Doomsday Wonderland

: 819 tower defense game (1)

When she laughs, the sound is like the waves pushed by the wind under the night, sweeping the soul of the people wave by wave.

"You are so fun," she said softly. "How come you think I am this building? Many people have guessed my identity... but only your guess is a little bit."

Back to the side? Is she guessing wrong?

What exactly is "Gabi Gail"?

Lin Sanjiu raised an eyebrow and asked her what she meant. The squeaking sound of the drag and the impact on the stairs behind her was rumblingly close; she was busy turning her eyes and her eyes just caught a foggy Iron gray shadow, but see the stairs suddenly turned up, like a rolling elevator, and then gave the creature that just emerged out of the way - she stunned, only listened to the sound of Bliss again: "Look, as long as you I won't let them approach you if you don't move."

With the sound of her falling, the lights in the corridor on the second floor suddenly lit up, and the display windows on both sides were all immersed in the white mans that had been dropped.

Lin San wine squinted in the brightly lit lights, standing in the same place, for a time did not know which window to look at - or which window she did not want to see, but no place to hide look.

"This... is this what you collected?"

Bliss "hmm", like a cat half-awake.

"They, are they all fallen?"

"Some are, some are not." She whispered softly, as if it was ringing in her ear. Lin Sanjiu hurriedly glanced around, but there was no one in the corridor—only the white window in the opposite side, an old and shocking person was staring at the glass and looking at her.

She has never seen such an old person, she is too old to see the gender and appearance, and she is so surprised that he can still breathe, and he is so old--disgusting. Even though she was separated by a layer of glass, she seemed to be able to smell the rot of the rich, metabolically stagnation; when he slowly turned a pair of gray eyes with bloodshot yellow, Lin San’s back There was a layer of cold sweat.

She didn't hate anyone because she was old; but at this moment she was stared at the old man's dirty and sullen eyes, and her stomach was tightened into a ball.

Lianyi teacher was uneasy, and said in her mind: "I reminded you, you said, did I remind you? You are a man who is deserving, now there are more than 20 minutes left. I see what you do..."

Lin Sanjiu ignored her, just wiped the mucus on her face and whispered, "You are not this building, what are you?"

"What am I, you should be the clearest." Bliss smiled softly. "That night -"

"So you are a person?" Lin Sanjiu interrupted her.

Bliss's answer told her to frown.

"From a certain point of view, it should be."

"Yes, it is not," Lin Sanjiu said as he slowly walked forward inadvertently. "What is it supposed to be?"

The last time she came to the Bliss pavilion, she found out that it was impossible to go through the window without going through every window. She is now at this point, and there is a full corridor from the stairs leading to the third floor – and there are at least thirty or forty windows in each corridor. That is to say, from her foothold to the swimming pool on the fourth floor, there are about seventy or eighty monsters waiting for her on the road.

"If you go on, I will open several windows at random."

Oh shit.

Lin San wine reluctantly stood up.

The battle between the evolutionaries is always traceable, because no matter the ability or the goods, the total can be divided into categories, summed up the rules; but the fallen species and other seven-eight-eighth monsters are not the same - - For example, the mother, how many people can rush under it?

However, after she left the extremely warm hell, she rarely met the fallen seed; at this time, I couldn’t guess what it was, and what the monsters in the window might be.

Thinking of this, Lin Sanjiu called out [teaching in accordance with his aptitude] and pinched the card in his hand. Maybe this pointer can also detect the weakness of the fallen species... Her speed is fast, but it can't be rushed through the corridor of more than a thousand meters in an instant.

"When you look at you, you don't want to try to force it in the past?" Bliss asked softly, as if he noticed the subtle movements on her hand.

If she is not a Lingling, people are not here, how did she see her fingers move a little like this?

"I'm just a little curious about your collection." Lin Sanji took a step forward, stopped at Bliss's opening, and lifted his finger to a window not far away - her eyes fell on the window together. After being stunned by the things inside, I continued to say, "Would that those are also fallen?"

After a few zebras stood in the glass, the fur stained with yellowish stains was black and white under the light. Their dark eyes fell on Lin Sanjiu and turned away. The long eyelashes occasionally shook and looked no different from the zebras in the zoo.

Bliss laughed softly. "If you try to move forward, you will be able to find the answer yourself."

This will not work. Time is running away in a minute...

She needs an opportunity.

She turned to look at the nearest window on her right hand side—the head was full of sand, and the grainy grit was clearly visible on the glass; occasionally, there were some tiny deep holes in the sand that looked like beaches. Crab hole on the.

In the window on the left is a machine floating in midair.

She couldn't see what the machine was for, but it was square and sturdy, and the cold light of steel shimmering on it was the most reassuring thing in the eye range.

And it is not a creature...

