Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 2225: rediscover old faces

Chapter 2225 Seeing Old Faces Again

Going to Heishiji together doesn't seem like such a bad idea.

Pina's idea is indeed like looking for a needle in a haystack. The owner of the body with the ability to read other people's thoughts may not be in the Karma Museum, and secondly, he may not be short of money, and he may not be able to set up a stall—maybe he is being captured by Occidental Are you using it?

It's just that Pina's mention of the Black Stone Collection made Lin Sanjiu think: Not only can they buy some disguise props, but they can also buy some humanoid porcelain tiles to upgrade them—not to mention, It must be more convenient in the Black Stone Collection.

"After all, hiding in the tool room is not an option," Lin Sanjiu suggested, "We have no disguise, we will be discovered sooner or later."

Under the shadow of Occidentus, even the most difficult person in the room knew that he had to compromise with reality; although he was not in high spirits and his face was gloomy, Lin Sanjiu's proposal was finally agreed. passed.

How to get off the resource mining ship and reach Heishiji all the way without being discovered, took a lot of brains from everyone. The place where the resource mining ship landed was a production base of the Twelve Organizations. Needless to say, it must have been brought into view by Occidentus long ago. Time to find out.

In the end, it was actually Lin Sanjiu who came up with a stupid and clever solution.

"I have a disguise mask here," she said, shaking her face twice, "I and the puppeteer each have an [eBay], and we can trade with each other. I think it would be very interesting if we went one by one." Maybe you can walk away... For example, you put on a mask and go out for the gift bag first."

She hung up the mask on the gift bag with her own hands, and a middle-aged man with a slack and tired face and a protruding belly suddenly replaced the young man who looked like the breeze and the moon, and appeared in everyone's eyes.

Yuan Xiang Xiwu took a breath of cold air hurtfully.

"This type of mask is really good," Lin Sanjiu praised. "Even if you walk in front of others, no one will take a second look at this kind of face... Not only is it very common, but it is also easy to forget. Even if you look at ten people like this in one go, you will think that all ten of them look like that." almost."

"There is an invisible force pushing my eyes away, making me not want to continue looking." The big witch also nodded and said, "Isn't this the effect of the item itself?"

"It's the effect of this kind of face and the five senses themselves, how precious," Lin Sanjiu said quite proudly.

Her stupid and clever method is also very simple to say.

Taking the gift package as an example, after he puts on the mask, blends in with the crowd and leaves the base, he can find a spaceship bound for Heishiji in a few days and buy a ticket for a single cabin. After entering the single cabin, he trades the mask to the next person through [eBay]—the next person goes out wearing the mask, buys a ticket to board the boat, finds a gift bag and takes it to [eBay], and repeats the process until everyone All left the base.

"I don't think Occidentals would go to see other people's beds," Lin Sanjiu said, "but just to be careful, you can trade under the covers."

The puppeteer and the great witch exchanged a look - the two of them had probably never been so sneaky in their life, but they had no choice but to hold their noses and hold back their breath, accepting this method.

"What do you do when you disembark?" Qing Jiuliu asked. "I'm not afraid, I can transform into a woman now. I'm staying in the tool room now, purely out of companionship."

Lin Sanjiu patted him on the shoulder very approvingly. "I have been to Heishiji, and there are mountains and forests near the disembarkation place. Didn't Oxius say that so far his eyes only have cameras or something like that? As long as he avoids people, I think there should be no problem. We will We meet in the forest on the **** at the entrance..."

She looked at the puppeteer and the great witch, and felt that these two were the most prone to mistakes in the whole plan, and suggested: "Others can talk, but when you two get off the boat, you should trade the mask to your hands again. Let's go."

"We really need it," the big witch said with a reserved look, pinning her hair behind her ears. "We are too far away from this mask."

"You are different," the puppeteer went on to say, "You can act in your true colors."

How could Lin Sanjiu show any emotion at this kind of irony now, Bafeng accepted it without moving.

Perhaps it was because Occidentus didn't know that the target was in this resource mining ship, so she didn't focus on looking for it, and her plan actually worked smoothly—considering that there were eight very similar looking ships in one breath. The middle-aged men bought tickets to board the boat one after another, which might attract the attention of others, and there were several pauses among them, breaking the continuity with other passengers.

When Pina was about to leave, only Lin Sanjiu and gift bags were left in the tool room.

"I've carefully considered what you told me before." Holding the mask in her hand, Pina gave Lin Sanjiu a somewhat embarrassed and grateful smile. "You are thinking about my life. I understand that my combat power, items and knowledge are indeed inferior to yours. But can't only have big figures like puppet masters around you, right?"

Lin Sanjiu was startled.

