Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 2236: Different people do not share the same fate

Chapter 2236

Of course Qing Jiuliu knew that fighting was actually the worst idea at the moment.

This is why he waited until the tall and strong man yelled out before starting to strike—his purpose was not to fight his way out by force; impossible.

Until the wine bottle was swung out, the idea in Qing Jiuliu's mind was only a vague outline; but it was like walking a tightrope, if he didn't try, he didn't know whether he would succeed or would fall off the sky .

The tall and strong man grinned slightly, and instead of raising his hands and moving, he slammed his head on the head, hitting the wine bottle in Qing Jiuliu's hand with a "bang". The wine bottle shattered on his forehead, but the skin on the man's forehead was not even red; he squinted his eyes, wiped the wine off his face, and raised his hand to grab Qing Jiuliu.

At this time, Qing Jiuliu also saw from the corner of his eye: at least five or six people turned their heads. They watched the battle between the two, each face looked flat, but they rushed towards the two with big strides under their feet.

Qing Jiuliu quickly lowered his waist, shrinking himself by half the height of his head.

In this way, the tall and strong man completely blocked him, so that those who could see the faces of Jiu Liu clearly could only see the back; It was too late—Qing Jiuliu had been prepared for a long time, and the other hand met his wrist like lightning, and grabbed it with a snap.

...Just because he doesn't like to do it doesn't mean he can't do it.

"I'm sorry," Qing Jiuliu said in a very low voice, "Without cerebrospinal fluid, I wonder if it will be painful?"

The doubt that floated in the eyes of the tall and strong man did not have a chance to become a sudden realization.

His doubts seemed nailed to his face.

When the mind suddenly dried up, in the blank wind that passed through the hall, the doubt was like a long-standing flag, which was gradually broken and rotted by the wind, and turned into a daze; soon, the daze subsided again, and finally became a dream. It became a drowsy expressionless expression.

Qing Jiuliu didn't know what kind of reaction and consequences would occur after a person's cerebrospinal fluid was suddenly drained; perhaps no one in the world had done such an experiment.

He never liked to use this method.

Hearing the sound of footsteps approaching the two of them, Qing Jiuliu grabbed the tall and strong man by the collar, supported him with his fists, and didn't make him fall down; the next second, Qing Jiuliu shook his arm, and he was about to die The tall and strong man who resisted was slammed to the ground—the expressionless face with heavy eyelids was left by Qing Jiu and smashed into the floor tiles, splashing countless broken bricks and blood foam.

Someone's hand pressed Qing Jiuliu's round back at this moment.

When he turned his head, his chin had already shrunk tightly again, and it became one piece with his neck, and he had no resemblance to himself again. He couldn't speak, so he said impatiently "Huh?" with his nose—the evolutionary who stretched out his hand to catch Jiu Liu's eyes fell on his face, and he was stunned, obviously he didn't expect what he caught. Not one of the goals.

Qing Jiuliu frowned—or rather, where the brows used to be—and shook his shoulders irritably, shaking the future man's hand away, and then pointed at the tall and strong man.

The evolutionary understood immediately, and immediately lowered his head to look at the tall and strong man lying on the ground.

At this time, four or five evolutionaries also gathered around; everyone did not say a word, did not exchange a word of language, in the strange, worker-ant-like strange silence, eight or nine hands stretched out like branches, one after another Pressed on the back of the tall and strong man; someone knelt down, grabbed the hair on the back of the tall and strong man's head with one hand, and twisted his head around.

That face has long been stained by broken bricks, wounds and blood stains embedded in the skin, so that the facial features cannot be seen clearly.

Pairs of eyes swept across Qing Jiuliu's face, and turned away without any pause. Qing Jiuliu made very small movements and quietly squeezed to the edge of the crowd; when everyone's attention was focused on the face of the tall and strong man, he looked left and right, took advantage of the gap where no one was paying attention, and strode not far away E road crossing at.


The moment Yu Yuan turned his head towards Pina, there were less than 30 seconds before the item expired.

There seemed to be a heavy lead stone in his lower abdomen. After all the internal organs were twisted, the lead stone pressed on it, as if it wanted to press out a hole in his body. Not only because he had to rescue Pina, but also because just now, outside the crowd in the distance, a strange voice shouted: "I found it, there is another one here."

In addition to the middle-aged man whose face was changed by him, the pawns of Orcius caught another person?

Who was caught?

Yu Yuan knew that he couldn't look back, and he didn't have any spare energy to save him; even Pina, who was a few steps away, he didn't know whether he would perish together with him.

The crowd in the vicinity has thinned out a lot, because many people have been attracted away to catch the two targets that were discovered just now; the remaining evolutionaries who were not controlled by Occidentus are standing in twos and threes at this time Nearby, I didn't know what happened—if Yu Yuan decided to go alone, it would be like entering a land without people, and it would be much easier than before.

He suppressed his anxiety and uneasiness, took a quick glance, and found that the two or three people who were suspicious of Pina just now turned a deaf ear to the distant calls, as if they knew that they didn't need their help elsewhere, and instead walked towards Pina past.

"Hey, show me your face."

Yu Yuan grabbed Pina's shoulder with a big stride, and turned her around.

Pina seemed to have recognized Yu Yuan's voice long ago, her eyes had just lit up with surprise, but she was startled when her eyes fell on his face; then, she seemed to remember - but she was quite cautious, subconsciously Yu Yuan's exposed skin was swept a few times, and when he saw the tattoo, he relaxed his shoulders slightly.

"Take it away."

