Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 2266: People also know about insurance

Chapter 2266

In fact, when he chased down the statue of Stephenks, Lin Sanjiu already had a feeling: that person doesn't seem like an "identity".

The "identities" are all directly controlled by Occidental, and the character and will are all owned by Occidental himself; it is hard for her to imagine that Occidental will shout "what do you look at" to a stranger.

The following few minutes of tracking also confirmed her conjecture—the man swayed three times at a step, his knees were wide open, and he didn't take it seriously when he bumped into a few people with his elbow and belly. Someone was following him quietly.

Just as he was about to walk past a dim sum stand, he stretched his arms back and grabbed a fried ball stacked on a white cloth. "I'll try it," he stuffed the fried ball into his mouth before the stall owner shouted, and said vaguely, "Try a bite, try a bite, you have so much, I'm so delicious!" just buy..."

His cheek muscles fluctuated, he swallowed the fried **** in a few mouthfuls, then scraped out a little residue from the corners of his teeth with his tongue, spat it on the ground, and said, "Well, it's average, it's not crispy enough, so I won't buy it." .”

By the time the stall owner came out from behind the stall to curse, the man had already slipped into the crowd with a twist; it was impossible for the stall owner to throw his stall to chase after him, and the loud curse floated in the sky, chasing Lin Sanjiu Ass, chased all the way.

Now Lin Sanjiu felt a new worry—is this really a created personality? Occidentus, who doesn't even want to let the world in his eyes, let him remember a piece of fried dough when he created the body steward?

Could this be a real evolutionary person, just like Zhang Peng, somehow connected?

"Your method can only distinguish between 'identity' and 'body steward'," Lin Sanjiu whispered to the temple, "but you can't distinguish between 'body steward' and ordinary evolution, right?"

With such an eye-catching form as the temple, to follow a person, only the puppeteer would feel that there is nothing wrong with it. At this moment, there was a moment of silence in the temple, and a deep sneer sounded: "Why, do you have any guidance?"

This is what it means not to be able to. After all, if he had to admit that he couldn't do it, then unless the other party was a corpse.

For a puppeteer, he only needs to try to know whether the person in front of him can be turned into a puppet—as an evolutionary of "identity", he has actually been occupied and controlled by Occidental, and his body is not blank Yes, so you can try it out, "you have the master"; on the other hand, the body steward and the general evolutionary can be turned into dolls at any time, but it is not easy to distinguish.

However, she could have waited until she had captured him before thinking about this issue.

The man didn't realize that he was already a piece of meat on the chopping board, and he didn't follow the flow of people. He turned a few times into the alleys and alleys, and then burrowed in the sand building built of sand bricks for a while, and gradually walked further and further. There are fewer people.

Numerous mythical statues stand along the way, watching them all the way. In the place where the sun is bright, the hands and heads of several Apollo and Sitting Bull Europa are used as legs, and pieces of tarpaulins are pulled open to shade people who come and go.

A Europa frowned tightly, as if very unhappy; when Lin Sanjiu looked towards her, the statue suddenly turned its head, as if attracted by the man in front who suddenly stopped.

"It's interesting enough to follow me for a long time," the man stood at the entrance of a stone cave, turned around, the flesh on his cheeks looked like ice cream that was about to melt, and his smile was also greasy, asking: " What are you going to do? Steal money or sex?"

Lin Sanjiu stopped with a calm expression. Since the flow of people was cut off a few minutes ago, she has never concealed herself, not to mention that there is a floating temple next to her, and the other party will be blind if they don't notice it.

The gift bag had told her that when dealing with the steward of the body, she must be killed with one blow - she also knew this. Even if you are not sure about the opponent's identity, and you don't want to set up a killer, you must make the opponent lose consciousness completely with one blow.

Otherwise, once Occidentus's spirit descending is attracted, the physical limitations of the body steward that prevents the use of evolutionary abilities will all disappear—Even a shadow, Occidentus can use it to exert supernatural powers, let alone a personal?

However, the man's expression at this moment caused Lin Sanjiu to hesitate slightly.

It seems that somewhere, there is always something faintly wrong...

Despite the simple camouflage, the level of combat power has not been concealed. An evolutionary of her level, whoever walks behind her for a while, the other party will feel flustered; but this man's combat power can't be seen, but his attitude and eyes are frivolous and arrogant, as if Lin Sanjiu is not qualified enough to scare him of.

"Talk, why, you panicked when you were about to strike?" The man looked at the floating temple and said, "What are you doing? It looks good. It's expensive, right?"

Lin Sanjiu almost suspected that if she didn't do something, that man might want to come up and **** her.

"It looks like you're inexperienced. It's okay to **** people with precious things..." He didn't say why, but urged him again: "Are you dumb? What are you doing?"

This attitude was too strange—Lin Sanjiu didn't need to look back, he knew that the temple was burning brightly with candles, and was being burned by the puppeteer's gloomy anger.

"Aren't you afraid?" Lin Sanjiu thought for a while, and asked simply: "I think your combat power is average, but your courage is several times your ability."

The man didn't feel offended at all, he smiled and said, "Don't worry about it. Hurry up, if you want to kill, hurry up, grandpa, I still have a drinking party tonight."

"You're not doing anything yet, are you doing biological observation?" The puppeteer finally couldn't help it—his voice startled the man, and he looked left and right before he set his sights on the temple.

"Hey, your temple can still talk? This voice sounds a bit..." He frowned and thought about it, then patted his thigh. "That mad dog... hey, what's his name, puppeteer!"

Originally, this sentence was supposed to be the seal of the end of his life; however, he added another sentence. "Even if that mad dog came in person, he should be the one to be afraid of."

Lin Sanjiu firmly pressed her fingers on the temple, even if the puppeteer asked her to let go, she didn't dare to let go, while pulling it hard, she had to pant and say to the man: "You misunderstood, I'm not here to rob and kill. But, are you still not afraid of the puppeteer? Are you bragging?"

The man shook his head, as if he was an adult who knew that the child was aggressive on purpose, but still allowed the other party to succeed once.

"Bragging? A few months ago, I didn't dare to brag about such a big thing. But now it's different, I have gods to bless me. But I don't have to bother with anyone who intends to hurt my life. I just close my eyes. Get up again, hey, the gods have finished their moves, and there is a corpse on the opposite side. Do you know how many things I have picked up in vain? Now I can't wait for someone to come and kill me."

Lin Sanjiu was startled, let go of his hand, and the temple did not move.

I'm afraid the puppeteer and she thought of the same thing.

A few months ago... right after the Jotense ship self-destructed.

Could it be that after that, Occidentals established some kind of emergency mechanism on the body steward? When the body steward had a life-threatening crisis, he just... directly descended?

If this is the case, then the man in front of him must be the steward of his body. The ridiculous thing is that even though he knew he was the steward of his body, Lin Sanjiu couldn't do anything.

During the recent period, I was going out again, and I was catching up with the Spring Festival, so the update was not stable, and it will be back to normal after updating from today! Need to add some fuel to make up for the fallen progress...

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