Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 2252: impatient puppeteer

After losing part of the power of Karma in the experiment, the gift package of "Meeting Old Friends in a Foreign Land" was restored. There are five copies in total, each of which is packed in five identical "shot balls", each with a small window embedded in it, which can be used for Man observes the interior.

To Lin Sanjiu's surprise, when she looked into the "shot put", what she saw was very familiar: it was a small string that she had wrapped around her wrist in the copy space.

"This is..." She blinked, "Why did it become this?"

The dungeon itself of meeting an old friend in a foreign land is actually invisible, like a force field.

"Sister, you said that you once met another form of the copy in the copy space, which inspired me a lot."

Ji Shanqing explained, "The power of Karma and 'meeting an old friend in a foreign country' cannot be directly observed with the naked eye, even if it acts on the body, but I don't know what kind of power it is for a while. So I am on this container. Made some changes to make it a mini copy space effect. In this environment, when the power of Karma gradually degrades and becomes an old friend in a foreign land again, it will form the shape of a rope end. We You can see it straight away.”

"You are so smart," Lin Sanjiu sighed again.

"Your vision must not be very broad, right?" The puppeteer asked kindly, "Your eyes are full of the other party's stinky feet."

"But he is indeed very smart," Lin Sanjiu said stiffly.

Ji Shanqing suppressed his joy, and hurriedly continued to talk, so as not to let the conversation deviate from the direction. "Didn't I hurt the female body steward in the Black Stone Collection? From her remnant body, there is not much data to be deciphered - after all, the amount of information in one arm is not the same as that of a whole person. But chance Coincidentally, there is an important message stored on the arm of the body steward, which is an evolutionary ability."

"Her ability is [Treatment], I remember." Lin Sanjiu interjected, "Why does it exist on the arm?"

"Her main ability may be [Treatment], but the ability information stored on her arm is not this one." Libao said calmly, "It is an ability that happens to be used in the hand, but it is trapped on the arm , like a muscle without blood supply, stuck there and slowly withering."

...Evolutionary ability also produces this situation?

Lin Sanjiu said blankly, "But the evolution ability doesn't just stay in that part just because it's going to be used?"

"That's right, indeed not." Li Bao nodded and said, "So it's very interesting why she has such a phenomenon, isn't it?"

"You charge by the word?" The puppeteer said coldly, "Are you allergic to the point?"

Lin Sanjiu really had a big head, and being between the two of them seemed to be doing something wrong, so he could only smooth things over in a vague way; the gift bag pulled a long face, probably to see her face, and said: "... I have made several conjectures on this point, one of which I think is the most likely. After all, the body steward created by Occidentus is not a real human being—it is very close to a real human being, but there are still subtleties. s difference."

Lin Sanjiu remembered that Mather said that she was "fake blood and fake flesh".

"For example, in the doomsday world, it is not surprising that evolutionaries trade with each other, deliver evolutionary abilities, and exchange what they need. It doesn't matter who developed an evolutionary ability in the first place; After the body, at most it is useless, but there will be no abnormal reactions such as incompatibility and rejection."

Lin Sanjiu nodded—she was the one who came here.

"However, the ability that appeared on the arm of the steward of the female body is very obvious, and it has a rejection reaction with her...Although it is the first time I have seen the rejection reaction between the evolutionary ability and the human body, but from many physiological Based on the data and side evidence, I am quite sure of this.

"Sister, you told me that many things in the doomsday world are actually 'alive' and spiritual." Ji Shanqing glanced at Lin Sanjiu and said, "The same is true for the ability to evolve. It enters a After an environment that is completely incompatible with oneself, in order to survive in the form of an ability, he will desperately search for a place where he can survive in this environment. As an ability that needs to be used from the hands, it is like trying to swim to Like a tropical fish in a warm current, looking for the hand of the steward of the body, the result is finally stuck on the physiological level, that is, the arm of the steward of the body.”

He sighed, and said, "It's really a rare case that the ability to evolve can be observed at the physiological level."

"In other words... the ability on that arm was not developed by the steward of the body at all, but was imported and put in by someone. Then this person is undoubtedly Searsius."

When Lin Sanjiu said this, he remembered that Occidentus once said that he could use A's ability from B's body. So, can he also put the ability of the evolutionary on the body steward?

Ji Shanqing had obviously come to the same conclusion long ago. "Yes, I think that the body steward made by Occidental cannot develop evolutionary ability by itself. Occidental must first make the evolutionary become his 'identity', and then transfer the evolutionary ability to the body steward."

I don't know if the puppeteer was impatient, or because he had to listen to Ji Shanqing's words, unconsciously, half of his face twisted into a look of disgust.

Naturally, he was unwilling to look at the two of them; except for the glance of "meeting an old friend in a foreign land" just now, his gaze was always on the deep and empty seabed in front of him; Water shadows shimmered on his face and body—making him look even more like a bad-tempered siren.

"So, the real master of the ability of the body steward is someone else..." Lin Sanjiu hurriedly asked, "But doesn't she already have [Treatment] in her body? If you don’t have the ability to evolve, how can you use [Treatment]?”

Ji Shanqing smiled slightly and said: "Sister, you also know the principle of Occam's razor. The simplest answer is often the closest to the truth. [Treatment] The reason why she can survive in her body is naturally because of the female body steward. The environment in her body is suitable for it...why is it so suitable for it, and only for it? It must be that when Occidental created her, he referenced and imitated some key physiological data of the original owner."

Lin Sanjiu opened his mouth. It was often after the gift bag explained that she felt that the answer really seemed obvious and simple—as if she should be able to think of it even if the gift bag didn't say it.

"However, tailoring a human body for one ability does not mean that other abilities can survive if it goes in." Ji Shanqing shrugged and said, "If you don't save Yu Yuan, I'm afraid that Xiao Xiao will be killed soon after." Sius will create a body steward whose internal system is similar to his own, and transfer Yu Yuan's ability to that body steward."

"Why bother?" Lin Sanjiu couldn't help asking, "Since you can turn an evolutionary into an identity, why don't you just use your identity? Why do you need to be a body steward to store abilities?"

"I don't know about that." Ji Shanqing crossed his arms and said, "I can make a guess, but it's just a guess after all. We still need more information about Occidentus... Maybe before we hunt down the identity, chase When you kill the body steward, you will get the answer to this question."

Lin Sanjiu's eyes lit up just now, but she didn't think that there was another person who was more urgent than her on this matter—the puppeteer suddenly stood up from the sofa, startling the two of them.

"One mouth is endless like a sewage pipe, and finally you are willing to finish it?" He stared condescendingly at the gift bag sitting on the floor, and asked gloomily, "How do you chase it?"

This chapter is an oolong, I thought that after I finished the anti-theft, I updated the text and went to wash my face and do other things. My sister thought of lying on the bed and picked up the phone to see, it was still the anti-theft chapter... What should I do, I bow to you sorry...

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