Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 2216: The Way to Save Bohemia

Chapter 2216 The way to save Bohemia

Why did I become like this?

Sometimes, Ji Shanqing couldn't help thinking about this issue.

The days in the mirror room back then were like water waves blown by the wind in the distance. Between the swaying, people could only vaguely see the dim luster; even the fear, suspicion, and vigilance that I had to endure every day at that time... I can't recall it now, there is only one tormented memory.

Since he was given wisdom, why did he endow him with such a fate?

His emotions, anxieties, longings and predicaments, and his entire existence are meaningless to others; his life is just the outer packaging of a prize that a certain evolutionary in the future can get.

"I won't open you."

When Lin Sanjiu said this, he even took it for granted. It's as if... just because he has a life and self-awareness is enough reason for her to refuse the benefit that belongs to her. But not only that, right? Because it was him who was the gift bag, Ji Shanqing?

Later, he became a data body by mistake.

Most of the time, he floats in the dark and lightless universe, repeatedly absorbing the warmth brought by that little bit of light from his memory; when he occasionally appears in front of some people who know the truth, he can almost see what is going on in the other person's mind. Thoughts - "Oh, he can read this thing", "Just let him write it".

Later, Ji Shanqing looked at the data of many people, not the biological data or evolutionary ability, but the part of the data body that was discarded as trash, including the data of human emotions.

He wondered if there was anyone else in the world who had gone through his situation and felt the same way he felt for his sister. He faintly felt that human feelings did not seem to be like this: No matter how much a loving couple can part ways, the lost parents will not appear in their dreams one day... Humans pursue love and be loved, but if they don't have it, they are not. can't live.

Ji Shanqing couldn't do it.

Lin Sanjiu is the only person in the world who treats him as a human being, no matter whether he is a gift bag in the past or a data body today; Lin Sanjiu is also the only person in the world who has loved him, and still loves him now.

Ji Shanqing has never been a human being in the eyes of others.

Only by Lin Sanjiu's side can his life recover from the suspension and wake up from the cold winter, as if he is not only a human being, but can become a very lovely person; In order to ask him to help him, such warm light and warmth are all because of himself—no matter how frightened he is, how desperate he is, and how far he is from human beings.

"This bracelet, you take it."

Bohemia seemed to be waiting for the bracelet to bite her as he handed it over.

She first looked at the roads before and after, and then at the endless lush forest beside her. She didn't know what she was guarding against, so she finally took it suspiciously. "what is this?"

"When your fifth life is about to come to an end, it will remind you by changing color."

He envied Bohemia. She exists so righteously and confidently, full of joy and anger, even if she is afraid or uneasy, she is clear, transparent and shining; is it just the difference in the beginning of life that makes them so different?

"Dogs want such unlucky things," Bohemia said with her mouth flattened, her forced disdain not yet formed, but she couldn't hold back her sadness. "Since everyone knows that my time is numbered, it's better to die before I know it..."

"I can't change your life that was cut into five pieces," Ji Shanqing said in a low voice, and Bohemia's voice stopped immediately. She turned her eyes away, and there was water in the golden brown eyes, like a layer of flowing honey.

"I know, whether it's my sister or you, I'm afraid I won't be willing to let me rewrite you, right?"

Bohemia still turned her head sideways, looking at the gray-green shadows among the dense forests, as if she was waiting for J7 to reappear, so that she would no longer have to deal with Ji Shanqing. After a few seconds, she said: "Then it's not me. This 'me' is gone."

Although Ji Shanqing didn't understand this feeling, he still nodded.

"I have analyzed your data for a long time, and I have also considered it for a long time. I can neither change your five life forms and the resulting lifespan limit, nor can I reprogram a new you...Then I will only There is only one way left."

Bohemia twisted her neck abruptly, and her earrings jingled a few times. "Is there any other way?"

"Yes," Ji Shanqing said in a calm tone. "But this method, until the moment you are about to die, I am afraid you are not willing to use it."

Bohemia raised the bracelet, looked at it, and asked, "That's why you gave me this? Let me get stuck in time and use that method before I really die?"

"Yes, that's one of the reasons." Ji Shanqing said this, and looked back.

"What else? Tell me, what can you do?"

Ji Shanqing knew that her sister was in front of this road, because it seemed that the whole world was shifting towards that center of gravity. He only needs to let go of his resistance a little bit, and he will be attracted to his sister; but what he has to do is not finished, and he only needs to stay a little longer, and he can get over it.

"I'll be looking for my sister right away," he said softly, without directly answering the question. "I will ask her to give me some alone time...Even I can't predict the direction of the world, so you may see her again after a while, maybe not until the bracelet turns red. I think , most likely not."

Bohemia was startled, as if someone had stabbed her hand with a knife, she couldn't help shivering.

"What? I'll never see you again... wait, I'm kind of confused, this is my fifth life with—"

"Listen to me. Regardless of whether you can see my sister or not, I hope you can do me a favor..." Ji Shanqing couldn't help taking a low breath when he said this, as if the air could stabilize his frightened body Like a trembling soul. "I'll tell you right away what I can do to save you, but you can't tell my sister."

"Why?" Bohemia did not show any suspicion. Perhaps with her sensitivity, she also realized that Ji Shanqing's proposal was not a trap for her.

"I know this is very unfair to my sister, and I know I shouldn't. But if I don't try it, I will be tortured by this idea forever... If she thinks that it's because of me that she didn't see you for the last time, because I have no choice but you are finally dead, then...will she give up on me? Will she hate me? "

He was able to tell Bohemia the greatest fear in his heart simply, presumably because Bohemia's future fate will be different.

