Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 2258: Hitting the ground running...Zhang Peng

"The first round of game time, fifteen minutes."

Accompanied by the voice of the son of Karma, on the high sea of ​​rice seedlings, under the dark night, a huge fluorescent digital countdown immediately lit up. It has been kept at 15:00, and it has not started to jump, probably because the rules of the son of Karma have not been finished, and it has not officially started.

"First of all, you need to pick a special item on your body, and choose a place to hide it in the surrounding area. Areas where you can hide things include crop fields, trails, and farm houses. When you see the red border line, Pay attention, you have come to the edge of the copy, you cannot cross the line."

The son of Karma looked at Zhang Peng without moving, as if he was extremely reluctant to take out the things, and said: "Every player must take out one of his own items. This round is up to you to choose first, and the others will follow suit. For the value of the item you picked out, take out a hidden one of the same level. This is the prize you are competing for in this round."

"You said the prize..." Zhang Peng frowned, still reluctant to move.

"That's right. If you play the cards correctly, then your items may not be won by others, but you can win other people's items instead. Under my supervision, no one can bypass the rules of the game, come here Steal your things."

The Son of Karma smiled. "If you don't want to, I can do it by hand, but what to take out depends on my mood."

"No, no, I am willing," Zhang Peng quickly waved his hand. Who would be that stupid? It's just a special item, and the cheapest paper crane is also a special item, so you won't feel bad if you lose it; if the son of Karma decides, who knows what good things will be taken away?

The Son of Karma nodded. "So, you have five minutes to hide something, now start the timer."

When Zhang Peng raised his head holding a paper crane, he happened to see from a distance that the countdown of numbers floating under the night jumped to 14:59.

He is very familiar with this place. He has been patrolling here for almost a year. Compared with the other two believers, he has a great advantage-for example, he can pick out the rice seedlings in the endless fields. There are quite a few places listed, which are no different from the surroundings to others, but have clear "landmarks" in his eyes.

In this way, no one knows where to hide except him and the son of Karma who follows him like a shadow—this time I will try it with a cheap paper crane, and when I figure out how the game works, I may be able to use myself to hide it. advantage, and get the good things from those two people.

It took him less than five minutes to hide the paper crane. Standing in the rice seedling forest, he listened to the movement in the night wind. A few meters away, the huge white countdown timer illuminated the surrounding area brightly; vaguely, he always felt as if he heard someone running in a hurry at the edge of the field, and there were some breath-like sounds. , The panic that only exists in the sixth sense.

"The time is up," the Son of Karma said, and the countdown stopped momentarily. "Now, the three of you must find each other and meet each other in the remaining ten minutes."

Zhang Peng looked left and right - it never left him, maybe a son of Karma was with the two of them, and he was telling them the same thing.

"Afterwards, you need to describe your hiding place to the other two." Son of Karma said, "In this game, what I arranged for you to tell is a lie. That is to say, you have to tell them about the hiding place." Both lied."

Zhang Peng nodded. It is difficult to tell the truth, but not easy to tell a lie?

"It should be noted that there are two possibilities for what I ask the players to say in each game, one is the truth, and the other is a lie. They don't know whether I asked you to tell the truth or a lie in this game; the same Yes, I will not tell you whether I arranged for them to tell the truth or not."

"If they're telling the truth... must they tell me the location of the hidden object?" Zhang Peng asked with his eyes brightened.

"That's right. It's up to you to decide whether they're telling the truth. You can ask questions or other means to tell the truth of what the other party said, but you can't use force." The son of Karma floated in the rice seedling In between, I looked at him and said: "After making a judgment, you will make a choice on the spot. If you think the other party is lying, you can choose to call it out on the spot; if it is true, follow the other party's description. Get it. This is all to be done in ten minutes. When the time is up, the truth will be revealed.

"If you're right, you get one point. If you're right and you get the thing, you get three points. If you're wrong, you get no points. But if your truth is vague, vague, Points will be deducted if it is ambiguous, or even misleading."

It turns out that the type of dungeon is based on the final score to judge the outcome.

"Ready?" asked the Son of Karma.

Zhang Peng felt that his confidence was increasing little by little. "Get ready," he said.

