Doomsday Wonderland

: 920 Lin Sanjiu's fighting consciousness

The invisible whispering of the deformed baby sounds like it suddenly becomes distant and becomes a noisy background sound. Lin Sanjiu stood in the same place, his heel slightly grinded the ground, and then he giggled from his feet.

"You don't scratch me." In the open space that clearly felt that nothing existed, the command was issued sharply: "No. 3, shut up."

The deformed baby slammed hard, like someone who had caught his throat. It took a heavy breath for two seconds, and the power of the "small hole" finally gained the upper hand: "When I was released for a walk two days ago..."

Lin Sanjiu threw it on his back. [Tornado Whip] screamed toward the ground; at the same time, she jumped out and jumped out. The shadow of the "eyeball" was blocked by the gale of a long film, and when she thought that the thing under her feet was also trapped in the wind, the deformed baby behind could not help but say: "It, it is in your shoes. in……"

"No. 3!" The pointed voice really broke the night again: "Shut up!"

It apparently knows that the deformed baby is affected by the "small hole", but it is still called again and again. The thought of Lin Sanjiu has just risen, and then he is shocked and rushed away; A few boots, but did not feel anything in the shoes: "In the shoes? What do you mean?"

"number 3--!"

Under this scream, the deformed baby seemed to fall into some kind of pain immediately, stuttering for a while, and then said: "This is, this is No. 1. It can be integrated into any... Anything it wants to integrate Going to the environment or object..."

Does it incorporate its own boots?

"It's useless, don't think you can take off your shoes," the deformed baby squeezed a few words from the throat. "Without the shoes, you still have clothes. Can you still get rid of it? It can be integrated at any time." The object on you, because of this, you have no way to attack it... not only your attack, but the ability of the small hole will not be released to your soles, right?"

"Shut up!" The sound at the bottom of the boot was a few degrees.

This time, the sound of the deformed baby stopped short.

The ability of the "small hole" is still running, and Lin Sanjiu can clearly feel it; however, she also feels that the deformed baby is really going to shut up completely.

With a bit of shock and unwillingness, she squeezed the baby's neck and slammed it a few times; the monster's mouth was close together, only a few "squeaky" sounds - actually literally The ground "shut up".

However, the voice under the foot sighed with regret: "Are you still half a step late?"

What is half a step late?

Now I just want to ask again, the deformed baby can't answer.

Lin San’s arms lifted it far away, letting it continue to “snap” and fly to the distant “eyeball”; then she lifted her foot and saved her strength and slammed her The sole of the foot broke into the ground - the cement stone suddenly broke into the air, and a deep black hole was deeply trapped under the foot.

“It’s useless,” she said as she stuck the slightly numb right foot, and the voice still stuck to the sole like a piece of chewing gum: “I’m inside your boots... you have to smash the boots completely. Oh, but at that time, I changed places."

"What a **** is a dirty thing." Lin Sanji gasped and gasped, looked up and looked around. "What are you doing?"

"My task is to hand you over to the ‘eyeball’.” The voice said slowly, “I can’t always let you run around it, I want to go back and continue to soak.”

The word "to the eye" is so natural and logical, as if it is the easiest and most easy thing in the world, as long as you can open it -

Wait, Lin Sanjiu just raised this idea, and his heart suddenly tightened.

It can be done with a mouthful!

The ability of this No. 1 must be "a command that people can't defy it!"

At the same time that her consciousness was rushing to her ear, the voice really speeded up the speech: "You are now going to the ‘eyeball’...”

[Protection field] All of them are concentrated on her ears, blocking the hearing shielding from 7788, and the latter half is like the sound of rain across the glass window - but still can hear a vagueness.

Lin Sanjiu hurriedly called out a roll of toilet paper and quickly tore the next two pieces. The ball was stuffed into the ear hole. When she finished all of this, she noticed that her feet were moving forward step by step.

The order under No. 1 can even offset the ability of the "small hole"... She only felt that her belly was cool, and she slammed her tongue and forced herself to stop by the pain of the spirit. Steps - told her to breathe a sigh of relief, her footsteps really stopped.

Maybe because she didn't hear the second half of the sentence? The effectiveness has not been fully realized?

Lin Sanjiu did not dare to take risks. He stopped at the footsteps and immediately forced himself to step back and reopened the distance with the huge "cauliflower" not far away.

“Hey?” She groaned and heard a strange noise at her feet, but the words were very vague and lost the shape that could be discerned outside the toilet paper ball and palm.

Once you find yourself covering your hearing, you will definitely take the next step on the 1st -

But what would it be?

The space that can make Lin Sanji think, I am afraid that only a few seconds passed away; she loosened her hands covering her ears and looked down at her right foot.

Just now the deformed baby said that No. 1 can be integrated into the environment or objects... It not only regards this as a way of hiding and avoiding, but also can make a verbal attack on the target unexpectedly. If it was not the first task of it, it was to fight against the "small hole" and let the deformed baby shut up, so it also gave Lin Sanji a valuable opportunity. If she realized its ability, she must have become an "eyeball" now. A piece of dead meat under the eyes.

... If she is number 1, then she will only do one thing.

Or, she will only go to "one place."

The movement of Lin Sanjiu is as fast as lightning. Most of them thought that they could call her an unexpected enemy at speed. Now, even the bones don't know where to go, and this time is no exception. When the paper group in the ear slams, it seems to be rubbed by anything. At the time, her fingers had clipped it out in an instant, and then they closed tightly and wrapped the paper group firmly with consciousness.

The paper group looked like ordinary toilet paper, but she could not help but laugh.

"This is great," she said in a small box in her other hand. "I just think that there is not enough capacity."

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