Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 2055: Together to the end of the road

Too soon... Everything changed, and it happened too quickly.

When Lin Sanjiu suffered a heavy pain in the back of her head, she was suddenly sobered up by the pain, and her eyes widened from the drowsy and chaotic state just now.

She fell to the ground at an unknown time, and the back of her head was smashed into pain; in front of her was a dark night sky, two-story balconies, and shadows jumping from the windows—as the shadows approached, The faces of Pan Cui, Pina, and herself became bigger and clearer, and they landed on the balcony with a "dong dong".

Lin Sanjiu struggled to turn over and lay on the ground. With just such a movement, an unknown number of shadows were already rustling around her; one after another, organs like kidneys, hearts and other organs like black flesh were squeezing and dragging on the ground, facing her. When she came up, many arms were like forest trees, densely standing beside her.

Almost all the internal organs that "hatched" out of human form are here, right?

They came too fast.

Since the glass door was suddenly smashed into pieces, more and more "faces" jumped from the cracks in the ceiling and from the upstairs windows, and they had no way to survive except jumping out of the balcony - Pina is The first to find the opportunity to jump out, Pan Cui gritted her teeth and rushed into the sky even though she was afraid of heights; but after just a few breaths, Lin Sanjiu was surrounded by more and more "faces". In the center, let alone escape and jump off the building, she can't even see the balcony railing now.

Just being surrounded, the loss of physical strength is already so great, in case they reach out to touch themselves...

In just a few dozen seconds, Lin Sanjiu lost her physical strength to the point where she couldn't even lift her head. She rested her head on her arm and rolled her eyelids hard. In the blurred vision, she saw A face with a very familiar profile was slowly lowering towards him.

The street lamps and the lights in the buildings in the distance made the night hazy and blurred; on that face in the night, a black hole opened.

"As a result, companion, or... become alone, since you."

When the voice spoke, it was not only vague, but also had broken words and broken syllables, so that it took several seconds for Lin Sanjiu to suddenly realize that when it spoke, it was his own voice.

What? Can they speak?

"No," Pan Cui's voice suddenly sounded from its right side, "No other, I see it in my eyes."

Does "not see in the eyes" mean "do not see"?

The face on the left, Lin Sanjiu could see clearly now, belonged to Pina; it looked around a few times, but instead of turning its head left and right like a human, it turned like a windmill, as if it was looking for something —Lin Sanjiu's tired brain finally realized that they were probably looking for the other two.

It is difficult for her to even climb up now. As long as the front "Lin Sanjiu" reaches out and touches her, she will undoubtedly be drained like the corpse she saw on the road; however, the strange thing is that Lin Sanjiu Her face did not immediately reach out to end her, but lifted it up, probed back and forth a few times, and glanced at the other faces.

"I, look," it said indistinctly behind him, "I'm careful...I, strong."

What the **** is it talking about?

Lin Sanjiu blinked hard, and his eyes fell on it. These things that grow from the internal organs naturally have no clothes; she looked at the reflection of her body, getting narrower and more deformed, and finally got a meat strip at the belly button, and suddenly realized a problem: This one "Lin Sanjiu" grows faster than the other "Lin Sanjiu"; it has grown a belly button, and the other "Lin Sanjiu" sticking out from the internal organs show their stomachs.

Does "strong" mean this?

"There are at least a dozen Lin San bars along this road..." Mr. Yi murmured.

If the ultimate goal of these things is to grow into the same human form as the original owner...then they all have to draw energy from the original owner's body, right? For example, if Pina's energy is extracted, Lin Sanjiu will probably not grow, only Pina will grow.

But there is only one original owner. Even if she is drained, there is only so much energy. Is the face of a dozen Lin Sanjiu enough?

It hasn't attacked itself yet, but it is wary of other "Lin Sanjiu", is it also related to this?

When her thoughts turned to this, Teacher Yi already understood her intention. "You can try," she whispered.

Lin Sanjiu forced himself to slightly raise his sore neck, stared at the opposite "Lin Sanjiu" behind him, and took a deep breath.

The opposite is not a person at all, and she can't say whether there will be a human reaction; however, there is no way out, that "Lin Sanjiu", under all the vigilance, was actually fooled, and hurriedly twisted his body, He turned his head in the direction Lin Sanjiu was looking at.

"Now!" At the same time as Teacher Yi stopped drinking, Lin Sanjiu immediately spread her arms far apart and pressed her palms on the ground—no matter how big a movement was, she didn't have the strength to complete it—and then she started [A ding in the mutated version of the painting style].

From Pan Cui's experience, Lin Sanjiu realized that when the evolutionary's habitual attack method falls on these faces, it will become a "channel" for power to be drawn away; they can neither fight back nor have Big moves, then there is only one logic left to save them - that is to keep yourself far away from your face.

