Doomsday Wonderland

: 887 Pickle Rick!

This sentence suddenly came as a result, Lin Sanjiu did not understand what he meant: "Ah? I can lead you... Are you injured?"

Spartan smiled at her, and in a scattered golden shadow, the contrast between the bright green eyes and the white teeth was almost shocking. "Then let us go," he said lowly and dumbly, then stood up.


Lin San wine, a glimpse of his shadow, his body temperature and a touch of fig, at the same time caged her, but also with a hint of **** suffocation. She screamed, couldn't help but look back at him; Spartan put his hands in his trouser pockets, bowed his head between her neck, and the messy blond hair and gentle breath gently tickle on her skin: "You guys Go out first, stay away from the church, do you?"

Bohemian always refused to look at him, only staring down at the ground; his voice fell, she immediately rushed to the door like a fugitive. Lin San wine subconsciously followed up, until Sbaan slammed the door behind them, and she returned to God.

She stood at the door and thought about it, telling Bohemia to go back with her.

"What?" When Spartan disappeared from his side, Bohemia's brain resumed normal operation and seemed to start breathing again.

“Don't you let us stay away?”

Lin Sanjiu didn't expect it, she only had time to say such a sentence, and in front of the darkness, she jumped out of dozens of shadows. The two were taken aback, just about to meet, the gaze fell on the face of the five facial features with different skin colors and the look of numbness; they immediately realized that these were dolls and hurriedly closed their hands to the side. Flashed over.

When the dolls rushed from their side like the tides, they looked at each other and each other floated another layer of different meanings.

"They... all went to the church." Bohemia whispered, as if afraid of letting anyone hear it.

Lin San wine bit his lip and he looked back hesitantly.

What do you want to do?

"Spartan let us out because...?" Bohemia did not say the second half.

The half-broken church in the night, faintly and quietly standing in the grass and vines. The pale moonlight is like the rest of the lips of a dying person. It is not so much that it reflects the vision, it is more like it is about to sink into the endless darkness. Both of them were a little uneasy. After waiting a few seconds, Lin Sanji coughed and wanted to ease the atmosphere through chat: "What happened to you?"

"What is going on?" Bohemia is still stupid.

"You crashed when you saw Spartan," she said bluntly. "I have never seen such an exaggerated reaction."

Even if I don't understand what the crash means, Bohemia's white eyes have to turn to the back of the head: "What are you talking about! I am not used to this kind of person, nothing more. He... He looks quite shocking. Force."

Among the people who have seen Spartan, they seem to think that the descriptions of “impact” and “shock” are more appropriate than the “smiley” and “good-looking” descriptions.

"You'd better get used to it earlier." Lin Sanjiu reminded her, "After all, let him join us in the sky of consciousness, you can't behave like a disabled person when you arrive."

Although she couldn't figure out why Spartan seemed to be a little special to her - of course, it was absolutely impossible for men and women - but because of this, she was also very confident that Spartan would not refuse to help her.

"You are disabled, don't mention him," Bohemia turned irritably for two laps. "Why do you want someone to go to exodus? What do you know about him in the 12th world?" She pushed down The voice, "mad dog!"

"Today is a friend, tomorrow is a doll." The more she said that her face was whiter, she was so anxious that she could not shake the Lin San wine and shake this crazy thought out of her mind: "How do you want to die?" Exodus is dead outside, there are so many things in my room..."

"We are not friends." Isn't it? Lin Sanjiu sighed.

"Is that worse?"

"He accidentally said that he would not kill me once. I think he is still very creditable..."

Bohemian looked at her desperately, as if she had no medicine to save.

Lin San wine opened his mouth, just want to say something more, a loud bang suddenly almost shocked her heart. The two retraced back a few steps, looked up and saw that the abandoned church slammed down half in the dusty fog - the church roof seemed to become a non-resisting cloth, The vacuum that does not exist in the airflow “sucks in” and can no longer support it. It collapses and collapses.

The snarl of the ground roared for a moment, and the two women were a little bit stunned.

Is the screen-like bed of the doll teacher hanging on the roof?

"I, let's run now," Bohemia's eyes lit up. "They may not be able to talk about each other. They fight. They have nothing to do with us. They just can get out... Hey, where are you going? !"

Lin San wine rushed to the shadow of the church, as if it was just the illusion of human eyes.