Lin Sanjiu flashed white light and opened the [protective field]; she squeezed her fist and blew a sigh of relief on her bones and joints, whispering: "You don't seem to love to answer other people's questions positively... A bit rude."

Bliss seemed to bow a moment - without waiting for her to make a sound, Lin Sanji suddenly punched the glass on the left.

There are very few things that can remain intact under her fists. This glass is no exception. It seems like it suddenly turns into a piece of broken rain and snow. It falls into a myriad of pieces and falls down. Before the whole glass touched the ground, she had already flashed into the window, and opened a hand of [Flat World] and pressed it down on the steel.

The square machine sat steadily on the ground, giving a slight "beep" sound; when it was about to hit it, a slight strange impression of the current was generally smothered from her heart.

She has already sneaked in and shot on Bliss's collection, but how is it so quiet outside the hallway? Didn't even have a window open? Even Bliss seems to be waiting for the result...

The heart of Lin San wine suddenly jumped, and the direction of the body changed hard. He twisted his arm. When her fingertips swept over the machine, its sound seemed to suddenly grow a little bigger, and then fell again.

Bliss suddenly sighed a little, with a soft, soft sound in her breath.

"Fortunately, you didn't hit it," she sounded as if she was lucky for Lin Sanjiu: "I really don't want to see you being twisted into a sausage."

Is this a meat grinder?

"Don't look at it, come out."

Bliss's tone was a bit helpless, and said to her: "This machine will not move, nor can it actively attack, but will stir all the things that touch it into meat. No matter what ability, special items, In front of it is a material made into the intestines. Have you just opened your hand on the hand? It will be a meaty sausage with power. Of course, I can also close you with it in the window. But, I don't trust your safety... Come, hey, come out."

When Lin Sanjiu walked out of the window with a little bit of shame from where she came from, the broken glass behind her seemed to have life. The pieces went back to the air and each found their position and regrouped into a whole piece.

Looking back, she understood a bit why the machine floated in the air and didn't lie on anything. But she still doesn't understand one thing - "If everything that touches it will be broken, how do you put it in Bliss?"

The woman smiled softly: "Who said that I put it in Bliss?"

Lin San wine frowned.

"I built Bliss around it."

This really surprised her, but Lin Sanjiu knew that she had no time to sigh for this machine. Less than twenty minutes left before the check-in time, she was still on the second floor corridor starting position; she picked up her arm and sneaked out another card under the cover of her arm.

"Even if I say that I am willing to stay and wait until the afternoon, you will not believe me, right?"

"That's it. You are not the kind of person who gives up easily..." Bliss sighed, like a pointed finger that slid down the spine, and the warmth provoked a slight shudder on her skin. She remembered the hand in the pool that held her shoulder in the night: "So I had to stare at you for a moment and not relax."

Bliss and her companions seem to understand their personality.

"You said that the people who want to kill me are ‘they’, not you. Who are they?” Why are you killing me?” Lin Sanjiu, while talking with her, looked at the front for a while. The corridor was spread out in front of the eyes. Although it was not straight, it was possible to rush to the head if you closed your eyes and rushed forward.

"You are alive and may be dangerous to us. What's more... there is something on your body, they want it." Still, as before, Bliss didn't answer who she "they" was - just this time waiting for her When the voice fell, Lin Sanji suddenly slammed his hand and threw out something.

If the other person is really a person as she said, then this approach may be useful.

It is as thick as a real lead-gray smog. It rises in the sound of "嗤", and a short breath is full of vision, and nothing can be seen clearly. Lin Sanjiu’s eyes were stabbed with tears, and one hand smothered his mouth and nose, and he did not dare to rush out with a foot--the battle object was used as a smoke bomb, which was inevitably wasteful; She had hoped to bring it back on the road ahead, but ran for a few seconds, but did not kick the "sports items" into the smoke bomb jar.

She kicked another thing.

Ah, I didn’t expect Difei Shadow to see more than two hundred chapters and then rewarded two walls... You made me very scared, in case you don’t like what you see behind, after all, I am not in good condition all the time. Well, the time is not refundable! You will not retreat if you kill me! There is also a shallow grass, you see if I say that the popularity is not high, then I have a handful of soft hands, I don’t dare to say it casually next time... Yes, the starting point IOS is not doing well. So I saw that Fei Fei said that he had issued a referral ticket red envelope to know such a thing, thank you for helping the last day to pull the ticket, hehe. Thank you, armor, rabbit leader, Xiaojing Emperor, Sun and Moon, wet, small kkk, Amao, do not beat, feed, Lin Biao, Mumbai's Fu Jin, cat x, belly black sheep, cool summer bear, The book number 120226132 at the beginning of the digital Jun, matsuyuki, green Lisang dyed, named incompetent, do not like to go downstairs, Miao Cang Jun Jun, Wo De Fa Ke, Jiu Yuxi and other people's rewards and monthly votes!

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