Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 2190: see Yu Yuan again

Is she hallucinating?

Or is it that Feng Huanyan and Feng Chenwu look very similar when they grow up?

No matter how many surprises and doubts arose in Lin Sanjiu's mind, the moment she met Feng Chenwu's eyes, they all disappeared in an instant—because the other party was shocked and clearly recognized Lin Sanjiu .

…Of course, Feng Chenwu knew him.

It was as if he was a spectator sitting in a theater watching a play. Halfway through the scene, the baffle behind the stage suddenly fell off. Only then did Lin Sanjiu realize that there was another scene after one scene.

It's just that she still can't see the overall situation of the other scene. When a clear understanding arises, there are several times of surprise and confusion - Feng Chenwu is not dead, so who is the body in the card library? Is there really such a person as "Feng Huanyan"? Was this scam already prepared?

The moment she recognized Lin Sanjiu, Feng Chenwu immediately turned around and rushed back to the door; just as she was rushing to close the door, the door was grabbed by a hand. Immediately, it was as if it had been poured with cement, and it could no longer be moved.

"Where are you in a hurry?"

Lin Sanjiu spoke slowly, with a steady voice, which made people never imagine that she had crossed the entire hall in the blink of an eye. "You died and came back to life, can't you talk to me?"

Feng Chenwu also seemed to realize that in terms of combat power alone, she had no chance of winning. She immediately released the door handle, took a step back slowly, and said in a trembling voice, "Yes... it's you. Why are you here? ?"

Lin Sanjiu tilted his head and looked at her up and down.

It was clearly the same face, but at the moment, Feng Zhanwu seemed to be a different person. She wore a high-necked cloak that stretched to her calf, she wore long boots, and her hands were wrapped in black gloves; to use an inappropriate analogy, she looked like a teacher at a magic school—and the one in the tunnel. Compared to her dying mother who was covered in blood, she seemed like a screen character at the moment.

Anger pierced sharply into his mind, and Lin Sanjiu asked coldly, "Why are you here?"

Inside the door, that is, a few steps behind Feng Chenwu, there was another wall, and another door on the wall, so that she couldn't see what the room was behind the door.

"Where is this place?" Lin Sanjiu asked the question, "What's the matter with you?"

"I... I can say it, listen to my explanation, don't do it." Feng Chenwu seemed to see her anger, and hurriedly said, "It's not that I have the intention to lie to you, I have no choice."

Lin Sanjiu narrowed his eyes.

They are both evolutionaries, but when Lin Sanjiu's hand hit like lightning, the latter couldn't dodge until he was clenched by his neck, and then he coughed and said with difficulty, "Yes, it's true. The... please, don't kill me, you listen to me..."

"You're basically a person who is so afraid of death?" Lin Sanjiu said with a frown.

"I didn't mean to lie to you..."

"Does your daughter Feng Huanyan really exist?"

She felt that Feng Chenwu's neck moved very hard under the palm of her hand, and then she heard a sound—"'s not true."

... Feng Huanyan didn't exist.

"Why are you lying to me?" Lin Sanjiu exerted a lot of strength, so that he did not squeeze his fingers inch by inch, causing the opponent's neck to be squeezed into a mass of blood. "What happened to the pig?"

"This is... this is a copy..." Feng Zhanwu gasped and said, "I have to lie to you. Because this is a trap specifically for evolutionary people..."

Lin Sanjiu never imagined that he would unknowingly fall into a copy, and couldn't help but stunned: "The copy? Isn't it the [Underground Farm] world?"

"There is no [Underground Farm] world at all," Feng Chenwu let go of her neck, took a deep breath, smiled bitterly, and said, "I misled you by saying that I should use [Anti-Inflammatory Medicine]. This copy I don't know what means I used to control countless ordinary people and pig-shaped fallen species, making them all part of the dungeon, and go down according to the background setting and plot of the dungeon..."

"What plot?" Lin Sanjiu asked immediately.

"I'm still groping." Feng Chenwu shook his head and sighed, "I... I was tricked in just like you. The one who tricked me into coming in was also an evolutionary, someone I've dealt with a few times before. Man. But he didn't mean to come in to find his daughter... He asked me for help through a special item, saying that he was stuck inside and couldn't get out, begging me to rescue him, saying that he would be thankful when it was done."

Lin Sanjiu silently motioned her to continue speaking, and at the same time, with a trace of consciousness, he quietly wrapped around the doorknob behind Feng Zhanwu.

She tried it, but couldn't turn the door handle; but even if Feng Huanyan wanted to run while she was distracted, she still couldn't open the door.

