Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 2227: Puzzle Master Ji Shanqing

Chapter 2227 Puzzle Master Ji Shanqing

Ji Shanqing knew that after he uttered these words, he would definitely face many questions and confusions.

For example, how can one body steward attack another?

It is not a good idea for the puppeteer to puppet one of them; the body steward obviously has a connection with Orcius at the moment. It is equivalent to being indirectly exposed to the hands of Orcius.

And apart from "dollification", they really have no way to make one person attack the other—the two body stewards are part of a larger and more mysterious existence, and there will be no fight between them. up.

Taking a ten thousand step back, even if one of them can be confused and take the initiative to attack, Orcius can stop the attack at any time. Wouldn't it be impossible to achieve the original purpose in this way?

"I know you must have a lot of questions." Ji Shanqing continued immediately without giving anyone else a chance to speak, "but my sister's life is at stake, and our exposure is imminent. Now I don't have time to explain my plan step by step. gone."

"What do you need?" Lin Sanjiu's hurried voice rang in his ears, like a thin silk thread hanging from the sky, Ji Shanqing was hanging on the silk thread, shaking slightly in the sun .

"I need each of you to follow my instructions to complete what should be done in this plan," he paused, not knowing what kind of reaction he would hear.

What he wants, in other words, is total trust and cooperation.

It's ironic to say... Ji Shanqing didn't care about how other people felt about him and what they thought of him before—even if they were wary of him and disliked him, as long as it didn't affect him staying by his sister's side, he would be with him. A puff of wind-blown dust is no different.

But now, what my sister wants to do, what information my sister wants to know, and even the safety of her own life all depend on whether her partners are willing to believe in her and cooperate with her.

Is this also Karma, he thought in a daze.

There was a brief silence in the earphones.

Ji Shanqing, who was walking alone in the Black Stone Collection, looked back at Qing Jiuliu, who were walking together not far away; they each used disguise props to blend in the crowd, and it took him two or three seconds to identify them come out.

"I...I will definitely do my best to ensure everyone's safety." In the silence, he added uneasily.

"Got it," Lin Sanjiu was the first to answer. "Tell me, what do you want me to do?"

At the same time as her voice sounded, Kiyokuru, who was disguised as a beautiful woman—almost as eye-catching compared to his original appearance, and even more graceful than the great witch—also nodded towards the gift bag, and then said in the earphone: " Just tell me, I have nothing to worry about."

"With the time for vaccinations, you can finish the plan, right?" the big witch asked back.

Not really, his plan was too complicated to explain—but Libao held back and didn't refute.

"What's wrong with cooperating with you? Even if it's your birthday today." The puppeteer mocked.

"Compared with being caught by Occidentals, I would rather cooperate with you." Yu Yuan said plainly.

Pina didn't seem to know whether she should respond, so she hurriedly said, "Well, I'm fine."

Yuan Xiangxi walked beside Qing Jiuliu, as if he felt that he had expressed his opinion on behalf of himself, with his arms wrapped around him, and a serious face on his face.

"Okay," Ji Shanqing could only respond with this one word - one is because time is precious and there is no time to say more; the other is that he is still a little dazed and doesn't know what to say.

Haven't they realized that under such circumstances, to carry out their own orders without asking anything is tantamount to giving their lives to themselves?

It's just that he doesn't have time to think about such issues now; he can't make them think about it any more.

"First of all, sister, I need you to continue running for a while to buy us time to prepare."

"No problem," Lin Sanjiu replied in one gulp, "I can hold on for another hour."

"Secondly, you use your [eBay] to trade the two items [Prince and Beggar] and [Preconceived] to the puppeteer."

Before they got on the resource mining ship, his sister told him about her experience on the farm; at that time, Ji Shanqing also commented: "The combination of these two items can cause an effect of transforming into the target person gone."

"Yes," my sister sighed regretfully at the time, "if we have this ability... it will be much more convenient."

"And then?" Lin Sanjiu asked while running.

At the moment where they were, the sharp cry of the paper crane could no longer be heard, only a little bit could be heard faintly from the end of Lin Sanjiu in the earphone. She took out the maximum speed, left the paper crane far behind, told it and the person behind it who was in charge of tracking, and didn't realize for a moment that the target was actually in the same area as herself.

It is precisely in this kind of ultra-high-speed escape that needs to focus all energy on it, but Lin Sanjiu still followed what he said, and immediately traded things to the puppeteer—my sister herself knew that it took a lot of time to do this. It's not easy, is it?

"Yu Yuan, can you still run?" Ji Shanqing asked.

"I recovered a long time ago," Yu Yuan said immediately.

"You should go to the puppeteer to get these two items right now, and wait near booth No. 50, Road E, Heishiji, and be ready to activate things at any time."

