Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 2206: one way channel

Chapter 2206 One-way channel

What's the meaning?

Even after Pina explained it again, Lin Sanjiu felt that she still didn't understand it well.

To put it bluntly, the image on the screen is just formed by the arrangement of pixels. If there is anything to do with it, it is the screen particles, the image processing chip or the screen circuit; Someone in the hall to contact?

"I don't know, but anyway, I can feel that the 'shadow' we see on the screen is connected to the person in the elevator in the lobby... It's as if he is standing behind the screen and casting a shadow." Regarding Unheard Pina seemed powerless to explain the phenomenon, "Maybe it's his special ability?"

"After his shadow appeared, he didn't destroy the video right away," Qing Jiuliu said in a deep voice, "he waited for at least five or six seconds before the video was broken. That is to say, he made a decision at that time to To be connected to an image of yourself on a screen in the future for five or six seconds...what good is that?"

"Probably not for tracking,"

These words suddenly sounded from the shadows in the corner, startled Lin Sanjiu, and realized that it was Yuan Xiangxi—he had no aura of life, and the whole ghost was erratic, and the lights in the cockpit were not turned on. I really didn't find that Yuan Xiangxi was there.

Yuan Xiangxi glanced at her, obviously not very happy with her reaction, and continued: "If it's for tracking, the longer the connection time, the better. What's more, it's been half a day, and there will be a lot later. No one flew up."

Even his expression was no longer as light and carefree as before, his brows were tightly frowned; it seemed that the shadow left by Occidentus on him was also quite serious.

"I don't know if you have heard of such a religion," the big witch suddenly said slowly, "Apart from many teachings, the congregation believes that wherever there is a picture of a god, they can receive the mercy and respect of the god." Salvation. In the whole world, naturally, everywhere is the kingdom of God, but only the people in the place blessed by his image can be taken to the kingdom of God after death.”

"I'm not interested in what stupid people believe in," said the puppeteer coldly. "You mean, that ghost may be using its own image to display a certain ability or do something?"

Qing Jiuliu nodded and said, "This guess is reasonable. The matter of 'connecting with images' is not an end in itself."

"Then what did he do through the image? We are all fine." Lin Sanjiu looked back and forth at his friends and asked. "If that's the case... Don't forget, when we were talking to that pudgy accountant in the lobby, his image was on the screen."

"I guess you can't hide your desire to save those ordinary people." Qing Jiuliu shrugged, pulled a chair, and fell into it. "Even if his video is not for checking the situation, the short guy will report it."

Although the big witch was not present, she seemed to have a clear understanding of what happened in the hall.

"Saving ordinary people? If it were me, I wouldn't do such a thankless thing." She laughed hoarsely, and said, "Not to mention whether you have the strength to save, how do you know that they want to be saved?" save?"

Lin Sanjiu hurriedly explained: "You don't know, the reason why most people don't want to leave is mainly because the farm has used the broadcasting ability of Batoude. He happens to be someone I know—"

"Who happens to be someone you don't know?" the puppeteer interrupted her impatiently. "Who is so good at reincarnation?"

...He seemed much more irritable than when he left.

But at the moment, almost everyone is in a bad mood; they may have escaped Orcius once, but the driver's seat that Yu Yuan should sit in is empty, and they cannot escape.

"I don't care if the broadcast is broadcast or not," the great witch waved her hand and said, "But regardless of whether there is a broadcast or not, there are some people in human beings who find freedom hot. Even if they are unfortunately born as humans, they will continue to find a way The way to the farm. Now that there are farms, there will always be livestock. No matter how much you tell them the truth, how much you think about them, it's not enough to overcome their fear of 'no one cares'."

Lin Sanjiu opened his mouth and said after a few seconds: "Maybe. But there must be more people who want to be saved..."

"How do you know? You killed all the pigs on the farm, broadcast the truth, and caused such a big mess. People who want to leave will naturally take this opportunity to leave. Those who stay voluntarily, you can't save them from themselves." Myself." The big witch combed the tassels on her shoulders, and said slowly: "You may think that I am extreme. I am a different person from you. I think that since there are people of the type of farmers in the world, there must be types of livestock. There is no need to beat mandarin ducks. You believe in a world where 'people should be human beings'... On this point, I admire you. If everyone in the world could be a little naive and idealistic, then maybe there would be no There will be an end."

She paused, and then said: "Don't get me wrong, I said so much, not because I was afraid of getting into trouble and wanted to avoid the limelight. If there is a chance to do something against Occidental, you can definitely count me in."

This sentence rescued Lin Sanjiu from the daze he felt again, not knowing what the correct answer was.