But as Pina said, if they want to go out, they can't leave this road; the ideal way is to let these faces get out and stay by themselves without touching their faces?

When countless flying bricks and broken rocks were blown out on the balcony floor, and the dust splashed like a fountain, that "Lin Sanjiu" and the few shadows around him, as expected, were suddenly blown up. He fell into the big hole in the ground; Lin Sanjiu was refreshed when he saw this, and a surge of strength came from nowhere, and shouted angrily, "Pan Cui!"

From outside the crowded balcony, Yaoyao suddenly responded: "Received, get ready!"

The faces of Pan Cui immediately twisted in the direction of the source of the sound—a few of the railings on the balcony were kicked off at some point, and Kong had a wide mouth open; on the balcony, except for the one hanging from the upstairs just now The rope that came down was still an empty night.

At this moment, Lin Sanjiu felt his feet tighten, and immediately bit the tip of his tongue.

She still reluctantly maintained her prone position on the ground, with her arms outstretched and her palms down, allowing the force to grip her feet tightly and drag her all the way back out.

The dragging speed was extremely fast, and Lin Sanjiu's body was as soft as a piece of involuntary pork, rubbing the ground and sliding towards the balcony. When she was dragged straight out, she knocked down a number of "faces" that were heavy on top and light on the bottom - every time she hit one, Lin Sanjiu felt as if she had been bitten off by someone; After trying his best to escape, I'm afraid he's already softened to the ground.

However, she was being dragged out now; the only thing that needed Lin Sanjiu's strength was to bite the tip of her tongue and use the growing pain to maintain her sobriety.

Only when you are conscious can [Ding in the Mutated Version of the Picture Style] be able to remain active all the time.

The way Lin Sanjiu was dragged to the outside of the balcony is the way that [a ding in the painting style mutation version] was constantly bombarding; wherever she went, the bricks, steel bars and cement that made up the balcony were all turned into powder without a word. , wrapped around the many "faces" that were originally standing on it, and fell together into the suddenly opened night sky.

The high-pitched angry screams and the shattering bombing sound echoed between the tall buildings, colliding repeatedly, forming waves of vague sound; Lin Sanjiu was knocked straight from the gap in the balcony railing. Pulled down the night sky.

She no longer struggled or stabilized her physical strength, and let the black cable tied to her ankle threw her out from head to foot, until the black cable was stretched, Lin Sanjiu stopped. fell.

Blood hummed into her brain; she lowered her eyelids and saw the two people hanging above her—Pina, coiled on the rope like a monkey, hugged Pan Cui tightly, while Pan Cui held the black cable in both hands and held herself tightly.

Above their heads, the originally large balcony seemed to have been torn away by someone tore off a large piece in the middle; all the places where Lin Sanjiu crossed his hands were all dissolved, leaving only the two sides of the balcony. of each long strip.

Pina's rope was 20 meters long, far exceeding the height of a three-story building; when they jumped out of the balcony just now, they grabbed the rope in mid-air, climbed along it to the bottom of the balcony, and temporarily escaped. The eyes of the "faces" - if they really jumped from the 20th floor, let alone there is no hope of getting out of this road, even the evolutionary people will fall to their death.

"It really, really succeeded," Pina said breathlessly. "My God, there were so many faces... just like dumplings, they all fell off..."

Before she could finish speaking, she was choked by the dust and powder thrown all over her face, causing her to cough hard for a while; the whole rope was shaken by the shock, and Pan Cui was so frightened that she hurriedly persuaded: "Don't, stop coughing, we're going to fall!"

Some of their faces fell into the night sky below them, and their shadows disappeared; some fell on the balcony one floor away, screaming and unable to get up for a long time. After most of their faces were thrown out of the night sky, several people also felt that they gradually recovered a little bit of physical strength. Pina and Pan Cui seemed to be fishing. With little efforts, Lin Sanjiu was finally hanged. Go up and grab the rope.

Although the following process was hard and stressful, it was finally able to make people see hope.

There were several "faces" who were lucky enough to stand on both sides of the balcony and did not fall down when the balcony was bombed; when the group carefully pulled the rope close to the balcony door and climbed into the office room, On both sides, they stretched their necks, desperately trying to sniff them from the air - but the chain reaction brought about by the bombing tore off most of the balcony floor, they were not reconciled, and they were still separated from a few people Good distance.

The three of them were exhausted, but no one dared to mention resting in place; they staggered and dragged themselves through the third office, Pina suddenly raised her hand and whispered: "There, you guys Look!"

There, a sign hung on an office door handle, coldly announcing the end of the 950-meter-long stretch of road.

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