Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 2054: The corpse master no longer collects corpses

Chapter 2054 The master of collecting corpses no longer collects corpses

"Cough, it turned out to be just a corpse."

With the second half of the sentence "Aren't you afraid that the corpse won't be found?", Pina stepped on the garbage and debris on the ground, walked up and glanced at it, and couldn't help but tighten her eyebrows. Wrinkled together. "This person was an evolutionary after all. Why did he die where the road started? Is there danger around here?"

Pan Cui shook her head: "I've been in for ten minutes, at least I didn't notice it."

"I didn't feel it either," Lin Sanjiu replied—indeed, not only did her keen intuition not raise the alarm; what appeared in her [consciousness scan] were only the three people and one corpse that should have appeared.

Pan Cui fumbled from the ground to find a broken L-shaped iron plate, and looked at it as a part for strengthening furniture. As someone who has lived to the present in the last days, she naturally lost her reverence for the unfamiliar corpse. She stabbed its leg with an L-shaped iron, and tapped the corpse's shoulder and head a few times; Loud, it sounds like the interior is already dry.

This kind of inspection method is naturally not as direct and comprehensive as turning it into a card; but they had just met, and Lin Sanjiu didn't want to reveal his abilities early, so he just looked at it for a while and asked, "How is it?"

"Let's continue looking for a way," Pan Cui scrambled over the corpse a few times, threw the iron pipe, and said, "The corpse was in such a bad condition that I tore it into pieces with a piece of beef jerky, soaked it in water, took it out and burned it again. It's like... I can't see the cause of death at all, let alone any clues."

"Be careful," Pina said, covering her nose. "This black lump you got out of its it an internal organ?"

Lin Sanjiu took a closer look at the dark wrinkled, air-dried thick flesh-like thing on the ground, and found that it still vaguely resembled the shape of a kidney. She couldn't help but feel a little nauseated; she quickly avoided it and pushed the office chair with the tip of her boot. A little further away, he greeted: "Let's go, continue in the direction of the arrow."

"Is the 30 o'clock road just for us to sweep the garbage," Pina grumbled, stepping on the yellow arrow and kicking a cracked table next to it.

The three started to clear the road together, and the efficiency was naturally much higher. After a while, four or five yellow arrows were cleared. However, the annoying thing is that this office space is obviously not large, and even ordinary people can pass through it in a few minutes; but the yellow arrows are twisted and folded, and after ten minutes, Lin Sanjiu found that the straight-line distance between himself and the corpse of the office chair actually only increased by two meters.

Two meters is just her guess; because only where people go, the lights will come on, and the light cast by dirty bulbs is also hazy and powerless like a layer of gray. The corpse of the office chair happened to be at the junction where the light was about to close its eyes and sink into the darkness. In the dimness, it looked like a deformed limb and head had grown out of the chair.

"No wonder you couldn't see the arrow when you came in." Lin Sanjiu looked around and said, "The person in front cleared the way, and it didn't help us at all."

In the office area that can be seen by the naked eye, there are piles of wastes of various sizes, and the garbage they clear can only be kicked and swept aside; plus the yellow arrows twist and turn, a few people soon discovered that the previous The exposed initial arrow was buried again by themselves.

If the puppet master was there, the **** in a room would definitely be turned into dust and blasted away in an instant, which is better than a leaf blower. Lin Sanjiu sighed secretly, and for a while, she had no choice but to lift up another grid plate and throw it away - her eyes fell, and she gasped.

"Another one?" Pan Cui was also taken aback.

Lin Sanjiu quickly retracted the foot that almost stepped on the corpse's head, and squatted down to take a closer look. Judging from the length of the hair remaining on the head, the corpse may have been a female; the corpse was lying on the ground among the ruins, rotten everywhere, and it was almost impossible to tell which was the corpse and which was the garbage. The only thing that can be seen is that it has a yellow arrow under it.

"The situation is too bad. I don't know how long it's been dead. Anyway, it won't be a recent death." Lin Sanjiu guessed, "There are no foreign enemies in the office. Could it be something colorless and breathless like poison gas bacteria?"

"Then we should have been affected a long time ago," Pan Cui bent down, shook her head and said, "If there is something that kills people unknowingly, it kills the first body not far from entering the door, how can we be okay? ?"

"Um..." Pina hesitated behind her, and let out a long sound from her nose.

"How does the condition of this one compare to the one just now?" Lin Sanjiu raised his head and asked, "Does it look the same?"

When Pan Cui also squatted down and looked down at the corpse, there was a sound of light beating from behind; Lin Sanjiu looked back and found that it was Pina, who was hitting the side with her fingernails. On the upside-down desk - her eyes only glanced at Lin Sanjiu and Pan Cui occasionally, but most of the time, they cast one glance after another into the darkness behind her.

