Doomsday Wonderland

: 816 for you to die

"Italian teacher, teacher!"

Lin Sanjiu called a few times in his mind, staring closely at the people not far from him, breathing shallow and hurried: "You are coming out!"

It is impossible for a big living person to disappear in such a way; this airbus is in the height of a kilometer, and the strange man always has a place to go!

Her first reaction was that the other party had just looked down on her own face and quickly changed her face and dress--because she can wear a mask, then others can of course.

"Is the teacher, fast, hurry!" She thought that she couldn't help but be anxious. Her eyes swept over the crowd from time to time. Only everyone in front of her eyes was very suspicious: "I just rushed over." Let me see the image I saw before!"

"Do you think that the subconscious will write down everything you see..." The teacher finally floated out slowly; just when Lin Sanjiu was stunned, she said without hesitation. : "But just now your eyes are very close to the present, I am looking for it, maybe I can find out."

Lin Sanjiu set the **** and opened the [conscious protection]. If the man is hiding in front of her group of passengers at this time, she must be more careful when she has exposed herself.

“Are you ready?” Teacher Yi’s action was very quick. “I’m going to push it into your watch consciousness.”

With Lin San's promise, she opened another picture in front of her eyes - like a recorded shot, which began to play in her retina.

When the "lens" ended, she was disappointed.

A few minutes ago, she glanced back at the back and left the man and the passengers around him in memory; however, every passenger on the screen stood at her eyes at this time, not much more than one. - except for the man.

Lin Sanjiu was not reconciled. He carefully counted the heads in the picture in his mind several times, for fear of missing someone. But the bus rear person was not much, she compared it back and forth several times, and finally in a squat. I realized that the man did not disguise himself as another passenger.

Can it be said that he has something special to hide his body shape?

She no longer pays attention to a group of passengers in front of her, turns to the place where the man just stopped, looked around and called out [the wax of truth]. Just after polishing the lighter, someone immediately sipped "What are you doing! Don't mess!"; just his voice blew like a gust of wind, Lin Sanjiu did not return, raised the white candle, used it Four shots in a circle.

The light of the wax of truth can dissolve all the camouflage that is illuminated by it. At the beginning, she used this prop to discover Hegel hidden in the darkness. Only this time, under its dim light, everything remains the same.

The candle was blown out, and Lin Sanjiu re-accepted it. For a moment, his heart was frustrated and frustrated. She really couldn't think of where the man went, how he disappeared from the air; he sighed deeply, and she planned to call a passenger to ask about the situation just now - unexpectedly, But I found that the few people who had just been knocked open by her were standing behind her in a semicircle. No face was beautiful.

"What the **** are you doing?" A woman hugged her arms and hanged her eyes high: "How can you ignite here?"

"If you don't want to sit, hurry!" Another fat and strong bald shouted, "This is the place where the night travels!"

He obviously has nothing to do with the night tour, but he is brave enough to give his own courage. When there is an overwhelming power difference between the evolvers, even if they don't play, the two sides will perceive the gap more or less.

Lin San was not interested in conflicting with them and passed through the crowd without saying a word; when the Airbus landed in the Black Market, she was the first to step out of the door. No one seemed to have a relationship with the man after she got off the bus, and no one looked at her more. She watched the bus rise again in the roar of the engine, and gradually went away in the dark blue sky, and the anxious only wanted to flip something.

After the sun completely sank down the horizon, the black market seemed to wake up from the slumber, and the various radiances were illuminated one after another; the famous slogan was cast into the sky, and the vocals and laughter gradually began to linger in the cool night. The warmth was opened.

Lin Sanjiu took a few steps in the crowd. In the past, the surprise, novelty and dazzling feelings of the black market disappeared tonight. She only felt that the crowds around her were so irritated that their bargaining noise was annoying. The lights of the various colors were dazzling; just as she almost pushed away the short woman who was walking and honing her hair, the shackles that slanted on her body shook.

"Where have you been?" Yu Yuan asked inexplicably. "You are not saying that I am waiting for me here? I have come in. I thought you were inside."

By the man, Lin Sanjiu almost forgot her and Yu Yuan had an appointment. She took a long breath and rubbed her temples and whispered, "I am in the Black Market."

