Doomsday Wonderland

: 842 rewards of good deeds (one)

What is the fairest revenge in the world?

If someone smashes you, you will return to him and it looks fair. But who did not hurt you, why should you suffer the same pain as the perpetrator? A more fair situation, it should be that the knife wound on your body has disappeared, but the other party has the same knife, right?

In other words, if you are killed, the fairest situation is that you have regained vitality, and the murderer who killed you is dead for you. In this way, you are finally unscathed, and the murderer is also given the punishment he deserves. It is really a joy - although in most parts of the world, this situation is contrary to common sense and cannot be achieved, but there is one The place is an exception.

...that is a copy.

The blood suddenly leaps in the blood vessels, and the sound of blood flowing in the ear drums for a time makes Lin Sanjiu unable to hear anything; but in the chaos, she finally understands one thing.

I can't let the corpse close to myself because it thinks that it was the murderer of the original. Once it is close, it will carry out "fair revenge" for her - what better than taking life from the murderer and resurrecting himself? ?

"Come on!" Teacher Yi urged in his mind, "Right, run to the right!"

Lin Sanshui covered his chest and abdomen with cold sweat and put away the "teaching according to his aptitude". In the middle of the air, the line of "a corpse with a tooth for a tooth and an eye for an eye" disappeared from the night. The hand was loose, [the ability to polish] rolled out on the ground, and the silver light swayed all the way to the corner of the warehouse; she couldn’t catch the small silver bottle and struggled to call out the [tornado whip], back With a hand whip, a blast of wind rushed out of his hand.

The corruption that has been shrouded in her door from the beginning, and finally was swept away with the body, only the nose has a touch of faint smell - it is an indescribable smell, dark When she was dying and ran into her body through her nose, she felt as if she had been sucked up halfway through blood and spirit.

Before Lin Sanshou held his breath, a sharp and sharp pain suddenly ruptured and penetrated her internal organs and muscles. When the breath stagnate in the throat, the clothes on the body were also dyed by the blood. It is. Before the [Capability Polishing Agent] lost her hand, she finally glanced at the body with silver light, and the blood on the chest of her clothes was slowly shrinking.

It was only less than half a second. The body didn't even touch her, and she transferred her injuries to Lin San.

She didn't have time to look back and barely stood up on the ground, and it was black in front of her eyes. She rushed to the direction indicated by the teacher, and she shunned between the two shelves. She glanced out from the gap in the shelf layer. She just glimpsed the body and slammed it into the distance. The two legs swayed from the air like a long bag and squatted on the ground.

"Don't let him approach you again," Yi teacher quickly and anxiously, as if to bite his tongue. "I don't want your neck to be like that!"

I don't want to...

These words flipped a few times on the tip of Lin Sanjiu's tongue, but they always spit and spit out. She held the shelf in one hand and leaned her body weight on her head. She pressed her own wound and felt like a bad TV screen.

Is it an important organ that has been injured? Is there a big bleeding in the lungs? She vaguely thought, why is it just a knife, and she is almost on the verge of losing consciousness?

I have not suffered any more serious injuries before...

Long Er seems to have found her wrong, but his shouting sounds like a lot of heavy water, when passed to her ears, there is only a little syllabic syllabary left. In the dim vision, the more blurred and dim, she had to smash her eyes several times before she saw the corpse stand up again from the ground. Without the wound between the chest and the abdomen, its limbs seemed to gradually coordinate. And the action is also more sensitive and quicker.

……Oh shit.

Lin Sanjiu turned and left, but the footsteps were heavy and did not listen, and the shoulders suddenly hit the shelves.

"First Aid Kit," As her spirit began to get worse, the voice of Yi teacher became erratic. "The gift package must have given you a first aid kit. He can't give it... you look for it..."

There seems to be a black hole in the chest and abdomen that is getting bigger and bigger, and it has swallowed up her unknown physical strength. Lin San wine slammed into the ground and climbed up trembled; she subconsciously called out a box-like square thing, and put it on the ground, but then it was a liaison.

“First aid kit,” she murmured, but the meaning of the three words meant to her was not as great as the next two words: “The gift pack...”

The body behind him dragged his hands and feet, bent his head, and the "shasha" came to her at a high speed, almost as a shadow. Lin Sanjiu gathered up the strength that seemed to be dissipating in the body. She climbed up and stumbled and ran forward. The wound hurt her body and made her breath more difficult than a while; as an evolutionary, she actually It is rare to have such an empty powerlessness and vulnerability.

After thinking about it, Lin Sanjiu could not help but float a smile.

The injury on her body now comes from the body; for the body, it is a fatal injury. According to its principle of "returning teeth", he may have died directly after the injury... The reason why he can stand up and run is probably because her constitution is far superior to the average evolution.

She swayed to the other side of the warehouse, and she did not think that she had no chance to stop breathing when she was so seriously injured. Long Er was standing at the other end of the warehouse without a wall, and looked at her and shouted: "You are very hurt? No medicine?"

Lin Sanjiu waited for an answer, and he fell to the ground again. The gift package must have left her with first aid measures, but without knowing the name, she could only open the card library and look for it one by one.

Long Er looked at her and hesitated, suddenly bowed his head and took something out of his arms.

"Give you," he seemed to make a lot of determination: "You have helped me a lot, I have no better things, I have to throw them in!"

As soon as the voice fell, a round black shadow flew straight into the copy—Lin Sanji stood up with his teeth and caught the round thing; it seemed to smell the **** smell. Come over, took a head out of the body, and then rushed to her chest and abdomen, long like a snake.

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