Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 2179: final examination

Chapter 2179 Final assessment

With a "boom", the pig in purple shorts fell heavily into the chair, and a loud air flow was sprayed from the long pig's nose.

The chair was obviously specially made, wide and large, not high off the ground, just right for a pig with a long body and short legs to pour into it. The pig moved a few times on the thick and soft cotton cushion, raised his nose at the front, and before he could say a word, Lisuke hurriedly walked up, bent down, took care of his tail, and placed it on his side. on a cotton cushion.

"Are you all right?" Risuke asked.

The pig arched the shallow soup plate on the front table a few times, sucked and licked half of the tea in it, and splashed half of it all over.

"Damn," Pig raised his head, his chin hair still dripping tea. "In the end, it was a waste of effort... People died, but people died when they sneaked into the farm. Is this a good thing for me to resist, or is my defense weak? Speaking of it, it's all trouble. It seems, I I won't be able to leave for a while, and I have to continue to wipe your **** on the farm."

"What do you need me for, just tell me," said Lisuke, who was cleaning the table, "I'll share your worries for you."

Pig snorted, didn't look at him, and picked up the phone on the table.

The phone is also specially prepared for the pig-shaped degenerate species, which is probably a kind of communication device produced after the apocalypse. It does not require a small human finger, just a few hooves on the jumping light curtain.

In the sound of the call, the pig glanced at Lisuke, raised the microphone with a little effort, and the call was suddenly cut off.

"Carol?" it said into the microphone. "It's me, Hobira."

Risuke put away the towel and sat down on another wide and low chair by the table, his eyelids drooping.

"...Don't mention it," the pig in purple shorts listened for a few seconds, and seemed to interrupt the other party's words. "Look at me calling you so soon, you know that the plan is in vain. The woman originally said that she has nearly a hundred things on her body - yes, I know it's impossible, but even a few will do - But I didn't expect that I found a **** thing, if you want, I will..."

This time, the voice on the other end of the phone interrupted Hopping.

Fanping listened and laughed, "ha". "You don't believe it? Her body is still thrown in the hall, you yourself... I've put away everything! If I've collected everything, I'll just give you a little bit of cookie crumbs, why should I make up one—"

The voice on the other side of the phone also increased and shouted for a while.

"Do you believe it or not," Fanping said impatiently, "don't use this to threaten me. You suspect that I have received something and will not turn it in. Hit me up and report it, and your **** will be clean? Your people will help you. You can't even lick it clean."

I don't know what the other pig said, Fanping was both irritable and funny, haha ​​laughed. "Come on, who are we and who, can I still be unjust to you... The business is important, don't let people pick on us. What happened to that female companion? I know you killed him, but he Why did you run to you?"

There was silence in the office for a while, Hodaira in purple shorts raised his chin towards Risuke, and Risuke took out a cardboard box from the drawer of his desk. Opening the lid, there was a large box full of various sweets and snacks; with his dexterous human fingers, he peeled off the wrapping paper one by one, and sent the sweets and snacks into the pig's mouth like running water.

"Oh? That kid is quite sensitive, and he actually knows how to follow the 'stupid waiter'." Pig laughed, smack the chocolate in his mouth a few times, opened his mouth again, and Lisuke hurriedly stuffed another piece of fluid. Heart candy. "As a result, I followed the channel of the 'stupid waiter' and entered your farm?"

There was another indistinct voice in the microphone.

"Oh, he's unlucky. Then what's on him..." Fanping's words were interrupted after he started. It sneered suddenly and said, "Yo? You didn't get any of them? It's just a coincidence. Two people came in, one of you and one of me, but in the end, no one got what they had?"

What was said on the phone again, the pig waved his front hooves impatiently. "Don't do this with me. You have so many means of defense, but you just use this one who can't see a person in life, can't see a corpse in death, and can't even get a hair off? What do you mean by me... I This is a special case!"