Yu Yuan used his body to block the sight of those evolutionaries, shouted in a rough voice, and took advantage of the opportunity to grab Pina's hand covering his face—when he held Pina's hand, he Also stuffed [The Prince and the Beggar] into the hands of the latter.

Pina was taken aback.

"Run away as soon as I speak later," Yu Yuan looked at her, and commanded angrily, "Go to E Road!"

Startled, Pina seemed to understand Yu Yuan's meaning very quickly; she shrunk her shoulders, held [Prince and the Beggar] tightly, and asked in a low voice, "What about you?"

"I will chase after you," Yu Yuan said, "I'm running out of time, you run into the crowd!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he immediately turned his head and turned his face to the people behind—this was to let them see themselves clearly before the effect completely disappeared—then said flatly: "Yes, she is indeed the target one…"

The other people who found the target were not excited, they always spoke in such a flat manner, and now he imitated the same tone, and lowered his voice; because Yu Yuan didn't want to attract people from afar again. up.

The female evolutionary who was suspicious of Pina just now, her eyes suddenly jumped, and she could no longer care about Yu Yuan, and shouted: "She ran away!"

Yu Yuan turned his head, pretending as if he had just discovered it, turned around and strode after him, and said, "Leave it to me!"

Pina's speed is not very fast, not to mention that the central square is still full of people, no one can run fast. Yu Yuan followed closely behind Pina, but kept a distance of one or two steps from her. From the corner of his eyes, he kept staring at the other evolutionaries who were catching up; When grabbing Pina, Yu Yuan tilted his body, and his shoulder hit the man heavily, knocking him away.

"What are you doing?" The man staggered a few steps, stabilized his feet, and his tone was not angry.

At this time, the item effect of [The Prince and the Pauper] ends.

Yu Yuan could almost feel that his facial features, skin and tattoos were growing back. He couldn't turn his head at this moment, and he didn't dare to look up—in the front, Pina was slipping into the dense crowd, and he didn't realize that Yu Yuan's face had recovered, and he was in deep prison with his original appearance; while the people around her were After seeing her face, they all turned their eyes away indifferently, obviously because Pina had used [The Prince and the Pauper] once, and had changed faces with someone.

Yu Yuan had known this possibility long before he decided to save Pina, but when it really happened before his eyes, he still couldn't help but just want to smile—what kind of luck is he?

After Pina exchanged faces with someone in the crowd, it is obviously very likely that that "Pina face" will be discovered immediately, and immediately become the target of public criticism, diverting attention for him; it turned out that Pina did indeed change faces , His item's expiration date has also expired, but the people who were turned into pawns by Occidentus were a few seconds late, and they still don't realize that there is a person with Pina's face standing among them.

"Huh?" The evolutionary who was pushed by him just now straightened his waist while staring at Yu Yuan's side face. "Your face..."

Among other things, this tattoo is enough to betray him.

Yu Yuan glanced at the direction where Pina disappeared in the crowd for the last time, and sighed in his stomach.

He didn't want to be a hero, but now it seemed that there was no other way but to hold them back and give Pina a way out.

Yu Yuan turned his head, looked at the strange evolutionary, and asked calmly, "Are you looking for me?"

"It's you," the evolutionary took a slight breath, and quickly glanced at the direction Pina left. He seemed to make up his mind quickly—a bird in the hand is better than two in the bush—and immediately raised his voice and said, "I've found..."

Even though he knew it was impossible to fight his way out, Yu Yuan still moved.

He didn't give the evolutionary a chance to finish his sentence, he punched him in the stomach, breaking the second half of the other person's speech; It had already kicked that person hard in the lower abdomen, and kicked him far away, like playing bowling, knocking the few evolutionaries who had just caught up behind and almost fell down.

"This way," the person who was kicked out hurriedly got up, and greeted while crawling, "Come over here—"

He didn't finish his sentence.

Yu Yuan couldn't tell, what made him lower his head at that moment, and glanced at the ground at the man's feet.

At some point, a thin, long black shadow slid across the ground, from among the feet of countless people, and gently crawled to the feet of the evolutionary. Although the black shadow looks a bit like a human being, it is abnormally narrow, as if the one casting the shadow is another "human" split from the human body.

The evolutionary was silent, and after half a second, he straightened up and looked at Yu Yuan.

The facial features are still the same, but the one watching Yu Yuan from behind the eyes is another person.

The other evolutionaries who were about to pounce on him just now seemed to have suddenly forgotten about Yu Yuan. They turned around in silence and walked away step by step.

Yu Yuan wiped his face and took a long breath.

"Orcius... we meet again." He smiled a little tiredly, "Am I the first person you caught?"

Thank you everyone for allowing me these days. My mother took an antigen test and was really relieved that it was not the new crown. At first she said that her muscles were sore and she was afraid of the cold, but she didn't know if she had a fever (there was no thermometer, and it was not easy to feel a low-grade fever), which really scared me. I have been living like a ghost for the past two days, and it was hard When she got the antigen result and her body recovered a little bit, I felt at ease again.

The update has been very unstable in the past two days, I'm really sorry everyone. I deleted the fake note before, thank you for your concern, but I just kept it as if I was pleading for sympathy, so it's not good.

I told my mother, if you don't pay attention, this wave of illness will just catch up with the peak of infection, and you won't be idle. My mother has ideas, she's more stubborn than a donkey, she can't go to Baoding, I'm afraid people won't be able to tell the difference, so I'll put her on fire. The problem is that it’s okay if the idea is correct. If you don’t talk about science everywhere, and don’t pay attention to oil and salt, I’m really...

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