Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 2256: Lin Sanjiu's Chance

Chapter 2256 Lin Sanjiu's Chance

Lin Sanjiu looked at the man quietly. After he finished speaking, she didn't make a sound for several seconds, neither did Ji Shanqing.

…strongly correlated.

It can be said that it is a strong relationship that they have never encountered since they embarked on the road of tracking "meeting an old acquaintance in a foreign country". Thick yellow mist.

what happened? Could it be that he is the original owner of [Green Thumb], and is still one of the identities of Occidentus?

But he behaved differently from "Yu Yuan in the mountains", he didn't seem to be possessed by the will of Orcius... Besides, if he was really Orcius' identity, they would have been exposed long ago, why? Maybe it's okay to stand here and talk so much?

Lin Sanjiu turned his head, glanced at the gift bag, and the two met.

"So that's how it is," she said hesitantly, not knowing what to do next in order to dig out more information from this man. "Oh, I haven't asked you yet, what's your name?"

"You can just call me Zhang Peng." The man gave an unusual name, but he didn't know if it was his real name.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, have you been working here for a long time?" Lin Sanjiu felt that she should pass him a cigarette at this time, but she wasn't Qing Jiuliu, where did she get the cigarette?

"Hey, I'm one of the lucky ones," Zhang Peng waved his hand, and said, "When the flood first appeared, everyone didn't know that the laws of teleportation were going to be messed up, and the laws of teleportation had already expired on me. Ha, at that time, I didn’t believe anyone I told, and they all said that I made a mistake in my calculations, and it’s impossible for someone not to send it after fourteen months.”

When he said that he was proud, a smile appeared on his face. It's just that his shoulders were completely covered in a cloud of yellow mist, only two eyes were exposed, as if his whole head had been trapped in a swarm of hornets; that smile was also inferred by Lin Sanjiu.

"Even if you let them stay and prove it, they will either be teleported away when the time comes, or they won't take my words seriously and don't bother to think about it. As a result, those who didn't believe me at the beginning don't know where they went. But I have been in the Karma Museum for three years with all my plans."

That's really... pretty good luck.

"Later, they finally found out that I really don't know how to teleport, so various organizations, individuals, all came to me and asked me to do various jobs. I can't get a job right now, and the price is even more random. , they are all willing to give it!"

Lin Sanjiu knew very well what the other party wanted to hear at this time, and said again and again: "Hey, I'm really lucky, it's really amazing... amazing. The evolutionary can become like you, it's in his early years."

The nearby temple torch suddenly jumped a few times, and then quickly and straightly rose into the air, floating high above the heads of the few of them, as if it was unbearable to be with them any longer.

Zhang Pengzheng was startled when he was happy, took a step back, and then murmured out of the yellow mist: "You temple, how can it move by itself?"

Libao, who had been silent just now, said right now: "It's because it's time for us to pray. If we don't pray, the temple will become more restless. Brother Zhang, you go to patrol first, and we go to the side to pray. Maybe there is something else I need to ask you.”

"Okay, okay, I don't know anything else, you don't need to ask me." Zhang Peng had already lifted his legs to leave when he spoke, and looked up at the temple high above, muttering: "...worship this what is the benefit?"

When Zhang Peng's back was walking towards the field path, Lin Sanjiu waved his arms vigorously, signaling the puppeteer to come down again—don't look at how fast he went up, but when the temple came down, he was not in a hurry at all, slowly The ground sank, and the shadows shrouded the two of them little by little.

Zhang Peng turned around in the distance, and quickly gave Lin Sanjiu a wink.

Lin Sanjiu came to his senses, followed his example, lowered his head in the shadow of the temple, put his palms together, and whispered to the puppeteer: "Your temper is much better, and you didn't do anything, eh, I was worried about your impulsiveness just now. gone."

"Aren't I afraid that if you die, it will prevent you from learning how to stand out and succeed?" The puppeteer's soft and low voice came out, sounding very friendly. "It's not easy to meet an idol in life, why don't you take the initiative to pour water for others to wash their feet?"

Lin Sanjiu only thought his words were pleasing to the ear, and continued unmoved: "You have all seen it, there is a strong correlation. But I don't think he is the original owner of [Green Thumb]. What is the correlation? What's going on?"