Although the field of rice seedlings is very vast, and the area of ​​the nearby farms is not small, for the evolutionary, it is a distance that can be covered in a short period of time. When the countdown jumped to 09:14, Zhang Peng had already seen waves being pushed away by people in the rice seedling field in the distance; when he turned his head, he found that the tall woman was also Coming from the other side of the path.

"Here," he called out, raising his hand.

He ran across half of the farmland just now, and he was still panting; but after the tall woman stopped, she didn't even have a slight breath fluctuation. Obviously, to her, this distance was just the strength to blink. She is also an evolutionary, how does she have such good physical fitness? How did she get her fighting power? She doesn't look like a ruthless person who often strikes?

Zhang Peng was full of reconciliation, and smiled at her, then pointed to Tuan Mi Yang Bolang and said, "The one over there is your friend, right?"

"My parishioner," the woman nodded, remorseful. "Let's leave early. This time it's really unlucky. The acquisition was confiscated, and I was involved in an unreasonable disaster."

"Where's your temple?" Seeing that there was still time, Zhang Peng asked.

"The son of Karma said that he can't take it with him to participate in the game, so he is temporarily placed in the village." The woman replied, "With God's protection, we will definitely win the game."

It's really stupid! Zhang Peng became excited all of a sudden, held back his excitement, and said, "Oh, look, your friend is here."

That pretty girl, when she got out of the rice seedlings, her face turned pale with exhaustion, her hands were leaning on her knees for a long time, and she didn't straighten up for a long time, which finally made Zhang Peng feel like he had pulled back a victory. This kind of pretty and powerless little girl may be able to stay in the Twelve Realms, and I don’t know who she has won the favor of. Many people like this kind of girl who seems to be underage, who is still a little bit far from "women". little girl.

Wait, is it a girl?

He squinted his eyes, and the girl felt a little uncomfortable looking at it, so he turned his eyes a little uncertainly.

What's the point of pursuing this style of male or female, female or female? He can't appreciate it.

"Who will come first?" The tall woman looked at it and said, "Either I will come. What I was asked to tell the truth...I put my things in the khaki room on the first row of the farm. Under the mattress."

That's right, this tall guy looks smart, but in fact he's really not that smart.

Zhang Peng turned his attention to the beautiful girl again.

She looked at the two hesitantly, and said, "My Dong XZ is here... hidden under the temple."

This girl is a little bit smarter... The sons of Karma don't make a rule whether they should tell the truth or lie to others. The tall woman emphasized the word "truth", which showed that she was subconsciously afraid that people would not believe her because she was telling a lie.

The reason why Zhang Peng was so sure was not only out of speculation, but also because he was too familiar with this place. Where did the mattresses come from in the khaki-colored houses in the first row of the village? That room was used to process rice seedlings, and it was not inhabited at all, and it was usually locked tightly; the tall woman must have glanced at it from a distance, and came up with this lie.

He pretended not to see through the lie, asked some innocuous words, and then nodded, as if he was satisfied.

"My Dong XZ was in the row of rice seedlings behind the countdown. I peeled off a leaf ball and stuffed it in." On the way here, Zhang Peng thought about what to say. There is delusion. "Then, next..."

As a result, before he finished speaking, the two women's eyes met, and they obviously thought of the same place. Without saying a word, they rushed towards the direction of the countdown number one after another - Zhang Peng was taken aback, and realized that he was alone again.

"Wait, I haven't made a judgment yet..."

As soon as he finished yelling, the son of Karma floated faintly from the rice seedlings again.

"What is your judgment?"

"Hmm... what the tall man said was a lie," Zhang Peng said. "As for the other one, it seems to be true. I'm going to look for it under the temple now."

Without making a sound, the son of Karma disappeared into the dark gap in the rice seedlings again.

The temple was floating above the automatic water pump in the center of the village, and the shadows engulfed it just right. Zhang Peng groped around, and quickly pulled out a small piece of metal from behind the cover of one of the dials. He walked up to the temple; after cursing in a low voice, he turned his head and walked towards the rice seedling field.

I belatedly realized that I especially liked the Pellet Train (movie) which came out in August

Among them, the favorite character is actually tangerine... This is my new love, and in the future, it must be because we are on our honeymoon, thank you

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