Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 2187:

Chapter 2187

"What's your name?"

Faced with this problem suddenly, Bing538 opened his mouth slightly, and the shape of his lips seemed to form a "C" character immediately. But she quickly understood, looked left and right, and whispered, "... Galaxy."

"Yinhe, if you want me to find the stars, I need you to do one thing, the next one is cruel." Lin Sanjiu smiled at her and said, "Are you mentally prepared?"

Bing538-Galaxy, nodded a little nervously.

Although the quality of the breakfast is not very good, the quantity is very large. The privilege of being the head of the house was also reflected in the breakfast: because C-5-3-5 was "tired from work", she especially added more sausages and eggs to her.

So far, Lin Sanjiu has seen every meal of the three meals a day on the farm.

The conclusion has long been reached - according to the growing conditions on the farm, it is simply impossible to support such a large amount of food consumption.

Not only beef, I am afraid that most of the things the farmer eats are bought from outside. It is not so much that they farm to be self-sufficient and self-reliant, it is better to let them farm to find something to do for them, not to be idle like livestock all day long.

...that's where it gets interesting.

On the one hand, the daily physical examinations on the farm do everything possible, in order to control the doomsday energy in people’s bodies not to exceed the standard, and not to produce evolutionaries; Take in a lot of food and let people eat it without caring.

Lin Sanjiu slowly stroked the bandage on his neck and fell into deep thought. Items under the bandages, vaguely reminding the fingers of their shape.

Because the physical examination operator has to conduct the examination one "person column" by "person column", it takes much longer than usual, so today's medical examination also started early, not long after breakfast, they heard the sound coming from far away on the trail. The screeching sound of wheels and the voice of people mixed with orders.

From sitting behind the table waiting for people to come to door-to-door service with heavy carts, the temper of the operators has also deteriorated visibly; if the people in the wooden house are not in time, they will be reprimanded "Didn't I ask you to sit here, why are you in a daze!" "Put your hand here, don't move around, I've said it several times, you are such an adult, can't you bear the pain?"

When they approached Building No. 5, the two closest women hurriedly smiled at the operator and stretched out their prepared arms.

"You've worked hard," Bing537 seemed to be a different person, "this morning, running around..."

The female operator had a gloomy face and didn't give her a good look. When the doomsday energy of Bing537 exceeded the standard a little, even though Bing537 begged several times, "So little, wait for tomorrow. Let's smoke again." The female operator still stabbed the needle into her arm with a little smile on the corner of her mouth.

According to the serial number, Lin Sanjiu was the last one to complete the blood test. After the operator squeezed the blood into the test cup, as expected, she waited for a long time.

"What's the matter?" The operator frowned and mumbled, wanting to shake the inspection cup, but didn't dare. "No response..."

"Look at the tick mark below 0, is there a green line?" Lin Sanjiu suggested, "I did the same yesterday, because I don't have any doomsday energy in me."

"Am I still using you to teach me how to do my work?" The operator reprimanded her impatiently, but his eyes involuntarily scanned the tick mark behind the cup. "The energy of the apocalypse may change every day, and you don't have any common sense—"

She paused for a second or two, and the unwillingness floated on her face for a while, so intense that it almost turned into words. Obviously, she especially wanted to be able to pierce the needle into Lin Sanjiu's skin and give Lin Sanjiu a tube, but unfortunately, she found out now that she didn't even have an excuse to step aside.

Because of the angle, Lin Sanjiu tilted his head slightly and saw: the thin line of green on the silver-white long cup is deeply pierced below the scale 0; if the thickness of the green represents the amount of doomsday energy, then the inner Doomsday energy, it seems to be less than yesterday.

"How is that possible? Isn't it broken?" The operator mumbled a little, put away the inspection cup, and said to himself, "I have never seen such a low doomsday energy..."

After she taught a few words without words, Lin Sanjiu watched her back go away, and then glanced back at the wooden house.

...the time is right.

Bing537 seems to feel uncomfortable because of the blood draw, so she fell down early and closed her eyes to rest; Bing536 is cleaning everyone's rice bowls, because it is her turn to clean up today; Bing540 just reported to the head of the house Ready, went to the toilet.

At this time, Yinhe was sitting on the bunk, clutching his arm that had been drained of a tube of doomsday energy. Although it was not long after breakfast, there was a frenzy in his eyes, as if he wanted to bite off a piece with his eyes. Human flesh like green faint hunger.

Lin Sanjiu didn't look at her, and gently kicked down the bunch of hay placed in the corner with one toe.