They sneered at each other back and forth for a while about whether the other party had obtained special items, whether they had swallowed them, and refused to share the benefits, before finally getting back to the point: "...Okay, look at this. What should I do. Oh, you also think it is troublesome to operate? Well, um, I think it can be... If you don't say it, I don't say it, these two people have never come in. It's better to have less than one thing... Eh, I I almost forgot, how did the fourth uncle explain it?"

It paused and said: "You don't know, I made a report and borrowed [Logic] once... You are talking nonsense, an evolutionary came towards me, I don't borrow [Logic] , shall I put myself on top?"

It seemed that the pig on the phone couldn't come up with any good ideas either; after hanging up, Fanping let out a long sigh and cursed.

"Sleeping on the mud floor made my back hurt..." It turned around, and Risuke walked up to it, and gently pinched the shoulder muscles for it. "I'm different from you. The rougher you humans are, the better you can support yourself. I can't stand it... I can't live in such a big house for nothing, but I have to sleep in the mud."

"I listen to you, so today's events never happened?" Risuke asked cautiously.

Pig thought about it. "Yes, the more I think about it, the more I feel that we can't let them know that we have slipped in here."


"How did that girl sneak in?" Fanping said, "If they can sneak in, they must have destroyed our defense measures... This shows that I am not vigilant and not paying attention. Who will be responsible for the loss? What about the article?"

"The fourth uncle over there..."

"I told the fourth uncle, I took it in my trouser pocket, but it was useless, I was a false alarm." It remembered something, and said, "You will call a trustworthy, tight-lipped person in a while to take the two with you. The bodies in the lobby have been disposed of."

Lisuke just responded, but he didn't want the phone to ring again. The pig glanced at the light curtain, and his whole expression changed suddenly, he straightened his waist and pressed his front hooves on the microphone - before picking up, he glanced at Lisuke and asked, "You go. Yeah? Didn't I let you deal with the corpse? What are you doing?"

Lisuke was stunned for a moment, hurriedly responded with a few words of reconciliation, and quickly left the office, not forgetting to close the office door carefully for the pig before leaving.

Before actually picking up the phone, Fanping's pig face showed a bit of hesitation; he scolded Carol "the untrustworthy **** head" in a low voice, and then took a deep breath and picked up the phone.

"Oh, it's you!" It said docilely and earnestly: "Why are you still busy working without resting in the middle of the night? We are all worried if you don't pay attention to your body."

The voice in the microphone was very rude, he didn't pay attention to its flattery at all, and just said a series of words hurriedly and quickly.

Hopping's shoulders slackened, and he let out a sigh of relief.

It obviously didn't hear anything from the microphone that could make it really worried, and tugging at the snacks in the box with its front hooves, the whole body loosened; only the mouth still responded with "um, yes, yes", Very serious tone. "You are right, this is indeed the question that has been pressing on my heart..."

"My help?" It thought for a while, patted the table, and said, "No problem! I think his progress is quite fast, and he has grown in all aspects. What am I doing?"

There was another muffled voice in the microphone.

After Hopping hung up the phone, the office was quiet for a while.

The pig didn't seem to have much work to do, so he lazily flipped through a few documents and took a nap on the soft bed in the corner of the office; the five senses of the pig-shaped degenerate are far beyond ordinary people, and Lisuke hasn't knocked on the door. At that time, it was first awakened by the sound of footsteps.

Risuke was covered in dirt, and those who didn't know it would think he rolled in the dirt. His eyes dodged, and he said to the pig: "Mr. Pig, I have buried the body..."

"Don't be in a hurry." The pig moved his front hooves generously and said, "Lien, your studies and performance have been very good recently... I ask you, are you ready for the final exam? ?"

Lean raised his head suddenly.

"Let, let me become like Mr. Pig... Final assessment?"

My mom, the rhythm progressed much slower than I thought, I really don't know if I don't write it, I just found out when I wrote it, why is this pig talking so much?

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