"I asked about the situation, I agreed, but I didn't expect it to be a trap." Feng Huanyan sighed, "The environmental conditions given by the copy are the same, farms, pigs, ordinary people, and the headquarters above the farm. But , with the same conditions, different stories can be spelled out, so the plot experienced by each wave of people may not be the same.”

"Why do you have to deceive people to come in?"

"After I was tricked in, I became a substitute for the previous person. I don't know if he ran out or not. I only know that the copy gave me some items and tips, and let me use these things to trick me into the next. An evolutionary."

"What do you mean when you say you're still groping for the plot? Didn't I all get tricked by you, why haven't you left yet?" Lin Sanjiu asked, looking at her again.

Feng Chenwu may not be dead, but his complexion is the same ugly, it is impossible to tell whether his face is a sallow layer, or pale with less blood.

Her lips were so dry that they turned their cracked lips, and she even rubbed her voice when she spoke: "As you go deeper into the underground farm, I have to follow step by step to arrange the next plot, and I have to adapt to the situation and make sure you I can only leave if I'm really caught by the copy..."

"Arrange the next plot step by step?" Lin Sanjiu was stunned—she should have thought about it earlier, but she seemed to have been reluctant to think about it, and only then did she connect the two. "That is to say, the matter of stars and the Milky Way... is also arranged by you?"

Feng Chenwu lowered his head, did not speak, and acquiesced.

C538 is just C538... No stars on the farm?

"This is all to make your involvement with the underground farm deeper... I can't help it..." Feng Chenwu whispered, "I know I'm sorry for you... But, I have no choice but to."

Lin Sanjiu didn't say anything.

After a few seconds, she asked in an almost calm voice, "Where's my friend?"

Feng Chenwu heard the words, but suddenly his spirits lifted, as if he saw a way out that he had never thought of before, and there was a price that could save his life.

"Your friend is fine! He was just caught by the trap I set. If...if I give him back to you well, would you let me go?"

Before Lin Sanjiu could answer, she hurriedly added: "I assure you, it's still too late for you to go out now, because the plot I arranged has not caught both of you... Although I caught one, But it doesn't count in the dungeon's eyes, it belongs to the task that has not been completed. If you are willing to let me go, I will personally lead the two of you out of the underground farm. If you feel that something is wrong on the way, you can kill me immediately... "

Compared with when he was in the tunnel, the contrast between Feng Chenwu himself was so great.

"I'll ask the pig to bring him right now," Feng Chenwu observed, knowing that there was a drama, and quickly said, "I need to get a contactor, don't get me wrong... I don't dare to provoke a powerful evolutionary like you."

"Come on," Lin Sanjiu couldn't tell how he felt at this time. Hearing this, he sneered, "Don't dare to provoke it? Then how did I get tricked in?"

Feng Chenwu hesitated and was speechless. But after all, she didn't dare to move her mind, she took out a contactor and instructed the pig on the other side to bring Yu Yuan to Room 1 on the fifth floor as soon as possible. After speaking, she put away the contactor, and then Comparing the door behind him, he whispered, "They'll come out through this door in a while... As soon as your friends come, I'll take you out of the underground farm immediately."

Lin Sanjiu felt that she should say something or do something at this moment. It seems that she shouldn't wait for Yu Yuan to be brought back to her. I really can't think of what to do.

Feng Chenwu did not lie.

After a few minutes, the door was pushed open; a pig in white shorts glanced carefully at Lin Sanjiu, then immediately lowered his eyes and pulled out a person behind him - Zai Yu Yuan looked stunned When the ground slowly walked out of the door, the pig hurriedly turned around and went back.

"It's your friend," Feng Chenwu said quickly as if asking for credit, "Look, he's fine, I didn't hurt him."

Lin Sanjiu didn't look at her at all, just stared at Yu Yuan tightly.

"Xiao...Xiaojiu?" Yu Yuan still seemed to be in disbelief, his voice was hoarse. "It's you? They told me to let me go, but I still don't believe it."

"It's me," Lin Sanjiu only said two words before he stopped. Yu Yuan smiled bitterly and said in a low voice: "I really can't think of it, I need to rely on you to save me to escape..."

"What does it matter?" Lin Sanjiu was stunned, and in order to comfort him, he said half-jokingly, "When people make mistakes, how can things go smoothly? It's too late to regret not continuing to be a data body. already."

Yu Yuan looked at her and blinked.

For a moment, he seemed to want to say something, his lips slightly opened, but he finally didn't say it - but Lin Sanjiu kept looking at him, but he had already vaguely guessed what he was going to say.

Yu Yuan almost blurted out, but in the end the sentence he didn't say was probably "What data body?"

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