She gave a wry smile, and was willing to change the subject: "That's too dangerous. I never knew that a person's ability can reach his's simply a supernatural power, so it's omnipotent."

As if the shadow of Orcius had really enveloped the cockpit, everyone's voices fell silent for a moment. The puppeteer and the great witch are already considered to be the top combat power among the evolutionists; this naturally does not mean that they will not be deflated, but they can be made to be like babies without even the slightest room for resistance, Orcius Still the first person.

Can Nuwa stop him? But why did Nuwa want to stop Xiaoxius?

If the data bodies are still there, can they program the key substances in the blood? As long as there are key substances, Xiaoxieus will be useless to ordinary people, right?

Lin Sanjiu sat in the silence, but her mind was buzzing and chaotic; so that when Shales suddenly sounded a warning, she didn't even hear it clearly until the second time—"'Lin Sanjiu's flying machine' It is approaching, the current distance is 20 kilometers..."

"What?" Pina was taken aback.

Lin Sanjiu jumped up suddenly.

her aircraft! She almost forgot that the aircraft that was also equipped with the Shales system was originally piloted by Yu Yuan, and after it parked on the grassy cliff with her, the two of them entered the farm... Wait a minute, could it be Yu Yuan? Is Yuan okay? Did he catch up with the aircraft?

"The other party requests communication, do you want to access it?"

Lin Sanjiu was sweating profusely on his back, but his hands and feet were cold, and he shouted hoarsely, "Connect!"

However, what sounded was an unfamiliar female voice.

"Miss Lin," the other party said almost calmly, "I brought the things you forgot on the farm for you. There is also a [one-way passage], and I will leave it in the aircraft for you. Sixty miles ahead There is a rock island, please go there and get your things."


Lin Sanjiu had just started talking, but that person had already cut off the communication. From the aerial map given by Shales, the small photoelectric light representing the aircraft suddenly disappeared from Exodus as soon as it accelerated.

Louqin's speed is so fast... Does it mean that she has been paying attention to the situation?

When Lou Qin guessed that Oscius was coming, Lou Qin didn't leave her behind; but when she found out that the person who came was her friend, Lou Qin suddenly cut off the communication.

Lin Sanjiu felt that he didn't seem to understand her mood.

Lou Qin has indeed done everything within her ability; the more she misses the past friendship, the more uncomfortable Lin Sanjiu is at the moment. The vaccine plan that seemed to be full at the beginning and could save the evolutionary is not only stepping on the flesh and blood, but also cast a layer of suspicion—Louqin and Searsius may have the same goal, but their motives are absolutely different. It can't be the same.

Otherwise, they already have such a large amount of vaccine, why not distribute it?

Saving the evolutionary is bound to be a long process, so why can't we bear to take blood from ordinary people in a steady stream?

All the doubts and questions were gradually fading and dissipated temporarily as they approached the reef island; Exodus soon landed on the reef island, when Lin Sanjiu saw the plane from afar When the gray aircraft was flying, she couldn't hold back any longer, and grabbed the arm of Pina who was closest to her with her backhand.

"It's okay," Pina took her hand, seeming to sense her fear. "I will definitely be able to save it... auspicious people have their own appearance."

Among her friends, Pina may be the first one who is willing to say some empty and tender words to comfort her, knowing that the possibility is unlikely.

Lin Sanjiu took a deep breath, walked over, and opened the door of the aircraft.

A rectangular wooden frame the size of a book sits quietly on the driver's seat.

【One-way channel】

After activation, it will immediately form a shape that is indistinguishable from the surrounding environment and become a part of the surrounding environment. For example, on the sidewalk, it will become a section of red brick road with green trees on the side; in the swimming pool, it will be a section of water with the same tile floor underneath. If it is not a coincidence or natural good luck, it is difficult for people to distinguish this item after it is formed, so the target will often walk into this item without vigilance.

The difference from the real environment is that once you step into this item, the target can only leave through the only exit and reach another level of space.

It is said that there is no light, no oxygen, extremely low temperature in that level of space, and it is full of all kinds of turbulent force fields in the universe. It is a place where no living thing can survive after entering; Survival in the layered space was chosen as the destination of this item.

So please remember the location where the item is activated, and don't walk into the [one-way passage] by yourself.

You know that one of my interests is American politics, right? When I wrote the passage about the Great Witch, I couldn't help but think of Republican voters. How stupid must a man be to vote against his own interests? Others have the final say on your uterus, so you still have to choose him, choose him to be your own farmer? All in all, the mid-term situation is good, I really want to thank GenZ (and Trump for sending points).

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