Doomsday Wonderland

: 898 was rushed to a distance

What happened?

Bohemian glimpsed in the heart, threw the cloth and rushed into the room. The room is full of thick and sticky blood and scent, and a bed is immersed in the soft light from the skylight. The yarn is white and the shadows are hidden. .

That is Yu Yuan?

For a moment, Bohemia had not reacted to what the figure he saw was wrong; until Bliss suddenly strode near the bed, she was so excited that she woke up God--"He, he is... ...?"

"Come on!"

Bliss turned her head and screamed at her, and quickly plucked the curtain.

At first glance, Bohemia could not help but be surprised. The man's contours, skin and hair are all young and full of vitality. Even if he succumbs to death, he can't erase the kind of vigorous force; however, his face and body are covered with dark blue tattoos, and the complex patterns are densely packed. Covering every inch of skin, people can't see what it looks like.

The only certainty is that his shadow looks so sloppy because he is about to send it right away.

"He's been there?" Bohemia didn't know how to do it. He asked both hands and bent over.

It is not bliss that answers her.

"...No, no." The man who was Yu Yuan’s eyelids trembled a few times, slightly opened, and his eyes dried up dryly. When he saw Bohemian, he seemed to glimpse, and then turned his eyes: "bliss..."

"She is a friend of Lin Sanjiu. It was originally coming to pick you up." Bliss immediately understood what he was asking - she always seemed to be watching the hearts of the people.

"Little wine...?" Yu Yuan vomited and floated up with a look that couldn't tell whether it was a bitter smile or a sigh. He asked weakly: "Is she alright?"

His lips and skin are bloodless, and his black and blue tattoos are black and white. However, this sharp contrast is gradually fading, just like a cloud shadow is thrown into the water, and it will soon be blown away by the wind.

"It’s very good, but why did you not send it away for a long time? The transfer is generally very fast." Bohemia asked the sentence casually, but suddenly he looked, and asked: "Wait, you Just said that it is not... What does it mean?"

"I still have four months..." Yu Yuan had to stop and change his breath and said slowly: "It’s time to transfer."

Even as expected, Bohemia is still stunned. She came back and forth and looked at Yu Yuan again. She found that the young man was exposed to the fingertips outside the quilt and was almost completely invisible. By fading a nail outline, she could directly see the twill of the sheets below.

Bliss was also surprised. He looked at him up and down and frowned. "But you really have to send it... I can't admit it, your body has begun to be translucent."

"Yes... It’s like this from the beginning. It’s been a few minutes... I don’t know...” Yu Yuan said here, suddenly biting his lip and stunned himself, not knowing what he thought.

He also thought of the flood.

Bohemia looked at him, I do not know how to float this thought.

"Are you remembering the wrong day?" Bliss asked softly on the side.

Bohemian scrutinized the presence of bliss, did not dare to speak too clearly, thought about it, had to take out one of the paper cranes that Lin Sanjiu gave her, and planned to tell the news when Yu Yuan did not send away. She - not only did it start transmitting, but even the length of the transmission itself is no longer certain; Yu Yuan's transmission process may continue to delay, and may disappear at any time.

This is the first time she witnessed a problem with the transmission mechanism.

... All previous experiences and references have not worked.

This translucent man lying in bed seems to be a fragment of the Wanzhang Building that falls apart and flies down; it means that she has been used to the rules of the world since she was a child. She is familiar with and adapts to all the rules of life. She grows up and can't say exactly. The hometown that I like or dislike will soon begin to collapse.

Until this moment, Bohemia had an unprecedented sense of reality for the Flood.

When she took out the paper crane, she found that her nail polish flashed a glimpse of the blue light, and when she looked closely, she realized that her finger was shaking.

Not only the fingers... but also a slight cold sweat in my hand.

The torrent of the body is involuntarily a piece of fallen leaves, to be rushed to the endless loneliness and the unknown, more than anything to panic.

"...fortunately, I have already prepared my visa," just then, half of the bliss was sent to Bohemian ears. She was taken aback, clenched the paper crane, and looked up at the two people and asked, "Is there a visa?"