When Ji Shanqing glanced back, he found that Yu Yuan had turned away from Qing Jiuliu without saying a word; the puppeteer, the great witch and Pina were standing in front of a booth selling "trick boxes", Pretending to be watching the excitement—when Yu Yuan walked past him, Ji Shanqing could only faintly see that the arms of the two were separated at the slightest touch, just like the bumps that most often happen in crowded crowds, and immediately, Yu Yuan He whispered in the earphones: "I got it."

"Qing Jiuliu, go to the puppeteer and get [eBay]."

"I'm a distribution center for special items?" The puppeteer sneered angrily—I don't know where this person has such a big emotional problem.

Kiyokuru in women's clothes was much more refreshed than himself in men's clothes, and he approached the puppeteer in a few steps, causing Pina to take a look at him; soon, he also reported, "I got it."

At this time, Lin Sanjiu had already received instructions on what to do next: she needed to run back to the booth where the middle-aged woman was.

"Her booth is on Avenue D. Before you enter Avenue D, find a way to remove the disguise when no one is paying attention." Ji Shanqing was a little nervous when he said this, "Sister, be careful."

Lin Sanjiu didn't spend any time and voice to question him, and only responded immediately: "Okay."

"Half a minute from now, Yu Yuan, you will see my sister running in your direction."

At this moment, Ji Shanqing is actually more like an information processing center that processes countless thread tasks at the same time; the difference is that what he needs to deal with are floating plates that need to influence and connect with each other. A floating plate walks along the established path for perfect interaction and cooperation.

"When she passes by you, touch your sister's face and activate [The Prince and the Pauper] first."

The item was valid for one minute, which he felt was enough.

While waiting for Lin Sanjiu to rush towards Yu Yuan for half a minute, Ji Shanqing has already seized the time and issued an order to the puppeteer: "Puppet master, you and Yuan Xiangxi go to Heishiji Road A, from there Leaving Heishiji and entering the forest, be careful to hide yourself."

If the puppeteer would respond to him normally, it would be a **** - even if there is indeed a living ghost beside him at this moment. In his busy schedule, Ji Shanqing took a look on tiptoe, and faintly saw the backs of the puppeteer and Yuan Xiangxi disappearing into the night crowd.

"Big Witch, Pina, go to the booth near No. 50, Road D, Heishiji immediately."

This group was much more gentle; the big witch responded casually with a "hmm".

"Be careful yourself," Pina unexpectedly told Ji Shanqing when she was leaving. "You have been standing there muttering words, and you have attracted several passers-by to look at you."

Ji Shanqing was taken aback, before he could respond to her, he heard Yu Yuan say at this moment: "I saw it—I met it!"

The two have already exchanged appearances - [Prince and the Beggar] ignores the influence of disguise props, that is to say, when wearing the disguise, they are the disguised appearance; but if the two take off the disguise now, the appearance underneath has changed. swapped.

"Sister, you count the time now, and arrive at the middle-aged woman's booth in one minute, and let her see your own face after you return to the original state and take off the disguise. Then, you hurry up and go to the mountain forest outside Road A of Heishiji. "

"One minute?" Lin Sanjiu finally couldn't help asking, "But the paper crane..."

Ji Shanqing knew what she wanted to ask. She was not far away from the middle-aged woman's booth at this moment, and it used to take less than a minute; if she had to spend a minute on the road, the paper crane would catch up first.

"Don't worry, the paper crane won't catch up with you," he replied half a sentence, and then called out, "Yu Yuan! Can you see the paper crane now?"

"Come over soon!" Yu Yuan replied.

"Run in the direction it came from," Ji Shanqing commanded, "You should see Jotans within a minute, and when the two of you meet, immediately activate [Preconception]—remember, this Everything has to be done in under a minute."

Before Yu Yuan could answer, he asked the big witch again: "Big witch, have you seen the paper crane?"

"I just came here," the big witch responded halfway, and immediately became vigilant: "I saw it."

"Grab it with your consciousness," Ji Shanqing said, "then don't delay, go out from Road D immediately, enter the forest, and hide your tracks."

"Are you planning to..." Qing Jiuliu seemed to understand, and murmured a few words.

Would they think that their plan was just to replace their sister with Yu Yuan and save her life?

Would my sister think that her plan was to replace her with Yu Yuan?

Ji Shanqing didn't dare to ask, and didn't dare to hear the doubts from his companions. He closed his eyes tightly, remembering Pina's warning just now, and knew that he didn't have time.

"Qing Jiuliu," he whispered, "bring me [eBay] now, and then we'll split up."

I’m really too lazy to open the app recently. I saw a screenshot before and it’s true. There are a bunch of coffins and shrouds on my phone. I don’t even want to read the recipes. If I don’t click in, I don’t know what the blogger is cooking...

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