Although the room is almost as wide as the station lobby, the size of the "scholar" still fills the upper part of it. Only under the superimposed and interlaced skeletons on the top of the head, there is still a space for one person to walk for the researchers.

The dim was torn into strips by the flashlight. In the cracked night, the "scholar" skeleton flashed several metal-colored reflections from time to time, which seemed to be the only response to the uninvited guest.

Lin Sanji stared at it for a while. Even if she didn't see it for the first time, she couldn't help but hold her breath in front of this exquisitely miraculous special item.

This thing in front of you is one of the foundations of the arsenal, at least the branch of the arsenal and the Yellow Springs. However, it was so alone and standing alone in the room, without any guards, the access control was not too strict, it really told her to be confused and happy.

Wouldn't it be a fake?

"You are like a bone shelf," she approached softly, her fingers crossed from the smooth surface of the "scholar": "Should not exceed two tons?"

In the next second, she responded to herself.

The metal skeleton that had been scattered all over the air had disappeared in a blink of an eye; a card swayed from the air and fell into her hand.

If exodus can be cardized like a scholar... she sighed in her heart and put the flashlight on the surface of the card. Spartan rarely asked her for a favor, but don't want to have a branch.

[Scholar] Two large characters are clearly illuminated by the light. The description, function, and traits are the same as what Spartan told her—this is true.

Lin Sanjiu can't believe her luck - she really took the "scholar" in her hand? that's it? No one rushed out, no traps, no traps?

She quickly put the "scholar" into the body, did not dare to stay for half a second, and quickly rushed out toward the door. It was still dark and quiet outside, without a trace of human voice; even when she jumped down the last few ladders and ran towards the commander tower in the distance, she still felt like a dream.

"Oh, yes."

Lin Sanjiu suddenly stopped and went back to the research building. This is one of the important places in the arsenal. Of course, a few hairs should be placed. Thanks to the task's completion, she will remember such a small matter.

The closer she gets to the commander's tower, the more she feels the uneasiness and turmoil that is getting hot in the air. Although every lane is still quiet and unmanned, there is more and more intense power undercurrent, and it seems that it will soon tear the calm surface - the five senses are not detected, but caught by her intuition.

When Lin Sanjiu rushed to the commander tower, she could not help but stunned.

When I looked at it, it was just a light-shadowed black shadow of a lighthouse. It didn't look anything special; however, it was only when she rushed to the vicinity that it was discovered that the tower was floating in the sky.

Standing on the ground, I have to look up and look into the air nearly two hundred meters high, in order to see the black bottom of the commander tower, cut a huge dark black oval shape.

Even the evolutionary can't jump into the height of two hundred meters with no land. Lin Sanjiu looked around without hope and found that the area was empty and the tallest building was just a few bungalows standing in the distance.

How to do?

The thought just rose, and the sound burst in the air, and the dazzling flames and airflow broke through the walls; countless gravel ash quickly plunged into the night sky. Not waiting for her reaction, the sharp alarm tweet has been circling and tearing the silence, and the "beep" sound accompanied by several bright lights that suddenly lit up, and the night was half-white.

"Intrusion alert!" I don't know where a distant shout sounded, "Get it right away!"

This is really **** too good.

Lin Sanjiu just turned around and suddenly remembered something and immediately stopped. Then, the weapon bag on her back fell to the ground - with it, and her black field suit jacket.

Who can think of being an evolutionary, sometimes the speed of changing clothes can also determine fate.

When she pulled the trousers across the field pants and hurriedly pulled the zipper, a group of people just stepped on the heavy and rapid footsteps. A dazzling light immediately hit her, and at the same time it blew a break: "Who!"

Lin San wine raised his hand subconsciously to cover the glare of his eyes, and the dark blue uniform belonging to the arsenal was in the aperture. When Spartan took off her uniform and gave it to her, she settled it up afterwards - I can't think of this kind of use today.

"Which department are you?" The man behind the light asked, though he was harsh, but immediately lost hostility: "Why is a person here?"

"The war department," Lin Sanjiu hurriedly replied, still blocking half of his face with his palm. Finally, she still remembers the department where Li Wen went to work in the army - she did not report to the security department of Spartan, because she did not know what happened to the department after losing the sergeant: "I... I am stationed tonight, just off Not far from here."

Judging from the reaction of the leader, her answer seems to have no flaws. That person obviously has more words to ask, but at this time, another dull shock hits from the air – no matter what kind of impact, its strength is surprisingly strong because Even the long, towering tower that floated in midair shook a little.

"Distributed alert!" The leader of the arsenal suddenly turned back and snorted. Except for a person who seemed to be a deputy did not move, when the ten people dispersed around the commander's tower, the leader led the hand to Lin Sanjiu: "You come over and join me for the time being."

If you mix in, you may have the opportunity to enter the commander's tower. Lin Sanjiu immediately responded, picked up the bag on the ground and walked behind the little head.

"You know, this bag is used to pack weapons in the equipment library." The deputy turned slightly and his voice was refreshing. "We never use it to carry things with us."

At that moment, it was too late to run.

In the distance, more members of the arsenal are rushing in this direction; the dozens of people who have just dispersed have blocked the retreat behind Lin San. She looked up at the light in the hand of the little head and looked up. The dark-haired man in front of him sighed low and sighed: "Li Wen is going down the river, I am looking for you."

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