Doomsday Wonderland

: 862 Warnings, warnings, be sure to watch!

. . . If you look down from the sky, what would the Orangery look like?

In the shade of the green, there is a forest with a round yellow ball. Does it look like a branch with fruit?

If this is the case, then it must be a harvested orchard. After walking for twenty or thirty minutes with Bohemia, Lin Sanjiu saw more than ten huge oranges; the messages on the oranges were varied, confusing, interesting or quirky, but they did not see them. The words "consciousness starry sky".

“The miscellaneous fish are miscellaneous fish,”

Bohemia went hot, and rolled up a brown soft curl in his hand, revealing a white neck. She is not happy at the moment: "Those who can't even get into the starry sky, but still have a good time to leave their experiences... It's a place where the oranges are occupied in vain."

Lin Sanjiu closed his mouth tightly and did not say anything. According to this standard, she is also among the "miscellaneous fish" - since Bohemia can't find the target, she only enters the consciousness star with her miscellaneous fish, so she is not only disappointed, but also The child’s plan is successful.

"Why are you so silent," Bohemia was not happy when she spoke; she didn't talk, Bohemian didn't seem happy: "You are playing another idea, aren't you!"

"...there is no experience of leaving a starry sky. It doesn't mean that others can't get in. You can't do this logic."

"you shut up!"

"I obviously didn't talk, I just told you what I wanted to say. It's really hard to serve."

While bickering, the two walked into the depths of the forest along another forest path that was stepped on. There seems to be no other evolutionary person in other classification areas. In the woods, only Bohemian screams of scorpion screaming in faintness; when she walks all the way, she is angry all the way, and if there are several times, it is not a reminder of Lin Sanjiu. She almost missed the oranges.

However, since Bohemia can put his mind on the tongue of the tongue, it seems that the orangery is not dangerous.

Looking at her lingering around another orange, Lin Sanjiu stood in the same place and yawned. After seeing so many oranges, she saw that her eyes were spent; she couldn’t see who left the message from the message title, so she had lost interest.

"Are you watching?"

"Yes, yes," she said as she looked at the mask in her hand. Bohemian suspected that it was ugly, and she was not allowed to wear it, so that she always felt empty and uneasy.

"Don't see the starry sky?"

"I can't see my nearsightedness."

"You are nonsense - hey, what is this?" Bohemian just raised the door and suddenly fell again.

This sentence evokes the curiosity of Lin Sanjiu, a few steps around the orange, and finds that she is leaning against her chin. The lines on the orange peel form the words "Warning, warning, be sure to watch!"

"It says you must watch it," Lin Sanjiu pointed at it. "Don't you go in and see?"

"You are not saying that you can't see it clearly!" Bohemia screamed at her, then turned and left: "I want to see you, I don't see!"


"When people say it must be seen, you really go? Why are you so deceived?"

...only I don’t want to be told by her.

"Wait," Lin Sanshui caught up and grabbed her sleeves - she always wore fluttering wide-breasted sleeves, but it was very good: "Are you mistaken?"

Bohemia gave her a blank look: "What am I doing wrong?"

"Don't you say that these titles are all based on the content of the orange peel? It means that the copy thinks we need to see this news, right?"

Bohemia opened his mouth and squatted for a while.

"Of course I know this kind of thing," she slammed the hand of Lin Sanjiu and walked over to the other side of the orange: "But I have no time, I want to see you. Every time I read a message, I have to use a message. Exchanged; my experience is not unlimited, I don’t want to see anything."

Lin Sanjiu didn't keep up, and looked back at the message.

She was whipped up and wanted to know what was in the message, but she was a bit worried about whether Bohemia would take the opportunity to run away - in her hesitant effort, Bohemia turned around the orange After a round, I walked back to her and looked up at the orange peel like her.

"You go," Bohemia apparently got on the heart. For a moment, it was not good to change his mouth. He only encouraged Lin Sanjiu: "You have not left a message in the Orangery, so there should be a lot of See what I do? What do you mean by this smile?"

"Nothing," Lin Sanshui cleared his throat. "I just don't quite understand how to do it."

"Oh," Bohemia suddenly came to the spirit, hurriedly set up his long hair, and smiled at her with a rare smile: "I will go in with you to see! But the exchange of things for you."

It turns out that two people can watch together - wait, go in?

“Be clear to you first, oranges can judge the value of a message. The higher the value of a message, the more times it can be viewed by people; the lower the value, the more likely it is to disappear from the orange once and twice. The second time you look at a message, you must also provide a message of similar value."

Bohemia took off his coat and rolled up his sleeves and trousers, seemingly preparing for "going in." She has a little movement, and when she is in the jewellery, she will be screaming in the local area. She does not know how she is wearing this large string of necklaces. The bracelet anklet survives: "Of course, if the owner who originally left the message indicated that you can If you watch the message, you can leave no message. Some people find a teacher, which is like 'class.'"

Lin Sanji couldn’t help but think of Black Zedong.

"That... how does my message give it?"

"After we go in, the orange will find you, and then you just have to go through the complete message in your mind." It’s a strange thing. It sounds so natural in the mouth of Bohemia: "Once the oranges determine that your message is of equal value, it will start for us."

"I never thought I would ask this sentence," Lin San wine sighed. "Do we have to drill into the orange peel?"

"That's not it?" Bohemia gave her a look, and it was a matter of course.

"……you first."

It looks like a woman with a golden brown elf. When she swears a word like "the heart of a villain", she walks back a few steps and runs on the top of the orange.

Lin Sanjiu leaped up and fell to her side. I couldn't see it when I was underneath, until she climbed up and found out that the top of the orange was different from the ordinary orange. There was a thick crack in the center of the orange peel, and there was a glimpse of the magma. The color is as if it is a life.

Bohemia put his hand into the crack, and the orange peel slowly grew bigger and bigger. She turned back and greeted "Come on!", grabbed Lin Sanjiu and took her and jumped together.

... no wonder this copy should choose orange as the appearance.

As soon as Lin San’s wine fell in, it was a bit confusing: the orange inside was actually like a orange petal, separated into several spaces according to the message. Since the same message was selected, both of them fell into the same one at this time. In the orange petals.

“Paying,” Bohemia pointed to a yellow-white nucleus that floated in front of a large head. “Think about what you want to exchange in front of the nucleus.”

Lin San wine squeezed past her, her back to her, and her eyes closed.

She is very confident about her carefully selected experience – she is overwhelmed, and taking a casual experience is a rare battle experience among evolutionists, let alone this one?

Sure enough, she passed the "exchange" almost immediately.

When Lin Sanshui turned around, Bohemia was staring at her.

"Do you have any hidden hands," she said slyly. "If I attacked your back just now, will my attack be bounced?"

"Rebound?" Lin Sanjiu gave her a look. "How old are you? Don't be stupid, the preview seems to be starting soon."

Before hearing Bohemia's return, she suddenly felt that she was pulled, and then fell into a fog - then she understood, she was pulled into the rehearsal scene.

Before she saw the surroundings, she "listened" to see a strange voice and said lowly: "...this is the seventeenth month?"

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