Bohemia said bluntly, "No."

Ji Shanqing was startled. "what?"

"Did you drink bad milk? A mouth is a fart? How old are you? Are you ten years old?"

Seeing that he shook his head seriously, Bohemia seemed to be even more angry, "I don't care how old you are in human form, but your brain is not fully developed anyway! Your sister is like a paranoid , when it comes to you, your eyes light up like electricity doesn’t cost money. If you want peace of mind, just take a good look at how Lin Sanjiu treats you like an old mother. You got up one morning and hit your head against the wall , came up with such an idea of ​​torturing you, torturing her, and tossing my old lady? I **** thought you've been cheating for a long time, how much is this trick, and the result is to tell me that you were blinded by phobia Eye?"

Ji Shanqing was scolded by her head and face, but he was stunned, and he opened his mouth and said, "... huh?"

"Ah, your mother, what kind of nectar was given to you, you are afraid that it is footwashing water, right? What kind of injury have you suffered? Who gave you footwashing water?" Bohemia scolded happily For a moment, he apparently forgot that his life was still in the hands of others, and his mouth was so open and closed that it almost appeared as a phantom: "I used to think you were very smart, but looking at it this way, hey, what Lin Sanjiu inherited is Well, others have one left brain and one right brain, but you are a dead end with a left corner and a right dead end...Huh?"

She paused, looked at Ji Shanqing's face a few times, and panicked. "What's the matter with the water in your eyes? Are you not a data body? You are... why are you crying? Can you still cry?"

Can't cry after being scolded?

In fact, Ji Shanqing didn't know why he was crying.

"I...I have to try," he wiped his eyes vigorously, and his nasal voice became thicker. "I'm afraid... If I don't know the answer to this question, I will suffer forever in the future... If my sister chooses to hate me, I'd rather know now..."

This is different from the usual so-called "test", because he knows that in the doomsday world, the dangers are unpredictable, and the possibility that the content of this "test" will actually happen between him and his sister is too great; With other friends, there will always be light, gravity, and balance drifting and biasing... and he also accepted that his sister will always have friends, and he is just afraid of another possibility.

Even knowing Lin Sanjiu's feelings for him, it is still difficult to calm his fear—because fear is beyond the control of reason.

Bohemia was silent for a while.

"I'll see your brain disease for a while, and you won't be able to cure it with just a few words. I'll make a bet with you." Before she threw the bracelet back into the holding prop, she looked at it for a while. In an instant, a trace of fear flashed across her face—even if it was Bohemia, even if she heard Ji Shanqing say there was a way, she would still be afraid when she saw the end point.

"What bet?"

"Even if I die, she won't hate you." Bohemia thought for a while and added: "Unless my life was cut into five pieces by you."

Ji Shanqing quickly shook his head.

"Do you really want her to think I'm dead," Bohemia muttered, "at least give her a little hope? Speaking of which, what is your way to save me?"

Although it is technically a difficult thing to grasp and understand, it is strangely easy to understand its concept-even people who have never been exposed to the end of the world can understand it in the first place .

"That bracelet can preserve the last bit of time in Bohemia's life." Ji Shanqing wanted to look at Lin Sanjiu, but his gaze stayed on her now empty neck and collarbone. looked up. "She can choose how long to keep it, but once she makes a decision, she will disappear from the world for a short time... because her last short life was temporarily 'frozen'."

Lin Sanjiu didn't make a sound, just listening to him quietly. He doesn't even know how to interpret this silence, he can only fill it with his own voice.

"If it's just delaying her death, it's not like saving her. So in the gap between the life she's used up and the last short life that's been frozen, I plan to use my own I can make up for her with my own body, so that she can use my "life" to resurrect without using the last life of her own. For example, if I separate a small strand of body and make her "life", she will be able to live longer. Live for two years... In this way, my life is equivalent to providing for two people. When my life is used up, then Bohemia can live for a while until her frozen life is also used up. Finish."

Ji Shanqing thought for a while and explained: "The data body originally has no lifespan. As long as the energy does not dissipate, it will always exist. Keep dividing a part of the body and give Bohemia a 'lifespan'. It means that I also have a 'span' from now on... the moment my main body is used up is the time when my death comes."

He lowered his eyes and said softly: "But sister, you don't have to worry. I will exist for a long, long time, until the planet may be annihilated and the universe will change. My method is cut off like Bohemia Life works because it's inherently incomplete and has 'openings'. But I can't prolong a person's life of natural aging. I've thought long ago that I don't have any need to exist when my sister disappears , So for such a long period of time, it was useless to me. Now that it is given to Bohemia, it makes no difference to me."

Ji Shanqing let out a trembling breath.

"But... I didn't do this for Bohemia. Occidentus is right... I really thought about it. In this way, for my sister, I have the weight of two people... I also I thought, if I can be more important than the weight of two people, that would be great."

"This is not a math problem, it's not that one plus one equals two." Lin Sanjiu suddenly said softly, "For can't be more important."

After writing the text, I wish I could knock on the door and smash the wall in the corridor, and run around to tell everyone, mothers and folks (no parents)! A big sinkhole has been filled! And two birds in one hole, Bohemia and the gift bag have been tied together since then, which means I filled two holes with a shovel of soil!

In the PK between the hydrological artifact and the Kavin sharp weapon, who will win, please wait and see!

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