"Bliss gave it to me," Yu Yuan looked at himself gradually transparent, but still held up the body of the quilt, his face was not very beautiful: "She knows... I want to go to God's love."

"It happened that there was a visa officer to fill the head." Bliss bowed his head and smiled at Bohemia. A red dress was like a fiery cloud in the sunset, lining her skin cold and white: "... got a dozen pieces from him. Visa."

God's love... The more peaceful and gentle the name, the closer it will be to hell. This is the experience that Bohemia has summed up over the years. She didn't understand why Yu Yuan was going to go to that world, but now it is too late to ask, who knows how much time Yu Yuan still has - she hurriedly recorded the situation in the paper crane, smashed her hand and watched it rushing The ground flew into the sky and disappeared from the small window above.

"Now there are visas that may not be insured."

Bohemia said lowly, and sat down at the bed.

Yu Yuan apparently understood the meaning of this sentence very quickly. His face was not white. Bliss turned his head and looked at two people. He frowned slightly, but did not ask anything.

After hesitating for a few seconds, she whispered: "You haven't gotten hurt, what about going to the new world?"

Yu Yuan raised his eyes and looked at the top of the gauze for a long while before he took a long breath.

"What can I do?... Take a step and take a step." He said hoarsely, it seemed to smile, but the breath only spread out.

There was no one in the room for a time, only a piece of death gradually became heavy, pressing on everyone's heart. The air is soaked with blood and suffocating, giving up the entanglement, stagnation and turbidity attached to the person's side. After a few minutes, Yu Yuan only smiled bitterly and broke the silence: "...I am still there."

It is still there, but most of the body is completely transparent. Only the chest, shoulders and head still have color and contours - although the process of transmission has been prolonged for a long time, the process of gradually becoming transparent and eventually disappearing seems to be unstoppable.

Is he already in another world below his chest? Bohemian could not help thinking.

"What are you special items, are you there?" she asked coldly. Caring for people is not her usual style, but the man in front of him - Bohemia does not know why, she is not willing to imagine the possibility that this hurtful person will be caught in a world after being caught off guard. .

Who knows when, when it falls under this cruel iron fist, it will become itself?

Yu Yuan just nodded. His chest was invisible, and the light transparency swallowed his neck.

"So -"

Not waiting for Bohemia to finish a sentence, slammed into a small white shadow from the skylight in the head, the speed is far higher than before, it seems that the situation is urgent; the paper crane falls on her On the hand, Lin San’s fast, anxious but still organized voice was immediately heard: “Yu Yuan, I am too far away from you, I am afraid that it is already late. You must remember the ones I told you. The experience of God's love... But without a liaison, your plan may not be possible. Bliss!"

Bliss didn't seem to think that he would suddenly be named, with blue eyes turning.

"The last time I dropped a special item in your building, haven't you forgotten it?" Lin Sanjiu's tone is determined not to leave a little room: "After the battle, you must recycle it afterwards. Now, I I hope that you can hand over that [combat item] to Yu Yuan."

When a few people were stunned, she had already explained the use of [combat items] fluently - Bohemia was almost stupid, and it was worthwhile to think of what it would change. How much is it - listen to Lin Sanjiu and continue to say: "Yu Yuan, you have contacted the contact, you know how to use [combat items] to imitate a contact. I... my brother, should still be Near the love of God, you open your eyes from the love of God, the first thing to contact him immediately!"

Somehow, when she said "the younger brother", she was a little hesitant. It seemed that she was not sure what the other person was.

"Remember, I got in touch with him the first time, saying that I let you go, I must let him pick you up right away!"

Yu Yuan slightly picked up his mouth and squinted at the paper crane.

The bliss has disappeared from the room like a cloud of fire. After the paper cranes and thousands of people said a note, she emerged from the corner of the room; she seemed to need no doors and windows at all, and she could freely shuttle back and forth from the building.

Yu Yuan has no hand to go with the [combat item]. He opened his mouth and bliss pinched the little thing in his teeth and whispered at him: "Thank you for staying with me for a few days... take care."

Bohemian bowed his head and held his hands tightly around his shorts. When she looked up again, the paper crane was quiet, and the daylight lit up the dust, the gauze and the bed, and there was no one there.

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