betting, are already very high," Tasker seemed to be quite experienced, and should not be born after the apocalypse. "The odds are so high, it means one thing, the road behind the door, the risk of failure is very high."

Lin Sanjiu sighed in his heart. When the situation was unclear at the beginning, she had to bet 50 points at once. Even she couldn't bear it, and her special items should be the most among the people present... As she thought, she approached the wall and subconsciously Glancing down.

She doesn't have much experience in judging the height of a building, but she can be sure that the building has at least forty floors; the car parked on the road below is only the size of a matchbox, and the tree by the road looks like a small flower A small broken broccoli.

Although Lin Sanjiu was someone who had tried bungee jumping and jumping on a fish, but looking down vertically, her survival instinct still made her a little dizzy, and she quickly clenched the edge of the wall.

"Brand!" Teacher Yi suddenly called out in her mind, giving her a surprise; Lin Sanjiu calmed down, steadied his feet, and slowly leaned out from the edge of the wall, his eyes falling into the sky.

This high-rise building seems to be a modern-style high-end residence. There are large windows on this side. From the roof seven or eight floors down, there is a lifting platform hanging there, and there are some cleaning tools on the platform. See It is used to wipe the external glass.

In the elevator platform, there is a flat sign, facing the sky above the roof; from the perspective of size, color, and shape, it is the same as the one hanging on the doorknob - but the text is not clear.

"Use your consciousness to pull it up and take a look?" Teacher Yi suggested, but he was not very relieved: "But it is a copy of the brand, if you pick it up, it means you agree to bet..."

Before Lin Sanjiu made up his mind, someone suddenly shouted loudly in the distance from the rooftop. It was Pina, "Come on everyone! I've found a way!"

What Pina found was also not a "road" in the traditional sense. At her greeting, everyone gathered around the wall and looked out. After several glances, they realized that the road she was talking about was referring to the outer wall of the building. There is a very narrow edge below; if people with bigger feet, I am afraid that edge is not as wide as people's feet.

"Look, go straight from this edge to that direction," Pina pointed and said, "you can come across that, what's it called... that shelf-like thing, covered with a net."

"Scaffolding," Lin Sanjiu said, "is used when repairing the outer walls of the floor."

"Yes," Pina nodded disapprovingly and hurriedly said, "In short, you have to look for an angle to see... Is there a sign on the Internet over there? It means that scaffolding is the way to go!"

"It's true," Jia Jiatian was small, squeezed under Pina's raised arm, squinted and said, "This point seems to be only 25 points... Can you see it? But the problem is, I don't know the end point. Where are you, how do you choose a way to go?"

Almost as if to answer his question, as soon as his voice fell, huge celebratory fireworks in the distance suddenly rushed into the sky above the city skyline, blasting a stream of golden colors under the sky. Everyone turned around one after another, staring at the fireworks that were slowly dissipating for a long time, and all of them raised a guess.

Below the fireworks, is it the end?

Tomorrow there is an event that I have been looking forward to for a long time, and I will definitely go to participate. Generally speaking, I will ask for leave, but when I think that I have said that I have a day off on Saturday, I am really embarrassed to ask for leave and go home tomorrow night. Light up the lamp and write it down...

Yesterday I said that I haven't watched Juvenile Manga for a long time, but instead I was reminded of it... I hope you can recommend a few good-looking comics that don't sell meat with female characters, and the categories are not limited. I remember the last one I saw was fleeing from some island. It was the kid in the orphanage who found out that he was going to be eaten by a monster. Although I can't remember the name, I really liked it.

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