Doomsday Wonderland

: 918 learned to use

"Block them!"

For the first time tonight, the voice behind the door became so utterly exhausted that it was simply worried about his vocal cords. Lin Sanjiu and the long-handed fight ended in just a few seconds, but the man spent almost half a minute before finally understanding the reality at hand - his "small hole" It has become a dead flesh that is full of holes and has no effect.

Just a ten-minute fight, the "third creature" he regarded as a treasure has a sudden death and a total abolition; the man behind the door has almost lost his reason, and even the words are confused by anger: "All! You all! Be sure to kill them on the spot!"

Lin Sanjiu glanced back at the dark shadow in the distance and took a deep breath.

"Are you back to normal?" She did not look back and whispered.

"What is normal?" The long voice is full of resistance and ridicule.

It seems that it has returned to its original state.

"Then I don't have the extra energy to control you," Lin Sanjiu will solve the problem from the back of his hand. He tied the laces around the boot with a lace: "I don't expect you to cooperate, you only Don't drag me on the hind legs."

The long foot sprayed a sigh of relief from the nose, and a long umbrella was thrown into the darkness ahead.

The "small hole" and the opposite creatures, as the third form of human beings different from the fallen species and the evolutionary, have the dual changes of form and ability; [the empty hand] can actually work in the "small hole" I really have to say that she is lucky.

... The most important thing is that since it can take away its ability, it also shows that it can be used again.

Lin Sanji looked at the front and gently patted his hand on his chest. In the next second, she disappeared from the place and jumped into the night.

The feeling of this battle is too weird, because she has no idea what her enemies are like.

When her hands slammed on a humanoid shadow, the blast was only a piece of debris in the sky; then, shortly after she saw Huoran open an umbrella shadow, rushing in that direction, But almost slammed into an anemone bigger than a human, swaying.

After being almost wrapped in the anemone again and again, she finally found an opportunity to tear the center of her body with a swirl of airflow at the moment when it opened its tentacles. She has been lining up on the layers of black shadows, and her body [protective field] is constantly shining white light - which means she is constantly being attacked, even though she does not know where the attack she suffered came from.

"Replenishment! Continue to replenish!" The voice of the man behind the door rang loudly. He could hear his heartbreaking after so far: "I don't believe that so many children can't stop her." A person!"

Then, just try it.

Lin Sansheng breathed a sigh of relief and raised a smile that could not be seen in the darkness. In her hand, the wolf teeth suddenly made a semicircle, and cut the night into two halves with a silver line. Then, I only heard something screaming after the silver line.

The cry was still not falling. She had already wrapped herself in the wind and rushed to the creature. Her consciousness rushed out and locked it firmly under her palm. In the darkness, I can't see the appearance of the creature. It is probably as big as a large dog. When she just held it down, the creature couldn't help but confide.

"I, I want to go out from here," he said, stuttering and shivering. "I remember the world outside is big, there are seas and sky... I hate being locked in a glass box, please, me. Tell you the exit, take me away with you!"

“Where is the exit?” Lin San’s eyes lit up.

"Chong, break through this encirclement," the things under the palm, in the darkness, look a bit like a deformed baby with a giant head. Although the mouth is still fluent, it seems to be more and more difficult to talk: "break through it... ...calling, behind, there is a small, small road behind the encirclement..."

It trembled and said nothing, and the last few words were almost inaudible.

Lin San wine suspicion just released a little consciousness, the deformed baby-like thing slammed a deep breath of air, as if finally no longer have to fight with any strength; then, it suddenly changed its tone And shouted: "I can break the 'temptation point' that the enemy can use!"

How is it suddenly -

“If a baby’s crying sounds at the door of a female residence, many women will instinctively open the door to see the situation. This is the 'temptation point' they can use!” The deformed baby-like monster continues to say loudly, as if it had been wound up. I can't stop it: "This is my ability!"

Lin San wine, a sudden, a little understand.

"I can break the "temptation point" that you can use. You have the ability to get a small hole, it is full of confidence to use it to counter us!" The deformed baby speaks quickly, as if Speak faster, you have to blow up its chest: "So this is your 'temptation point', no matter what I say, you will think that the ability to be a small hole started and is convinced!"

Lin San wine wiped his face with his back and gave a smile that he did not know.

The ability of "small holes" that people can't help but talk about should be attacked until now...? When she wanted to come, she struggled for a while before she began to confide her thoughts; this baby-like monster opened too early.

"I understand," she loosened it completely, knowing that it would no longer be hostile to herself - unless it happens to have a "empty hand". She smiled slightly, standing back to it and standing still, holding the silver-like arc slowly in front of her eyes.

The baby-like creature quickly turned over and climbed away; Lin San didn't return, and stepped on it, nailing it to the ground in its screams.

"Continue to confide," she whispered. "... Whether it's your ability or your companions' ability, any thoughts that float up on your heart will be poured out."

The baby-like creature wheezed for a few seconds, but still couldn’t resist the ability of the "small hole". The voice hoarsely opened: "I, I am here for sixty-four days, every other place in the protection park." I have to screen the evolutionary ordinary people once a month... I like my new life... Eyeball, the eyeball is coming to you, you can't escape it... It is the worst of us..."


Lin San wine raised an eyebrow, and she felt a silhouette floating in the darkness not far away.

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