"I just came out from there, how come you have passed again?" Yu Yuan sounded a little dumbfounding. There was a slight noise in the contactor when the seat was pressed. It should be that he sat in the driver's seat.

"It’s a long story, I always feel that I’ve been staring at...” Lin Sanjiu looked back a bit like a bow and a snake. The contact is safe, but she’s not sure if anyone is following her. Every evolutionary in her vision seems suspicious at this time, so she doesn't even dare to turn off the [protection field]: "I will tell you in person."

Perhaps discussing with him can help her sort out the clues.

"Being stared?" Yu Yuan thought for a moment, and his tone was cautious: "So, after you come out of the Black Market, look for someone who has no one to wait for me, I will pick you up."

"No, no -"

"It’s getting dark now. When you come to Banshan Town and climb to the top of the mountain, it will take too long. If you are really eyeing, the sooner you get rid of them, the better. Flying at night is also safer."

The dark-skinned aircraft completely ablated the image in the night sky, and this sentence emerged in the mind of Lin Sanjiu. Yu Yuan said that it is not unreasonable, but one thing she must first tell him: "When I was on the top of the mountain, I found a man -"

Her words have not been finished yet, and there was a sudden sigh and commotion in front of him. Accompanied by a shouting "Catch him!"; a figure slammed into the crowd one after another, rushing in the direction of her, and I didn't know what a bunch of gadgets in my arms, all the way to roll down Ground. When he was about to hit Lin San, she shook her body and flashed past him. The man's reflex nerves were obviously not as good as her, and almost fell; when she finally stumbled and ran, she also regained her gaze from his face.

Not only is this person looking a bit familiar, but the scene that was almost hit by just now seems to have experienced...

"Catch the thief!" A loud, loud voice rushed out of a store on the side of the road: "He stole my things! Grab people!"

Most people just stretched their necks and hustle and bustle, but there were also a few people who had not been erased by the last days, and sipped and caught up with the figure. Lin Sanjiu stepped back to the side of the road. He only heard the voice of Yu Yuan in the sound hole: "What happened? What happened?"

“Nothing,” she escaped from the crowd and indented into the shadow of a shophouse. “It seems that someone robbed the goods and ran away.”

In the faint roar of nowhere from where, Yu Yuan sighed with relief: "I let you say that there is something in the woods. What have you told me?"

Lin Sanjiu was about to talk, only to see another person who opened the crowd - a fat man with a bloated body, a cat with a waist and a bow on his back, while groping on the floor and looking forward, the oily sweat in the head The store shines in the light.

Like the thief just now, he looks very familiar... Lin San wine frowned, and the words on his tongue condensed.

"Be careful, don't step on it!" The unshaven fat man squatted on the floor and picked up a small thing and broke into his arms: "If you step on it, you have to pay for it! Twenty dragons!"

Thanks to the ability of Mike Duck in her body, this price faintly touched her memory. Just like this fat man, she felt that the phrase "Twenty Dragons One" was also very familiar... Lin Sanjiu smashed for half a second, and suddenly a rushed up, rushing to the fat man before picking up a small ground Small goods.

It is a jelly-shaped plastic box.

"Hey, give me a smile!" The fat man screamed at her with a sweat on his forehead.

Yes, no wonder he will look so familiar... Lin Sanjiu handed him a jelly-like "laugh" and watched the fat man screaming away. It turned out that she had bought a "laugh" from his hand - it was a wonderful little thing that would make people happy for hours after use.

"Hey?" Yu Yuan called again in the contact.

"I am," Lin Sanshui said with a word, "Nothing, or the owner who was stolen. I want to tell you that when I am waiting for you in the afternoon, a man comes from the top of the mountain..."

"Well, then?"

With the voice of Yu Yuan, she clearly heard the low noise of the aircraft cockpit when it was working. I don't know why, the heart of Lin Sanjiu suddenly tightened. "You, have you taken off?"


"Land, you have to land first! The man found the aircraft, I don't know what he did - right, yes, he took a picture on the plane-"

Responding to her is the sudden explosion that broke out in the contactor. Then, the liaison was attributed to a dead silence, and the call tone disappeared.

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