"The reaction of 'meeting an old friend in a foreign land' is too strong, sister." Ji Shanqing said in a low voice, "Even if the original owner of [Green Thumb] came, I doubt that the reaction would be so strong... This shows that Zhang Peng must be More than one connection emerged."

"What do you mean?" Lin Sanjiu said, bowing to the temple with both hands.

"'Meeting an old friend in a foreign land' captures not only one connection, you see, even the twists and turns of the 'land where the crops grown by the green thumb ability' are still a connection. There may be more than one relationship between Zhang Peng and [Green Thumb]."

He paused, and seemed to have thought of Lin Sanjiu's question, and said in a low voice, "As for what kind of connections they are, I'm afraid only Zhang Peng knows. From 'Meeting an old acquaintance in a foreign country' gave the next clue, I'm afraid it will take a while, how can we get the truth out of him during this period of time? It's a pity that I don't have information such as Veritaserum on me."

It can make people willing to tell you everything you want to know. Such items are extremely rare in the entire doomsday world, even far more precious than human-shaped items; in addition, such items are often consumable. Use A little bit less makes it even more difficult to find.

Even the data body and the puppeteer couldn't find any special items that could make people speak obediently.

Lin Sanjiu untimely thought of the female body steward's [Treatment]—unfortunately, her [Magmalion Collar] was destroyed by Occidentus, otherwise, using a collar to simulate such a low-strength, content-intensive Clear ability, but it couldn't be more suitable.

Even if it was about ten days earlier, she could imitate the ability of [Treatment]; but ten days earlier, it is impossible for her to know that she will be able to use it.

I don't know if she is overthinking, since the power of Karma began to gradually cover the entire doomsday world, she always feels that fate seems to be advancing in a circle... It may not be accurate to say that it is a circle, it should be said Such a feeling: walking and walking, I found that I ran into something I was familiar with before.

It was the puppeteer's sneer that brought Lin Sanjiu back from contemplation, and she realized that she had lost her mind.

"For you, this is a scientific research problem?" The puppeteer said mockingly, "You have to study for two years before looking at a bowl of rice. How do you put a spoonful of rice in your mouth? It's just the truth. If the living person refuses to speak, the puppet will.”

His dolls have reached this point?

However, this is not the point—Lin Sanjiu hurriedly grabbed the small temple that was about to rise again, and urged in a low voice: "Wait, don't do anything, the situation is still unclear..."

The puppeteer said softly, "Let go."

Lin Sanjiu immediately let go of his hand in a kind manner, without pausing for a moment: "We don't know what kind of connection he has, what if he really has an 'identity'? As soon as you make a move, Orcius noticed you What should we do? We still have to be more careful now, do you think... I don’t think we can use force.”

"That makes sense," the puppeteer applauded. "When it comes to how to climb the gutter, you mice are the best at it."

Along the way, he had to hide in the temple, unable to speak or do things. Compared with the exaggerated and unscrupulous past, he obviously accumulated a lot of resentment.

Lin Sanjiu's face remained unchanged, as if he didn't hear anything, he only stepped back from the side of the temple, and glanced at the little figure who was almost submerged by the crop poles from a distance—or rather, the green pole between the green poles. A little yellow mist.

Seduce him with benefits?

This also has certain risks. He lied as soon as he came up, obviously to protect himself and separate the relationship; the stranger suddenly tempted him with property, and if he succeeded, it's okay, but if he didn't succeed, Zhang Peng became wary, but he couldn't ask any more questions. coming.

It's really tricky, neither soft nor hard... Can we just wait for the next clue given by "Meeting an Old Friend in a Foreign Land" and let go of this strong correlation in vain?

The problem is, the gift package also said that "meeting an old friend in a foreign land" can certainly give clues all the way indefinitely, but the really valuable ones are often terminated at a certain point—often the strongest correlation—and after that The correlation will only get weaker and weaker.

Lin Sanjiu bit her lip and thought for a while.

Right seems to be an opportunity, a chance to be a puppeteer and a gift package...

"I think it's very important that there's something hidden in it...or design a scheme to deceive him?" She whispered to the gift bag, "It's like you designed to deceive the body steward of Ossius, can we Deceive him of the truth?"

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