Doomsday Wonderland

: 826 Blocking of the funeral dog

Lin San is very familiar with Dali's footsteps.

Living in the "funny dog" day, every morning outside her door will ring the string of ill and light footsteps; the fat Dali always stepped on a pair of small feet, rushing in the hotel, coming Go, urging the money and greeting breakfast.

The same string of "bars and bangs" sounded again in the quiet at three in the morning.

On the ground at the end of the T-shaped corridor, a figure is getting bigger and bigger. Lin Sanjiu called [Tornado Whip], hesitated for half a second, and took it back. Anyway, Dali is her friend. [Tornado Whip] A trip, this Dali poured out so many small hotels, at least half of it will be destroyed...

Dali floated out of the shadows, and the skirts and jewels flashed with the footsteps. She turned her head and glanced at Lin San, and did not turn to her. Instead, she went straight to the right corridor and disappeared.

Isn't she coming to intercept her?

Lin San wine frowned, listening to the fat footsteps of the fat shop owner gradually disappeared, seems to be close to the back door of the hotel. She turned around and rushed into another corridor, looking for the past along the doorway. The hypnosis implanted in Dali's mind seemed to have not happened for a while, and she just took advantage of this opportunity to quickly find the dragon.

In the direction of the back door of the hotel, the iron fence door dried up and screamed sharply, tearing the air away; no need to ask, Dali must be closing the back door. In this way, she is still affected by hypnosis, and she intends to turn herself into a shackle... and Lin Sanjiu can't even think of a suitable means to deal with her.

When you are sucked in by [unfinished painting], you will not be able to come out. [Battle Item] is thrown in Bliss, there is no suitable ability in [The Air of the Hand]... When she was in Bliss, it was used to distort the light and shadow, thus making her own The back looks like the same [Howtorender], and it doesn't make any use at this time.

For the moment, her ability and the power of the item are too great. Lin Sanjiu sighed and suddenly looked at the door. He stepped closer to a door in two steps and knocked hard. He whispered: "Dragon II! It is me, open the door!"

After a period of shocking birds, he probably slept very dead at this time, and there was no echo in the door.

Lin Sanji shook the door. If it was a normal door, she could open it with a foot, but these hotel rooms were taken from Dali’s ring, and it was extremely difficult to carry special items. The hardness of the sway.

"Dragon II, open the door!"

When her voice fell, she heard Dali’s footsteps rang again.

Can no longer continue to call, otherwise even the second two will be exposed; Lin Sanjiu turned away from his door, hurriedly walked two steps toward the main entrance of the hotel, I saw a door not far away was pushed away .

"Who doesn't sleep in the middle of the night?" A woman whose hair was dyed in white gold poked her head out, sleepy, and looked angry: "If you don't close your mouth, the old lady will seal you!"

At this moment, the other side of the hotel echoed the knock of the door. Next to the tight fist, it is constantly on the door of a certain room.

Lin Sanshui glanced at the white gold hair, no interest and time to argue with her, and he quickly walked away. "Pure touch" opened for a moment, and read the flow of the air around him and behind him, and read the slightest sound into the mind - the woman with platinum hair crawled out of the door, did not catch up, but went in the opposite direction. It is.

But she was not happy at all.

Turning, walking into another corridor, and then turning a corner... "The dog of the funeral" is small, but it uses a lot of walls to cover a lot of aisles, in order to maximize the use of space, put as many rooms as possible. . When Lin Sanjiu went halfway, the air had been shocked by countless knocks, footsteps, and whispers - it was no longer a sleeping hotel, but it was like a wake up. The huge worm nest, shaking in the dim light and shadow, countless unintentional groaning.

"Intercept at all costs"...

This sentence floated again. Because Lin Sanjiu is her own target, she “immunized” the hypnotic message; but she never forgot how the message touched her mind.

It seems that people in this hotel are probably implanted with the same message.

One after another, the door was opened throughout the hotel and jumped into the hallway. As more and more people are awakened, they seem to be more and more bold; after pushing a door of a fan door, a pair of silent eyes stare at Lin San wine unobtrusively and watch her. Passed by - strangely, no one tried to stop her.

Lin Sanjiu soon understood the reason.

She strode into the main entrance a few minutes ago, and I don’t know when it disappeared.

It should be the place of the gate, and there is only one wall at this time. This wall seems to have just been moved from elsewhere in the hotel, covered with zero-decorated room doors; a human head stretched out from behind the door, like a bug that drilled a honeycomb nest.

In the corner of this wall, the reception desk is being placed. Dali saw half of the TV series and still played it in the crystal ball.

Dali blocked the main entrance - this hotel may be a special item for her; she was able to change the structure and change the layout as she liked. This also explains why Dali has no helpers or partners: when she transfers to the next world, she can take the business with her as long as she closes the hotel.

Lin Sanji stared at the wall in front of him for a while, and sighed deeply in his heart.

“Go to the back door of the hotel?” the teacher asked softly.

Perhaps because of the limitations of the hotel itself, Dali just locked the back door, but did not plug it with a wall. No special items are perfect, there will always be some regrets and restrictions like this; compared to the wall that can move in a flexible position, like an endless wall, the iron fence door may be the best way for Lin Sanjiu.

Feeling the air flow behind her with "pure touch", she slowly turned around.

The corridor behind them is already full of people, and the breath they breathe is hot, crowded and swelled in the air - people who have just been awakened from sleep, unkempt hair, wearing various pajamas; the only similar It’s their empty expression and a look at her eyes.

To get to the back door, you have to go through the entire hotel's tenants. Dali apparently calculated it carefully: she stepped forward to the back door, forcing Lin Sanji to leave the front door; but the front door had already been blocked by her. In this way, Lin Sanjiu is equal to being trapped in the deepest part of the hotel - the farthest from the only exit.

"Since you don't treasure your own hotel,"

Thinking of this, Lin San wine whispered to himself: "Then don't blame me for not being careful."

Thank you, Fei Fei (who changed his name and almost couldn't recognize it)! Is this a reward for restoring the day! Hands tremble, tears in both eyes! I am just very tired today, so this chapter is also relatively short, I feel a little sorry for this wall... Hey, I will definitely write a little more tomorrow! Thank you, rabbit leader, Xiaojing Emperor, Xiaojing, Yunyun, 璨若浮生, 哦不闹, small kkk, no need for kittens, Gu 111111, month and half window, cool summer bear, noyaya, 愁仔帅, lazy Dead and waiting for everyone's rewards and monthly tickets! (In fact, I have to recover the day and found that the plot outline is running out of my mother. I am very embarrassed now...)

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