"My words may be boastful. But as an ordinary evolutionary, I have experienced things that you have never experienced, and the angles I can think of are also beyond your imagination." She raised the mask embarrassingly. Get up and hide behind it. "If you want to solve a problem, don't you need to observe it from multiple angles? I think there must be someone who can see from the bottom up..."

Even if the method proposed by Pina is equivalent to finding a needle in a haystack, it is indeed much better than them being helpless, not even knowing where to find a needle in the vast universe. Lin Sanjiu held Pina's hand, and said in a low voice, "Thank you... But I'm worried, I or the big witch, we will be unable to protect you for a while, or we will be powerless..."

"If it really comes to a time when my life is hanging by a thread," Pina smiled and promised, "I will definitely abandon you at the first time, and swear to Occidentals that I will erase my memory and never violate his taboo again. Those of us Ordinary people, if they don’t know how to bend and stretch, how can they live until now? I got involved not because I care about those ordinary people—I don’t know them. I just care about you.”

Lin Sanjiu couldn't help laughing either. "You can't wait until the last moment to give in," she whispered, "Let's take one step ahead... ten steps are fine, as long as it keeps you alive."

In fact, Lin Sanjiu didn't know how much Pina's words were comforting her and how much they were comforting Pina herself. If you make up your mind to go into such a decision, don't fool yourself, don't give yourself some illusory security, I am afraid that Pina will not be at peace.

After Pina left, Ji Shanqing was unwilling to leave with his sister anyway—he lowered his head and said nothing; After saying a few words, the gift bag looked up, but a strange face appeared.

"This body of mine was programmed, why bother to pretend." He looked confident, "I saw this person's face in the Starry Sky Amusement Park, so it's easy to change it."

"I'm worried that you're wasting energy..."

When the two left the base together, Lin Sanjiu asked in a low voice: "Yu Yuan told me that after your main body leaves the data stream management database, no matter where you are, it will be very difficult to survive, right?"

"Because the data body will face the problem of energy dissipation all the time in a non-data stream management environment."

After hesitating for a while, Ji Shanqing still confessed. Maybe he also knew that Lin Sanjiu could not be dismissed easily on this issue. "Unless I can find a newly born space and transform it into a corner suitable for the survival of the data body... It's just that the new born space is hard to find, and it may take thousands of years to meet one. But sister, my body is very Huge, there is no risk of the energy being completely consumed in the short term, so don't worry."

Lin Sanjiu couldn't be relieved; in fact, until she reunited with her companions in the mountains and forests, this faint shadow was always in the depths of her mind.

After she ran errands for everyone and brought back seven camouflage props—her most popular middle-aged man mask, but she couldn’t buy it for a while, presumably because everyone likes to use it—when a group of people waved After the twists and turns, it was finally possible to enter the Black Stone Market, the sky had gradually sunk into the dim drunken blue, and various bright lights were gradually lit up on the market stalls.

This time, Lin Sanjiu changed his shotguns, he was no longer the penniless poor last time. She just dealt with dozens of items in the card library at a low price, and in exchange for enough money, she wrapped up all the ceramic fragments of that stall owner.

"Don't look at me with such eyes," she carded a large bag of fragments, and promised, "This thing is really useful. How are your teeth? If the teeth are good, we will go back and share a share." , you will know after eating..."

Lin Sanjiu's eyes passed over Yu Yuan who was full of suspicion, and landed on the aisle behind him, and he was unable to speak the second half of the sentence.

"What's wrong?" Yu Yuan immediately sensed something was wrong.

Next to a booth, a short, fat man who was talking in a low voice with a middle-aged woman with an ordinary face was someone she would never mistake in her life.

The puppeteer's voice sounded cold and calm, and it reached everyone's ears in a low voice.

"...It's Jotense."

I saw someone asking me about my schedule, and my schedule is actually like this: Every 3-4 days, my time to fall asleep will be delayed by about 2 hours, because it takes about 26 hours for my biological clock to turn around, so it will always be faster and faster. The later you go to bed, the later you wake up. A hard wrench doesn't help either. Every hour of the 24 hours has been my bedtime and wake-up time.

So you can see that I sent the anti-theft alarm at 12 o'clock. Sometimes I just got up, and sometimes I may stay up late. These days, my bedtime is around 5am (slowly moving further and further to the right). Entering the stage of going to bed during the day and getting up at night, it is really troublesome and delays things.

It seems that I have explained it before, but probably many people haven’t seen it (to be honest, I have been writing for eight years, and my feeling is that no matter what I write, I can’t think that others must have seen it, and the text may not be read in its entirety. Really, let alone the words ). Speaking of it, I don't understand why you guys are so interested in my schedule...

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