"What are you doing?" She screamed aloud, but before she approached the church door, she smothered another shadow from the shadow and slammed it straight toward her - Lin Sanjiu slammed her feet and fish. With a flexible turn, he escaped from the doll.

But she escaped one, but she couldn't hide more people who came out after the door. One of them manipulated a ball of the same size as a bowling ball, and the bones rolled out of the church. When it was like a wave of water, it drowned a large area, forcing Lin Sanjiu to be in a hurry.

"Pulse away!" The puppeteer's lack of strength, the slight breath of breathing, rang from the church.

Lin Sanjiu was stopped by several people. After several times, he did not rush out of their encirclement; he had to shout at another more reasonable person: "Sbaan! What are you doing? Why do you want to Break the roof?"

It is impossible for the doll to smash the roof.

"Assassinate him," Spartan replied. His voice is very special, even if it is separated by a distance, it still seems to be whispering in his ear: "Don't get him down first, how to assassinate?"

"Wait, you don't know -"

Lin Sanjiu failed to finish this sentence, and he was hit by a person's ability.

She didn't expect the puppet teacher to attack her unexpectedly at this festival. She didn't know what power the doll had. It was just that the bones and muscles of the body seemed to be sore and drenched. The pain was almost all tightened. Wrinkled up. The pain always felt very long. When the glare was hard to extinguish from the front and the blood slowed down again, Lin Sanji gasped and snorted, realizing that his vision was short.

... is a lot shorter.

It was not a short method from one meter eight to one meter six; she blinked and looked at the clumps of weeds and dolls in front of her eyes, and could not understand what happened.

"Lin San wine?"

It wasn't until Bohemian trembled and yelled at her, Lin Sanjiu turned and glanced at it; the body felt strange when it moved, as if the neck was not big enough - she looked back and stared at the waves Simia, and his own half of the green body.

After a few seconds, Bohemian voice rang from a faraway place.

"You have become a cucumber."

Cucumber? !

In addition to the five senses, the mouth can also be opened, Lin San wine's hands and feet are gone - even when she is shocked under the shock, she feels that her "neck" has bounced back, just in line with the slender tail of the cucumber That point is slightly elastic.

The couple saw her as a cucumber, and immediately turned away and quickly disappeared behind the church door.

"The luck is very good," the church shimmered, and the remaining walls continued to tremble in the muffled sound of the force; even if they were in battle, the puppeteer gasped and sneered: "Suck at once The worst prize in the middle."

Hit her doll, no matter what evolutionary ability, this ability must be limited; "change the shape of the opponent's species" is too powerful, so the restrictions must be great - Lin Sanjiu thought I feel that this restriction is likely to be a time constraint. I shouted at the moment: "Bohemia! Take me away!"

"What are you doing?" Bohemia refused to move. "Scrambled eggs?"

"Stop it!"

"You don't have to worry about it. They fight when they fight, what do you put together," Bohemia was very upset. "Wait, I licked the rope and you have to hold it."

But before her rope came over, Lin Sanjiu felt that his body suddenly became loose, and he reopened his limbs in a warm stretch. Her previous guess is correct. The ability of the doll is not only limited by time, but also the ability to continue to be short-lived. The more powerful the ability, the stricter the restriction.

She looked at her hands and feet unbelievably, and quickly climbed up. In the short tens of seconds she turned into a cucumber, the church did not know when it had been re-dark and quiet. Lin San wine was just about to go up, and the church door was pushed away from it.

Spartan squinted his shoulders and walked out the door, his face seemed to be more exhausted. He took off his dark blue uniform and hung it in his arms. He couldn't see any injuries or injuries. When the two looked at each other, he bit his lip and smiled at her slightly. The next night, the green eyes of the lake seemed to rippling. Soft, but enough to shed light.

"Let's go," Spartan was still gentle and affectionate. "Take us to your medical room."

Lin Sanjiu glanced behind him.

A tall man---it is obviously only a doll--with a black shadow in his arms that is as thin as a dead leaf, and walked out of the church. I don't know what method Spartan used, and the doll even followed him step by step, without any other action.

"Too stubborn," Spartan sighed as she saw her face confused. "Don't you want him to go to the medical room? You don't have to use force to make him lose consciousness. He won't go to it. But I don't know how to do it. I'm afraid it's not finished yet."

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