Doomsday Wonderland

: 837 another face

"When you slam" a clear and abrupt voice, Lin San wine smashed and slammed, almost jumped up in place - [ability polish] slammed on the ground as the shelf disappeared, silver light as if shocked like a shock After a few shakes, the bones rolled out all the way, until they hit a foot and stopped.

The foot was gray and white, without a trace of blood, and the skin was like a dry old leather.

Silver light crossed the ankle, illuminating the pair of withered, thin legs, and fell behind the person, pulling out a long shadow; from the neck that was deeply folded into ninety degrees, gradually rang "click" The sound of 哒", like the neck bones, wants to stand upright.

Lin Sanjiu quickly put away the mirror and turned quickly. The hand held in his hand has become a [tornado whip].

"Who?" She sighed and raised the whip: "Speak!"

The head buried in the chest was paused and the neck was quiet. Then the man once again lifted a leg from the side of his body, slowly raised it, and fell silently—the man, or the thing, took another step toward Lin San.

"The player found the dead,"

The sound of the copy rang coldly and spread in the darkness of the darkness: "...the dead body reappears."


Lin Sanjiu, a subconsciously released a sense of consciousness, used it to hold down [ability grinding agent], blinking for a moment, the neck was folded into ninety degrees.

The dirty white vest was stained with a large dark black stain, and now it looks like some old blood. This was once a human thing, at this time only underwear and boxer pants, no jackets and pants. The shelf that supports the body is gone, but he still stands on the ground in a twisted posture, twisting and twisting - it looks like someone has pulled a fallen body back with a wire.

The light in my mind was bright, and Lin Sanjiu suddenly reacted: "Is this...this is the warehouse clerk?"

"Yes." The copy replied calmly.

"Why... why would he appear here?"

"After the player discovers the 'deposit of the custodian', the victim's body will reappear in the secret room. You are the only hope the victim has for many years. Before you dig out the truth of the incident, the corpse will be craved before death. Driven, step by step toward you."

In other words, it is because she guessed it right, so she "lead" the body of someone who died many years ago...

Lin Sanshui looked up and saw the gray body and raised her foot. She hurried back a few steps and completely retired into the darkness outside the radiance of the ability. She asked: "And then? What if it is close to me?"

"I can only advise you not to let it happen."

Perhaps it is the reason for the sidelines. Although the distorted body is very strange, but the speed is not fast, it is not difficult to keep a distance from it. Lin Sanjiu took a sigh of relief and let it approach himself two steps. He took a chance to look at the body carefully.

In her speculation, there is only one mistake: the bones and the clothes are obviously the same person - look at the storekeeper who only wears the underwear of the underwear, he knows that he was taken off his coat after death and Pants.

Why do you want to take off the clothes of the deceased...

Wait, "dig out the truth of the incident"?

"Replica!" Lin Sanquux immediately shouted: "You just said, what is the meaning of excavating the truth of the incident? Do I have to crack the murder case to get out? Isn't this a secret room escape game?"

At this time, the copy is silent.

"Hey!" She screamed again, but she knew in her heart that the copy would not give her a clear answer. After waiting for a few seconds, she whispered in a dead silence, and quickly stepped back aside.

The murder case that appears here is of course related to the escape of the copy.

The real question is, how can she solve the truth about the murder? Even if it is Holmes, you must rely on analysis of clues to restore the case? But don't mention clues at the moment, even the scene of the corpse--or murder scene has become ruin with the destruction of the world!

Where can I start?

When she was meditating, the sound of "sand, sand" was still lingering around her ears.

The walking corpse leaned toward her slowly, and the posture of twisting into the chest cavity became a black shadow in the fuzzy silver light of [ability grinding agent]. It is slow and persistent. Whenever Lin Sanjiu looks back, he can see the body moving toward her step by step in the dark.

“It’s **** uncomfortable,” she walked around a circle and walked from the last column that hadn’t disappeared to [the ability to polish]. When the corpse appeared, it hit a small silver bottle while lifting the foot; [Capacity Grinding Agent] was kicked out of the warehouse by this kick, and fell into the grass from the side without the wall.

The slender wild grass that is dyed by it is like a sharp white spear in the darkness. Since it doesn't roll back to the repository, it's still in the copy area.

Lin Sanjiu looked back and saw that the body had just turned towards her slowly. It was still in a few dozen steps, and then she bent down and grabbed [ability grinding agent].

The silver light shook her eyes in a bright white. When she straightened up, the vision did not adapt to the contrast between light and darkness. Until the teacher suddenly screamed "someone!", she suddenly realized the silver in front of her eyes. There is a face floating in the light - the light is reflected from the bottom to the top, and in the shadow of Sen's faint, it is difficult to see whether this face belongs to a person.

“Who?” I experienced two shocks in a short period of time, almost instinctively. Lin Sanshui’s whip was smashed.

The face seemed to be taken aback, and swayed from the silver light; the huge and fierce wind rushed up, but instead of touching the face, it slammed into the warehouse behind her— The pile of debris and garbage was suddenly swept away by the wind, and it was scattered all over the place.

Even the wind she pulled out couldn't make a copy?

Lin Sanjiu hurried back and forth, did not forget to quickly glance back. The corpse was unaware of it, and the one foot on the side just stepped on a few pieces of glass and took a step closer to her.

When she turned her head again and searched for the face just now, she couldn’t help but hold it.

"Yes...Is it you?" A man's face appeared above the grass in the distance, as if he had just fell asleep and fell to the ground. It looks a bit familiar: "You, how are you... What is going on here?" ?"

Surprise dilute the sense of lifelessness in his voice; his gaze fell on the body, and he forgot the second half of the sentence - he raised his hand and twitched at the body of Lin San, old The eyes that are frustrated and have no vitality are rounded out.

"Dragon II?"

Lin Sanjiu was more surprised than him: "How come you?"

Long Er climbed up from the grass and looked at the body again, peeling off the mask on his face. Under the horror of the shock, a face slowly hangs down, and the unrequited look regains a little bit of eyebrows.

"I can't help... The hotel owner drove me out. She didn't say that I was related to the damage of her hotel. Let me pay all the money to her, and I won't let me continue. I don't dare." Staying overnight in a crowded place, thinking about staying in the wilderness for a night... Is this a copy?"

By the way, she once said to Dali that she is going to see a friend.

"Yes, you don't go forward, be careful to get in and out." Lin Sanjiu screamed at him, motioning him to wrap around and go around the other side of the warehouse; she not only avoided the one The body that came towards her had to go back and clean up the **** and debris that had been blown away by the wind—and, if I didn’t make up the description, the entire warehouse would disappear.

As soon as he walked, Long looked at the warehouse and slowly over his head, frowning his eyebrows. It looked like an old dog smelled something new: "Replica? Is it wrong?"


"I have been working in the Muyu Forum for so long, I have seen all sorts of news consultations, and I understand very clearly." He said with anger, "There is no copy in the vicinity of this few hours, really, one No. Otherwise I wouldn’t dare to run in the wild at night."

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