Yinhe sat stiffly on the ground, as if he couldn't force himself to move. After a second or two, he quietly got up. In the order of the head of the house, Bing Wu, three and five, repeatedly asking her to sit down, she rushed to the side of the head of the house, and said in a low voice: "The head of the house, about matching things..."

I also want to mention the angry and scolding head of the house, Bing535, when he heard the words, he suddenly got stuck in his chest.

"Huh-huh?" Bingwu paused for a while, and finally adjusted the expression on his face, and his smile was as stiff as plastic for a while. "Why did you suddenly think of this?"

"I just... thought about it for a long time." Yinhe bowed his head, his nails digging deep into the loose, swollen skin on the inside of his arm. "I think it's almost time for a new man... After all, this matter is not just me..."

Bing535's face suddenly brightened. "I told you what I said! That's right, you can think about it, but it's great!"

Yinhe stared at her blankly, as if the answer just now had no brains, and she was just an outsider; at this time, the excitement and joy of Bing535 came up, but it made her stunned.

Slowly, her eyes turned red.

"What's there to cry about? A dead man has a bad life. If you miss him, it shows that your thinking has not been completely reversed, and there are misconceptions of outsiders. When you have a child, eh, then No more regrets.”

The head of the house was both impatient and comforting. He patted her hand and said, "Unfortunately, it's a state of emergency, and none of us can go out of this wooden house. I'll look for it as soon as the state of emergency is lifted. Captain, let her pass a message for us... You say, the girl in the portrait is an evolutionary who sneaked in? Now that someone has caught it, is the state of emergency about to be lifted?"

When she spoke, her eyes couldn't help gleaming; the prospect of building No. 5 was about to upgrade, and maybe even a baby's future, made her so happy that she could concentrate on it - for a time, everyone in the wooden house gathered around. , In a group of laughter and jokes, no one noticed that "Bing539" had long since disappeared from the wooden house.

Lin Sanjiu knew that it was impossible for her to disappear forever, but what she needed was only a few seconds after everyone staggered their eyes.

Lien, the only one who knew that the "female corpse" was not dead, is also dead now. The pigs thought that they had basically eliminated the evolutionary people on the farm, so they could cast a big net to find Feng Huanyan, and explore the value of the latter, but it was really convenient for him...

Lin Sanjiu stepped on the low earth wall, hooked the edge of the roof of the wooden hut with both hands, and gently and skillfully pulled up, as if the spirit snake had retracted its body, and silently landed on the roof.

Basically, she already knows the information she needs to inquire and know; there are a few unanswered questions, and it is meaningless to continue lurking in the farm - those answers will not appear in the people column of.

The wooden houses are connected one by one, becoming another layer of ground built in mid-air. There was no electricity in the farm, let alone a camera. For Lin Sanjiu, who had walked through modern society once, it was really easy to avoid being noticed.

Occasionally someone looked out, and before she could catch the shadow on the opposite roof from the corner of her eye, she had already flashed past, leaving behind a person who mistakenly thought she was blinded.

It didn't take long before she came to the "punishment station" again.

In Lin Sanjiu's eyes, the high walls and gates that pigs use to block ordinary people are like paper. Plus, there are no guards in the underground farm—after all, ordinary people are not good enough, and evolutionaries won't. Come, the pig refused to condescend - she almost easily walked into the hall with a hidden trap and called the elevator up.

Before Lin Sanjiu got out of the elevator door, she felt something different.

On the platform outside the door... Unexpectedly, it was much noisier than the last time.

The hooves of pigs clacked on the ground, and every now and then there was a shout of "Be careful!"; the sound of rolling wheels, greetings, voices, and some kind of large machine was working heavily, the movement rumbling and muffled, Filled the entire tunnel together.

When the elevator door opened, Lin Sanjiu found that what appeared in front of her was a busy platform: at least twenty or thirty ordinary people were pushing refrigerator boxes one by one, panting, Gritting their teeth, they loaded them into a long freight train; a few pigs were in charge of overseeing the work, with their hands behind their backs, pacing, and teaching the porters to move lightly; on the platform wall on the side, it was completely It was opened, revealing a huge square space, looking like a giant tin box, and there were carts full of refrigerators in the tin box.

… Each cooler has a symbol of danger drawn on it, because it is filled with doomsday energy.

My mother, I stayed up all night, completely reversed black and white, because I wrote more than 2K words and felt that it was wrong, I deleted them all and started from scratch.

Fortunately, even if you object, it will be hidden, I can't see it!

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