"What are you looking at?" Lin Sanjiu became alert and slowly straightened up.

" should be nothing," Pina replied, her eyes still not leaving the darkness. "You can't see anything from here, can you?"

Indeed not—Lin Sanjiu used the small flashlight of the key ring she handed over to take a picture, and in the dim light, he saw only a strangely shaped rubble.

Then why does she keep looking into the dark?

Pina also seemed to sense Lin Sanjiu's doubts, and said embarrassedly, "Then... when we clear the road again, can you both be quieter?"

"Why?" Lin Sanjiu was even more confused.

Pina hesitated, as if she didn't know what to say. "You should also be able to see that I am better at observation... 'Observation' is not just about seeing with the eyes, the information and changes perceived by the five senses are all indispensable things in observation. In short, I I wish the noise would be a little less..."

When a few people bypassed the second corpse and moved forward to clear the road again, Lin Sanjiu took a lot of caution. It's just that "putting down your voice" is not difficult to say, but it is not easy to do: there are so many messy things around here, it's like moving forward in a garbage dump, and there are a lot of large pieces of garbage. - For example, there are many pieces of boards in the lattice; all the desks, computers and chairs are simply rooted in the dirt and garbage, and they are moved and kicked, and the movement is very small.

Pina reminded several times; just when the two of them pushed away a pile of iron pipes and steel plates again, she suddenly grabbed their clothes from behind and said hurriedly: " stop!"

"What's wrong?" Pan Cui frowned. As soon as she asked the three words, her face suddenly became startled; at the same time, the three people's voices were silent.

In the lingering sound that had not yet completely dissipated, they all heard - "Squeaky".

The sound was high-pitched and short-lived, like the thing making the sound was careful not to let it be detected; most importantly, it was familiar.

Lin Sanjiu stood there, like the other two nearby, staring fixedly at the darkness coming from the voice; she already knew what was making the voice, but when she wanted to hear it again to confirm, the voice was no longer there. did not ring.

"Sure enough... if we don't make a noise, the sound will be gone." Under the hanging light bulb, Pina's face turned pale. "I always felt that in the sound of our road clearing, there seemed to be another voice hidden..."

"Office chair," Pan Cui said calmly, "it's a chair that squeaks as soon as you sit on it after the parts are aged."

Before the end, Lin Sanjiu had a chair like this in his office.

She took the small flashlight from Pina and walked over without saying a word.

"Be careful," Pina said hurriedly, as if breathing.

Unsurprisingly, after Lin Sanjiu crossed the road formed by the yellow arrows and stepped into the darkness, the light bulb on his head snapped on; The corpse sitting in the office chair.

The face hanging upside down on the edge of the chair still had two holes embedded in it; the body was blocked by the chair, and the feet were hanging on the ground, as if the feet were on the ground and pushed the chair over.

" it manipulating the chair?" Pan Cui murmured, "A fallen species? Zombies? Still alive?"

The [protective force field] had already covered her from head to toe, Lin Sanjiu carefully bent down and turned the chair half a circle. The corpse was still the same as before, so bad that no clues could be seen; because they moved it when they checked the corpse just now, and Lin Sanjiu couldn't tell whether the posture of the corpse had changed.

"Don't just look at me," Lin Sanjiu said without turning back, "don't forget, you are now facing another corpse."

As soon as the rustling sound when the two hurriedly turned around came into her ears, her hand touched the knee of the corpse like lightning; the card flashed in her hand, and it immediately turned into a corpse, and was caught by Lin Sanjiu " "Boom" and threw it back on the chair - Pina heard the sound and immediately called out, "What's wrong?"

"I moved the corpse," Lin Sanjiu replied, and asked Teacher Yi in his mind, "How is it? Can you see clearly?"

"See clearly," Teacher Yi's tone was full of hesitation, "but..."

[Dead corpse in the copy]

A corpse who did not know what happened after death, the subcutaneous tissue has become dry floc, and the internal organs have shrunk into lumps like donkey dung eggs; this corpse is like a leather tent supported by bones. His blood, tissues and organs turned into a lump of black mud, and the cause of death could not be seen.

"It's similar to the result of our inspection," Lin Sanjiu scolded inwardly, "it's useless to turn it into a card."

But at least one thing is certain, the corpse is still a corpse, nothing else. Even if something is moving, it is not the corpse itself.

"The second one is just a corpse," Pan Cui said suspiciously, "and there is no sign of moving."

"It's scary to make a copy, isn't it?" Pina obviously wanted to guess in a good place, and hurriedly said: "Just go out early, don't delay, let's go."

When the few people cleared the road again, they all relaxed a lot; they handled the garbage and debris like a crystal glass. It seems that because of the lack of shielding, the sound of "Squeaky" no longer sounded - but several people quickly realized another thing.

On the next three arrows they cleared, they unearthed four more bodies.

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